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this video is so cute

Parrot Lady

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Loved this! So did Inara. She usually only laughs when someone else is laughing, or when she's "closet talking." She was on her play perch near my laptop and she started laughing while this was on, which made Joe and I laugh, which made her keep laughing. You started our day off with a bang!

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About 30 years ago, I had a Mynah, a larger, different variety, (Greater Indian Hill Mynah), that had been seized in a drug raid. He was a great talker, and had a ring on one leg which enabled me to leash him, and walk outside with him. He always asked to go out when he saw me put on a coat, or walk to the door. Mynahs eat fruit, and need insects in their diet, which makes them have very smelly poop. They are also, like our parrots, very messy, and throw food around, all over the place. He loved to bathe, and was an incorrigible thief. He took anything shiny: keys, buttons, coins, anything. If I could not find my keys, they would always be in his cage. He was full grown when I got him, and I had him for about 10 years before he died. They really can be fun birds. It's a shame that they are not so popular anymore.

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Loved this video. It brough back many wonderful memories. We purchased an Greater Indian Hill Mynah from the local pet store in 1971 and had it until it died at 25 years old. It brought a ton of joy to us and our children for all those years. Thanks for sharing this video. :)

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