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Hi New Rescue Grey Owner! (long post)


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I've been lurking on this forum for a bit since I wasn't sure what kind of parrot my husband and I would end up adopting.


My husband and I fell in love with a sweet 27 year old CAG named Bingo at our local parrot rescue over the weekend and took him home. He suffered from a great deal of neglect and ended up a severe plucker. He does not appear to have suffered physical abuse at least.


The rescue told us that the previous owners were too scared to take him out of his cage because he was a 'biter'. They were so ill educated it makes me want to cry - it turns out the motion where the parrot touches your finger with his beak to establish that the perch is 'solid' was considered biting to them!! So their response was to lock him in the cage for years.


In the past I had a male Eclectus parrot so it is interesting to compare them. I loved my Eclectus, don't get me wrong, but WOW is the Grey so much smarter!


In literally ONE DAY he figured out my husband's name and started to call him BY NAME when he leaves the room. I figure in the past he had an owner with the same name but to associate it so fast is amazing.


He also figured out how to mimic the bluetooth connection sound (that high pitched ping) perfectly in one day. I actually went to turn off the speaker only to find it was already off. Not my favorite sound but oh well. Funny enough I had warned my husband that Bingo would chose that sound in the future since we cannot turn it off. I just didn't expect him to learn it so soon!


He is pretty quiet, but I think that is due to being ignored for so long. We are working to build up his self confidence.


I keep waiting for the 'big bite' because so far he has been an exceptionally sweet parrot even after suffering from neglect. He steps up with no hesitation and only does warning pressure if we try to do something he dislikes (such as touching his head currently). We are learning the boundaries he is comfortable with.


And I've read that Grey's can be picky about their food and hesitant to try new things so I was astonished that he will literally try anything we give him. He had some Bok Choy, slice of strawberry and a small piece of apple yesterday. He was grinding his beak and appeared to relish eating all of it.


I will be posting in other sections of the forum regarding the plucking to see if anyone has additional suggestions. I also made a vet appointment for later this week to make sure it isn't a physical problem.


Whew that was a long post but I'm just so excited to have a birdie in the house again!

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Hello Bingo and welcome to our family.

So happy you could give Bingo a new forever home and now all he needs is time and lots of patience on your part for him to settle into and feel comfortable in his new surroundings but he sounds like a real sweetheart.

Greys are very smart and pick up new things quickly but if you do not like a particular sound he copies then ignore it and reward the ones you do like, its not surprising that he is being very quiet, greys are noted for being one of the quieter of the parrot world with several vocal times during the day.

We would love to see some pictures of Bingo if you have some you would share with us.

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Welcome to our flock. And thank you for giving this poor angel a new home and chance at a good life. Having been in the rescue business, I have often seen newly adopted birds take to their new homes as though they've been waiting for them specifically. However, this could be a "honeymoon" period, and things may get a bit more testy after he settles in. Still, not to worry. I have a special place in my heart for pluckers, and will give more input after his vet visit. Good luck with your new companion.

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I have been taking some photos and videos of Bingo that I plan to download tonight when I get the chance.


And yes when he makes the ‘cute’ sounds we respond immediately with positive feedback and we just ignore the ones we don’t like. I have a feeling that as a Grey he is smart enough outwit us though…


I really can't wait until he really comes out of his shell. I know it could be months so I must be patient but I can sense a strong personality that he will eventually (hopefully) be comfortable with displaying.

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Welcome to our flock. And thank you for giving this poor angel a new home and chance at a good life. Having been in the rescue business, I have often seen newly adopted birds take to their new homes as though they've been waiting for them specifically. However, this could be a "honeymoon" period, and things may get a bit more testy after he settles in. Still, not to worry. I have a special place in my heart for pluckers, and will give more input after his vet visit. Good luck with your new companion.


I warned my husband (who is an inexperienced with birds) about the honeymoon period and fully expect Bingo to test his boundaries in about 2 weeks. A couple of bites won’t be bad since I know that at his heart he is a very sweet fellow. It is so hard being patient though when my personality is so impatient lol.

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Congratulations on finding Bingo and welcome to the forum. Not a day goes past that I don't marvel at the change in our lives with the adoption of a prehomed grey. We have our ups and downs but learn from everyone else here on the forum. I love how he came in and took your heart by storm. It just keeps getting better. I look forward to hearing more about your life together.

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Welcome to the Forum and Welcome Bingo :) I have a 4 year old rescued grey that plucks , for sure it has taken a lot of time patience working with him but he is so layed back and he is my baby :) he wears a sock buddy , heres the link incase you want to try it , he has been wearing them since the end of October and hopefully someday he will stop plucking and will not have to ware them any more , but for now it helps


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Thank you for the warm welcome!


I am considering the sock buddy depending on what the vet finds this Saturday.


I also ordered a humidifier and some other items to help in the meantime. We live in Arizona and it gets super dry indoors.


I look forward to hearing more about everyone's Greys :)

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Welcome! Congrats on your new baby! And thank you for adopting an older one! We have Gabby who by now is 23, but until her homecoming day comes around, we will say 22, lol. Your life is about to change for the better and be ready for new suprises everyday! I also have one who's name is Bongo and we call him Bingo Bongo all the time, so i love your guys name! lol Looking forward to the pictures.

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Update: Bingo is still settling in. He did try pushing his boundaries last night by putting pressure on my finger with his beak when I asked him to step up. I was firm and got him to step up - he had a surprised look (amazing how expressive those Grey faces are!) and didn't try to nip at me again.


I was expecting that behavior but was genuinely surprised that he felt comfortable enough to try and push his boundaries already.


Now this morning he did something I've never seen a parrot do before and I am puzzled. So puzzled I was late for work trying to figure it out :P


Bingo started going onto his cage grate and walking around and doing what I assume to be an alarm/distress call. He also kept tilting his head and staring at the cage paper (liner). I tried replacing the paper but he didn't stop the odd behavior. I did turn on a humidifier last night near his cage but I turned it off in the morning thinking it might be distressing him.


Other than that nothing changed in his environment. I did watch to make sure he could climb up (his cage is his original cage and has some loosish bars that can make climbing certain areas difficult). He ate some food and drink some water and then went back to walking on the cage grate.


My poor dog was hiding in our office because the alarm call is so high pitched it hurt his ears.


So aside from cleaning the grate carefully every night and changing the paper daily as well I'm not sure what to do. Any ideas?

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I think I just worry too much! Although when my husband expressed his concern then I was like OMG my worry was justified maybe he is DYING!! :rolleyes:


I'll just try to remain calm around Bingo and keep telling him everything is ok in a calm tone.


I know he has been enjoying our showers each morning since he sits with one foot on the shower curtain and one curled up while he chats with me.

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Maybe after all those years being cage bound he's developed a habit of pacing his cage? Or maybe his former caregivers weren't careful when they laid to cage liners and he's trying to get to the paper to shred it. I know if Dorian can reach through the grate to the paper he happily sits down there shredding it until mom catches him. Try giving him some paper to shredd. As for the sound, maybe it was a contact call in his old home. If you and everyone in the house ignore it 100% and respond and reward "good" sounds, it should extinguish. Good luck with your new buddy.

Edited by Acappella
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Love hearing about older adopted Greys, all of our flock are with us because something happened in their past lives making a new home and a new start their only option. We are most grateful that they have come to our hearts and homes. I think you will find many hints of his past and enjoy his journey into your hearts.

Almost forgot to add we have a Smoky Joe.

Edited by Greywings
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Maybe after all those years being cage bound he's developed a habit of pacing his cage? Or maybe his former caregivers weren't careful when they laid to cage liners and he's trying to get to the paper to shred it. I know if Dorian can reach through the grate to the paper he happily sits down there shredding it until mom catches him. Try giving him some paper to shredd. As for the sound, maybe it was a contact call in his old home. If you and everyone in the house ignore it 100% and respond and reward "good" sounds, it should extinguish. Good luck with your new buddy.


The paper idea is something I am planning to pursue this week. He does seem to enjoy tearing paper, although his beak is very dull so it can be difficult for him. He does seem to eye the cage liner a lot even when it is a completely new sheet...

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We went to the vet on Saturday and got some fairly bad news. From the quick lab results it looks like he has at least 1 bacterial infection. They gave him a shot of antibiotics and we are administering a different kind of anti-biotic twice daily by mouth (and boy is that FUN). The vet’s office is supposed to call later today with the full results from his blood panel, etc. and he will be going back for a check-up regardless in about 10 days.


He looked like he had been shot in the chest since the red splotches from the blood being drawn and the injected antibiotic were so visible without feathers. I cried when I got home on Saturday and I’m still feeling mixed emotions that I can’t really express.

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