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My Rexley and Molly with the stand my kids and hubby made


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Before I even thought about adopting I had very little experience with birds. My mom always has budgies, finches, cockatiels, lovebirds and a few other types but all I did was help. I knew how to clip wings, toe nails and feed them but beyond that had to do research. Mom never had a parrot yet always wanted one. I wasn't really planning on getting Rexley & Molly but when I seen how they were living I never even gave the pervious owner much of an option. Molly was almost completely bald and Rexley wasn't much better. All they did was live in a small dirty cage with a nesting box in a room of their own. I knew the moment I saw them that they deserved better and even though I didn't know all I should that I would learn, give them attention and most of all love. They both have come such a long way and continue to strive. They both step up, talk and are part of the family although Molly is a bit of a screamer. They like most foods and will scream to eat some of our meal so you have no choice but to share. I am happy to have them and that's why we have just adopted Joey.

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I've spent much of my life in Animal Welfare & Rescue. I am convinced that animals know when they are being helped. When they are safe. And when someone loves them. Thank you again for helping these little featherheads. Not all animals can be saved. Sometimes there are problems that are too deep rooted and the animals cannot accept and trust their rescuers. But, that is not the animals fault, it is what they have had to learn to survive. Thank goodness you got these guys in time.

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I think you are so right on how animals know when they are being helped. Years ago I found a dog in the ditch That you could see was beat so I took him to the vet and adopted him. The vet was worried about me taking him home since he was a biter and I had small kids but I wouldn't take no for an answer. He became part of the family, was so smart and the best babysitter for our kids. If anyone even raise their voice towards our kids he would be the first to put a stop to it and if one of the kids were sick he'd stay right by them. We had him for over 9 years till he passed away from cancer. The time we had him he never nipped or bit anyone. When I first adopted Rexley and Molly I think my family and friends thought I was in over my head and wouldn't be able to do anything but feed them. They were so wild, mean and even to feed them was a battle with lots of screaming bites. They have taking a lot of time to be where they are today but are not at all the wild Quakers they were then. I am a strong believer that with TLC most animals will turn around to see life can be more than what they have been shown in the past. The sad thing is the people who I got them from had several other types of parrots that all could have used a better home. I just was unable to take more as they were asking to make such a profit for birds that clearly needed help and really had to push to get the two I have.

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