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Rascal & Charlie

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I have an 18 year old african grey Rascal who for the first time has laid three eggs. Wow what a suprise as we thought she was a he. Rascal is not too happy about the new baby Charlie at the moment but hope they can become friends. Rascal calls my three cats by name and says hello when we get home or if anyone pops in to visit. She says bye to us in the morning when we leave for work and asks if we want coffee when she hears the kettle boiling. She aslo asks for apple which she loves!! Rascal also calls my son Mark in my voice which gets Mark every time as he comes to asks what I need or calls Yes mom. She also calls me mom and dances to her favorite music with the words boogie woogie and makes a finger clicking sound. We are also not allowed to have a meal without a treat for her as she says want some when I am dishing up. Rascal said hello Charlie this morning and I have only had Charlie a week. They are the most amazing birds as they dont just mimic things they hear but associate sounds with things like the kettle boiling. She does not make a cat sound but calls the cat by name when they meow. The possibilities are endless They thrive on love an attention and beeing near you. Rascal and I talk all day.

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Hello Charlie and welcome to our family.

So Rascal turned out to be a she, well it happens but you do not want to encourage her to lay any more but let her keep it for a couple of weeks then remove it, also make sure she has nothing in her cage that resembles a nest and make sure she is getting enough calcium in her diet for laying eggs will deplete that.

Now that you have added a baby grey to the flock I doubt they will get along but they can learn to co-exist without getting into trouble, always supervise any time they are both out of the cage.

It sounds like Rascal is a very smart grey, is she a cag or a tag and how about Charlie?

We would love to see some pictures of both of them if you have some you would share with us.

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Thanks for joining us. It's always a pleasure to hear all the confirmations of the way I feel about these exquisite and complex creatures that have tugged at my heartstrings. No two homes and no two greys are the same. It is a wonderful experience to have a forum family to share their thoughts and advice.

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Rascal & Charlie are both CAG. Charlie is now weighing 388g and I am so proud of him. I saw a 4 month old african grey at the pet shop yesterday and I was amazed at the development by 4 months. Now I know what Charlie is going to look like. The transformation is so quick and their inteligance shines through even at Charlies young age. I am feeling so much better now that Charlie is not quite so fragile. He is holding onto my finger and sits on my hand unaided. A bit flappy but doing extreemly well. I will send some pics as soon as I have them down loaded. Rascal continues to show an interest in the little guy but have not put them too close to each other to date. Rascal is no loger fluffing up when Charlie is near her.

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Rascal was 6 months old already when she came home so was already doing everything on her own. Rascal also only goes to me and now and then visits my son Mark when he will walk over to Mark and sit on his lap for a while. She went to him happly after laying her first egg than changed again. Rascal is very loving with me and makes her feelings known by rubbing her beek on my face and making puppy sounds. She also tries to feed me which I try and avoid but she can very addimant at times. Rascal & Charlie had a full on conversation this morning with rascal calling Charlie and Charlie responding with little bird sounds. Charlie also has a lovely time scratching in the saw dust like a chicken scratching for food. Very funny to watch but not such fun cleaning up the saw dust. Charlie now has a full head of feathers and they even stand up when he fluffs himself. His wing feathers are covering his back now and he has quite a nice wing span when he stretches out. I must say hand rearing Charlie has been quite an exciting journey as I have never seen a tiny baby develope from such a young age and I am in absolute awe.

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