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At the scene of the crime!!!


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Oh he's pleased with himself alright. And yes, I did clean it up as soon as he left the scene. As for the wire, it's my iPad charging cable. Dorian isn't a chewer. Not wood, not rope, not plastic - nothing but paper gets his interest. Also, I'm right there. The grey thing in the bottom left corner is the top of my slipper. Lol

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LOL! Got a kick out of it! Sophie also loves to destroy anything paper. she has her own phone pages which i have heard are safe for her. When I get home... she comes out to hang... she gets a few pages to chew. You should see her in action when I do my bills! It is too funny! I still pay bills by check. She has her own registrar. When I am doing my bills...talking out loud... Sophie is on the other end of the table, figuring out her financial responsibilities! I hope she has more money than me! Nancy

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