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please say a prayer for zoey

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Nancy I am so sorry to hear of Zoey's passing but it was the right thing to do at the right time, you gave her a few more days with you and made them the best she ever had, she knew she was loved, its never easy saying goodbye to a beloved pet but time will ease the pain and Sophie will help you with that.

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Hi Nancy,

I have been returning to this thread in hopes of finding good news for Zoey. My thoughts were with you both. I am so sad that she never recovered. The pain you must go through is tough. At least you loved with your whole heart and didn't hold back even though the pain now is intense. I think to love that much is worth it. Please know that others share your grief.

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I miss her so much! My grief is shared with all my animals. Ollie is confused and needing my support too.He is more independent, but has been sleeping with me past several nights. It is nice having my youngest home with me... he has been fantastic. He made me laugh when he told Ollie " If mom is forcing you to sleep in her room... bark twice! I'll save you!" Sophie is barking like zoey, so I know I will never forget her bark. Nancy

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I'm so sorry you've lost Zoey. Our pets bring so much love and life into our lives, but outliving them is often the price. We all know she was surrounded by the love of her family all her life, not just her last few days. If I was there I'd give you a big hug, so imagine you're getting one right now. Love from Marguerite and Dorian.

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Thank you all! I couldn't have done it without you. Went back to work today, everyone knows how important Zoey was to me and knew I would cry quite easily. They all made it easy for me, offering their support, letting me talk if I wanted too. Ollie is better today too. We are healing. It may be my imagination, but Sophie is hanging more with Ollie and he is responding. He lost his mate, but his best friend is there Nancy

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It made me laugh for your son to give a rescue signal to Ollie. Glad he was home with you to ease your grief and give you Sophie and Ollie some comfort. Slowly you will start coming to a new normal with the void your precious Zoey left in your home. Later you may have a loving tribute come to mind that will help you honor her joyful presence and make you smile. Maybe a small angel in your garden or a wind chime will gently remind you she is still with you forever in your heart.

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Nancy - that is fine! Everyone has to know their own limits. But, you are a woman, so changing your mind is also allowed! LOL I know I want more birds and a dog so bad! I also know I don't have the energy or the money to take care of them properly. So - no more animals for me. I get my doggie fix by puppy sitting my nephew's dog. You will help Ollie over the rough spots and life will be good again soon.

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I have always helped people I work with to connect with " rescue sites" to get a dog or a bird. As everyone knows I have lost my Zoey, they keep encouraging me to get another pup. Not going to happen... I know Ollie is sad, but my heart is closed for now. Probably forever. No more birds or dogs. Nancy



Nancy, you have every right to decide what you will do in the future, but from what I know about you from this forum, any of God's creatures would be blessed to have you as a mom. One of my favorite movies is "Shadowlands" where CS Lewis faces the loss of his only love and she looks at him and says "With love--pain is part of the deal." We only grieve when have loved. Sometimes the pain seems unbearable, but if you ever decide to open your heart and home to another dog, bird...cat...horse...whatever--I have no doubt it would be wonderful.

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JeffNOK... You made me cry! NOT in a bad way. I'm going to be cautious with my heart. Helping a friend at work, whom has never had a dog. Wants one now. Helping her pick a breed. Has a 13 and 16 year old.Perfect family dynamics...someone is home by 12 noon. Another friend has bought a baby Pomeranian... has an older spoiled one... she works 13 hrs a day three days a week. I have volunteered for " potty training", while she is working late. While helping friends, this will help me to heal. Nancy

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JeffNOK... You made me cry! NOT in a bad way. I'm going to be cautious with my heart. Helping a friend at work, whom has never had a dog. Wants one now. Helping her pick a breed. Has a 13 and 16 year old.Perfect family dynamics...someone is home by 12 noon. Another friend has bought a baby Pomeranian... has an older spoiled one... she works 13 hrs a day three days a week. I have volunteered for " potty training", while she is working late. While helping friends, this will help me to heal. Nancy



I had to laugh when you mentioned "an older spoiled" Pomeranian. Lol--is there any Pomeranian that isn't spoiled!? Beautiful dogs--but they thrive like no other when spoiled. I am so glad that you are helping your friends in this decision. I will pray for continued healing through this process.

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I am missing my girl sooo much! Last nite, had a total crying meltdown. I went to go to bed... Ollie barked " arff"( thats how he really barks), he waited for me to get to the top of stairs, then did his cute bark. I went back down and carried him up. He slept all nite with me. He wrapped his paws around my hand while petting his belly. He never left my side last night. Nancy

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I am doing okay. I worry about Ollie. He is so sad without a friend to play with. Sophie brightens his days. He is eating better, as he wouldn't eat well for first several days. I of course, feel the " loss " of Zoey like a ton of bricks to this day. But I need to focus on Ollie. I can focus my energy on rescues and friends that need help with puppies, but what do I do for Ollie? I work long hours, have always had two dogs that loved and played together.I feel I am being disloyal to Zoey on thinking of getting a friend for Ollie. IF I did... it would have to be after May as I would need Sean's help for training. On the flip side... It would be a ton of work training a new dog to love and accept Sophie. I don't want to risk Sophie's safety. TONS to think about... I just care now about Ollie's well being. I also worry that I wouldn't bond with a new dog, as Zoey was probably my bestfriend of all times! Nancy

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My daughters Zoe left us yesterday, gently & quietly at the vets office. Best memeory is her racing into a postal delivery jeep while the postal employed ducked & covered expecting the worst. all she wanted was a ride in the jeep, had to be bribed out of her idea. we then took her for a quick ride in daughters Baja.

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Ollie is doing better! Has decided to sleep with me at night but he sure doesn't understand that I hate my lips and up my nose licked! LOL! My girlfriend got her pomeranian puppy and says she is a devil! Her senior pomeranian loves the new baby, as I was sure she would.Can't wait to take care of her pups when she is working late. Nancy

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Nancy, I've just tuned back into this thread and am so sorry to learn of Zoey's passing. It is just so unfair that while for them, their lives are long, for us the time is always way too short. Even a long life, well lived leaves so much sadness when over. {{Hugs}}

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Thank you! Zoey was only eight, died young. She was the baby of the family.Ollie was very bonded to Zoey. Now that she is gone,we are bonding more. He sleeps with me nightly and enjoys pets and cuddles that she would never allow in bed. Our relationship is changing. He's no longer depressed, and knows we can comfort each other. I'm going to give it until May, to see if I have to get him a new friend, or if Sophie and I are enough for him. Sophie is also spending a ton of time with him. Bless Sophie's heart. She is quite empathetic and knows he is sad. Nancy

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