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please say a prayer for zoey

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I know Zoey my pup is not a bird, but you guys are like family, and have always supported me. Zoey got admitted to the animal hospital tonite in liver failure and pancreatitis. I'm a wreck.I can barely type thru my tears. I KNEW she didn't feel well for past two days. Not eating well abdomen looked a little distended, her pee was dark even though she was drinking well. I should have recognized her symptoms! Ollie my other pup is wondering where she is, why I haven't gone crazy telling him how beautiful he looks after his haircut! ( Zoey at the vet, Ollie at groomers the same time). Sophie is going to " flip" tomorrow when she finds out Zoey isn't here. She certainly had to put herself to bed tonite as my vet appointment was at five, and I quickly dropped Ollie off from his haircut and took Zoey to the hospital. Nancy

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Nancy, I am so sorry you are going through this with Zoey. You have put her in good hands and I hope they can give her comfort. Please don't let yourself go down the path of blaming yourself for not knowing sooner. I have personally been going down this path since December with my own health and the medical studies have to go through a long process of ruling out everything else. You are a good mom and you have cared for her with all your heart and soul. I am hoping you get a little good news soon from her vet.

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Continued prayers for you and Zoey. My family's Labrador had the same issues when she was 7 yrs old. The doctors/vets did a great job and she was back to herself and happy and healthy a few weeks later. She lived another 6 years. I pray for the same outcome for you.

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Thanks all. Zoey still in the hospital. I visit her everyday. I was suppose to work until 9 tonite but it was quiet so I left early to go visit with her. She doesn't look good, but would perk up at times. Ryan spent 20 minutes on the phone with her and she listened intently. He is my " bird whisperer", so I hoped he could " whisper" some encouragement to her. I did tell her if she " was too tired, and was holding on for me"...not to. I want her to do what is best for her and I will be there. Going to start steroids tonite. Last ditch effort. She will eat some, but only if I'm there to feed her. So of course, if I'm not working, I'm at the animal hospital.Her lab values are worse. I'm taking her home tomorrow oneway or another. I have three days off, and as she is drinking and eating some, we have time to be together.I just want to make sure she is not in pain. Nancy

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So sorry for the conditions and limited choices you find yourself in with Zoey. Your love and inner strength will help you through the worst of times to be her rock and comfort. You have good instincts and will know what to do as the circumstances change. I am hoping and praying for a miracle for Zoey and for the best possible outcome for you as well.

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Thank you everyone! The support is so amazing and comforting! Zoey's lab test showed some worsening liver failure and she stopped eating and drinking last nite.I was in a dilemma today, wanted to make the right decision for her. Did ask the vet..." If this was your dog, what would you do?" I'm sure they hear that alot. She was honest....didn't know, but felt I could give her another 48 hours. I was only concerned that I wasn't being selfish, and she wasn't in pain. We decided that I would evaluate her when I got there. Zoey walked out to me wagging her tail expecting me to pick her up. Decision made. NOT time.I also had promised her when we first arrived at the hospital Wednesday " You're going to walk in... and you're going to walk out!" Deal? She pranced out of there!!!! Stopped at petsmart to pick her up pepperoni sticks, her favorite. I sent her to the hospital with a 50 pack... but they were all gone. I think I fed the entire hospital!!! LOL...happy to do so.She wanted to come in. It was puppy day... tons of babies she was walking around barking and wagging her tail.She has drank sufficient amount of water and ate three pieces of roastbeef. I cut her off.She has an appointment Monday for euthanasia...but I may change that to one more blood test. If liver values go down just 1/10th of a point...game changer.IV fluids and albumin transfusions.I will ask vet to let me do these at home.We took a nap on couch together this afternoon...phone woke me up. I missed the call but didn't miss the look of " total adoration" in her eyes...it was priceless! Nancy

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Poor Zoey, I know your heart is breaking but having her spend possibly her last days with you is a great comfort to her I am sure and who knows miracles do happen, praying this is the case, hang in there Nancy for we are here for you if you need us.

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I'm following her lead. She needs to tell me what I need to do. financially it sucks... at 2700 dollars. Not that I have a ton of money to spend....but I am more than happy to invest in her recovery. As of this moment... she has no interest in giving up. Thats not from me. I learned along time ago to listen to my birds and dogs. Zoey wants time to recover. I'm going to give her that time nancy

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