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Joey never wants to go back in cage


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Once Joey decides to come out of his cage I am having a very hard time getting him back in. He won't step up, growls, hisses and goes to bite. He will try new foods as long as I mix a few pellets in but won't take it from my hand. He seems nervous when I try to get him to step up as he shakes for touch or even at times when we talk to him. The last thing I want to do is scare him or put fear out there but his bite is not always soft. Is there a way to show him step up is safe and ok without a battle? Other wise he is making all kinds of new sounds, eating more and has many new small feathers growing.

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He is 13 months old now and I have had him for a few weeks now. I have no idea what he was or wasn't taught since he is a rescue. When I got him he was looking very neglected. I was told he fell in knee deep snow and heard part of a story about a dog playing with him. I have some pictures on my profile. I am still working on trust with him as he has had such a bad start from the person who had him before. He acts like he wants to have a head scratch or step up then changes his mind. Although he has let me several times on his terms. I am also working on his diet as the pervious owner said he just eats pellets. I just find it hard to let him out when its a battle to get him to go back in. Joey likes to be talked to and will say hello now.

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He is 13 months old now and I have had him for a few weeks now. I have no idea what he was or wasn't taught since he is a rescue. When I got him he was looking very neglected. I was told he fell in knee deep snow and heard part of a story about a dog playing with him. I have some pictures on my profile. I am still working on trust with him as he has had such a bad start from the person who had him before. He acts like he wants to have a head scratch or step up then changes his mind. Although he has let me several times on his terms. I am also working on his diet as the pervious owner said he just eats pellets. I just find it hard to let him out when its a battle to get him to go back in. Joey likes to be talked to and will say hello now.


This concerns different ways to teach the step up process. It's a basic thing that you and your bird should know about so other things can be achieved.



The step up command is the most important command to teach your bird as it gives you some control over him and helps you to interact with him. Many birds will have learned how to step up before you get them home, but if they havent this short guide should help you.


1. Choose the command you want to use and stick with it. It can be as simple as Step Up but it should not be a question and should be short and sharp.

2. Choose a time to train when you have the birds complete attention. Have a number of treats such as nuts to use.You may need to go into a neutral room such as a quiet, room that has a door that can be closed. The room should be away from the cage to begin training. Make sure there are no distractions for the bird's attentions such as other pets, or people. Put your bird on the floor.

3. Hold your hand at the bird's abdomen above the feet and give the Step Up command. The bird may not step up and the process needs to be repeated.. If he doesn't try pressing lightly on the birds abdomen.

4. When he steps up give him lots of praise and his favourite treat. As he gets better at stepping up you can decrease the treats, but keep praising.

5. You can have him step from hand to hand to practise. But when it seems he is getting tired or losing concentration, stop at the next successful step up, give lots of praise and end the session.

6. When it seems he has mastered the step up away from the cage you can begin practising it from inside and outside the cage.

7. Have different family members practise the step up with him. Wait until he totally trusts you and have them use the same method that you're using. Just do this once in a while.

A couple of things to remember when you are teaching your bird to step up;

1. Never get cross with your bird, always be positive and ignore any unwanted behaviour

2. Keep the practise sessions short, but frequent.

3. If the bird appears to be going to bite your hand, relax, he may just be testing to make sure the perch (your hand) is stable. If he does bite, say firmly No biting! but keep your hand steady. Use a perch as a last resort.

4. If he doesn't seem to want to step up, or understand what you are expecting him to do a gentle push on his belly will help him to make the step. When he steps up, remember lots of praise and treats in the early stages!

5. And lastly remember if a step up always results in a negative outcome such as being returned to the cage, your bird may start refusing to step up. Keep stepping up fun!

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I endorse the other advice but I am wondering if it is possible his cage is in a place that he does not like?

Often when a Grey has been traumatised in a past home it may come to see it's cage as a place of refuge.


Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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Since he is new to your home, he needs some time to trust you. You may be moving to quick for him and expecting to much too soon. Do the step up as Dave suggested and start building that trust up! Keep it fun for the both of you. As far as getting him back into the cage, there are many tricks people use to lure them back inside. For us, they are out most of the day so we feed them their dinner in the cage and when i start cooking they know what time it is and are more than ready to go back home! I remember a thread on this site about the same thing, i can not remember who it was but their bird would fly to the highest place it could at bed time and they would be climbing onto furniture to reach them. There were alot of suggestions there, try searching for it.

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Trying to work on the step up with treats will not work at this time since he doesn't want to even try new foods. I did get him to step up today about 3 times then he was done with that so I left him to do as he wished. He is coming up with some funny sounds that have us all wondering what he is trying to say. He sounds like a grumpy old man mumbling and has all kinds of new versions of whistles too. I made him an egg today and he did try some but I have to sprinkle some pellets on to get him to try. My dog (Maggie) gets confused as Joey does the whistle we use to call her so Maggie looks at us as if what do I do. Joey has a few new tail feathers coming in now too so in time he will have a tail again.

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If you have a family member that is home during the day... I would suggest practicing " stepup, stepdown"... never going anywhere, but praising. Leave the cage door open. Once they trust stepping up on door, continue the same. Sophie our rescue, learned to stepup and down once we were playing games in front of her cage. She walked down out of her cage and decided to play. She stepped up to everyone! Knowing her now, she is VERY competitive and LOVES games. That was our achilles heel. It came a time, she refused to stepdown, so I put her on the floor in front of her cage, told her " bedtime!" I walked away. If she would " stepdown", she got a bedtime story. If she did not.... she got nothing! She eventually learned to choose a bedtime story! Now Sophie puts herself to bed. I try to rush my life and get there quick enough for booktime! She forgives me when I am late! Nancy

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I am a stay at home mom and that is why I felt I could rescue all that I have. It gives me someone to talk to during the day and keeps me busy too. I think maybe it's still early for Joey to have the trust and to want to step up. Joey still starts to shake even when in the cage and I talk to him. He seems to want the attention but scared to try and let his guard down. I felt so happy today though with a new word he called out "mama" He only said it once but we all heard it clear as I was walking away from the room. I do have a question though. Joey is full of new small fluffy feathers but he is always grooming himself. I find the new fluffy feathers daily at the bottom of the cage and he has some bald spots. Should I worry about it or is some normal?

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Storm doesn't like returning to his either, the door is usually always open except at bedtimes or unless I am out. for us it works bc I work at home and am here much of the time. He does put himself to bed and he will go in if he doesn't want to be bothered, he has just starting shutting his door now also to reiterate that he wants to be left alone lol.

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A lot of grooming is normal when he he has new feather growth because the little pin feathers will probably irritate a bit. I would recommend frequent and gentle misting with aloe vera. It will help sooth any irritation. You should be able to get it in any health food store or on line . It is completely safe. Good for humans too.


Steve n Misty

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