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please say a prayer for zoey

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Thanks all for all your thoughts and prayers. Today, was the day. I made the appointment for euthanasia on Saturday for today. When I wokeup this morning she was sleeping on my head. She had to walk up onto all my pillows (like five). Her favorite spot but has been to sick to get there. Then she ran down and started barking out the window wagging her tail. Hmmmmm....I decided to start observing her like a nurse and not a mama. Her eyes were clear, her urine was yellow not brown tinged.She ate was I gave her ( just 1/4 of her normal proportions). Wanted to see if she could keep it down.She did. I called the vet... said I wanted to change the " euthanasia appointment to a vet visit." They didn't have a record of an appointment for euthanasia!!!! LOL! Well then.... if you don't have an appointment, neither does Zoey! Went into vet we did another liver panel and drained another 500 cc from her belly. Her Bilirubin level went down from 9 to 3. Her albumin level went up an entire point! YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!NOT out of the woods yet...cautiously optimistic! Poor girl is on sixteen pills a day, but she had a wonderful day! Nancy

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Zoey is the baby of the family. Everyone is involved! Sophie bringing to Zoey peanuts, I'm confiscating them. Her protein is limited. Ollie licking her, giving her a bath, she is getting annoyed. Thats good! Zoey has a chance.. I'm just thinking out of the box.. one of my best friends is a doctor, that deals with pancreas and liver issues. We are working like crazy to treat her. I HATE being the parent and treating her like she is a patient. But she is! I need to treat her like a patient. If I don't, she will die. I'm going to treat her, without my personal inflection. Nancy

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When we had our second baby CAG and he was suffering from PDD it affected his liver and our vet gave him milk thistle to aid his liver. It did help shrink the liver down to normal size as seen on his xrays. Just wondering if you might ask your vet about it for Zoey. She is not ready to leave you yet.

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What is weird about her tests, her liver is not enlarged, not cirrhotic looking. Good news. The liver failure is coming from another organ, most likely the pancreas. Pancreatitis takes time to heal. I'm willing to invest the time ( and money), to treat the pancreatitis. She ate nothing this morning. Whether it is disease related, or the two new antibiotics that are tough on the gut, hard to decide. I am so happy with my vet, in constant contact. ( I haven't bothered them... my vet has called me). Today we are going to skip the antibiotics, get the most important meds into her. I also was very surprised as animal hospital has called me. They are offering advice ( for free) as well. Whether it is something they normally do, or because she is the cutest dog you ever met, I don't care! I'm sensing a different opinion between my vet and animal hospital though. I've decided to use my nursing skills to make the final opinion. Nancy

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A new day.... and it is a good one! I held her lasix that makes her pee alot. meant to decrease her fluid buildup. Her abdomen was flat this morning and her mucosal membranes looked dry. My thoughts were " too much fluid removed, too fast!" I made the right decision. Got home from work... she is barking up a storm, gave her a snack, she pretty much almost ate my fingers. Not laying around, wants to play. I said " NO"... well maybe just a little! I couldn't reach my vet as we are having a horrible snowstorm and they closed early. Talked to one of my good friends who is a doctor of people. I had him read the five page report on the findings. We were in total agreement that is was vague, but pointed at the pancreas as being the culprit! While we treat humans with the same disease process it was a road unexplored with a dog. Our final diagnosis after reading the ultrasound, was pancreatitis. I'm treating her like she is a human. Surprise.... she is responding like humans do.I'm stopping short of putting in a PICC line, giving her parental nutrition and not allowing her to eat. Staying cautiously optimistic! Nancy

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Sad news. Sophie wasn't eating well past three days. I asked my boss to give me Thursday and Friday off . She did. Zoey fluctuated between being very ill... then perking up in the evening. She never left my side. She would drink, pee and give me kisses. This morning we had an appointment for another chemistry level, see where we stood. She had a seizure this morning, but I wasn't surprised as I couldn't get her medications into her. Went to vet, waited an hour and half, which was fine. They were so busy and we just were snuggling anyway. They drew her blood, returned her to me. When we got called into the room, the vet told me her lab values were sooo much worse and there was nothing more they could do. Within five seconds she went into a grand mal seizure. While I was protecting her head, vet said the frequent seizures is from the worsening liver failure. I made a quick decision, as she will sleep usually two minutes after a seizure, to euthanize her. I didn't want her to be afraid!!!!! That was soooo important to me! She was sleeping in my arms when they put her to sleep. The hardest thing I have ever done. Ollie is lost, Sophie is walking around looking for zoey! This is so very hard. Nancy

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Sincere condolences to you and your family Nancy. Zoey is blissful, pain free and waiting for you to join her again. It will be sad at your house and you will feel the great emptiness left by your friend's passing. Gradually you will find your smiles again. You did everything possible to help Zoey and give her a good life and a compassion goodbye. My heart is with you in these dark times.

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