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Hanging play stand


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When we first got the birds, we made our own playstand on a wood platform with four plastic casters etc. We recently got brand spanking new wood floors including where the bird area is in our living room. Wife is kind of fed up with the tree stand so I came across these hanging gyms. The idea is to put two stainless eye bolts into the ceiling causing very minimal damage and hang two of these where our current bird stand is. We have a canvas floor covering we've been using that will continue to use underneath. I think I sold her on these as I can unclip them, remove the canvas and the whole setup is GONE within minutes leaving nothing but beautiful wood floors - unlike the playstand which has to be uncovered from a myriad of crisscrossed towels, the canvas, and then maneuvered out of the living area, then remove the plastic floor protectors it's sitting on - PITA!!


They claim these are easy to clean and poop doesn't stick like on wood due to the material. My question is - does anyone here use these? Are they as good as touted online?


Today the painter is putting finishing touches on the bird room. I will have two eye bolts in the roof in the bird room for these hanging gyms to be moved to when not in the living area. I think this is a pretty cool idea. Any thoughts?

Edited by SterlingSL
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The only picture I could take is the corner of our living room. I'm specifically looking to see if anyone has used these hanging gyms and if they are any good. They're kind of pricey so I don't want to blow a load of cash on garbage perches.


I'll take pics of the bird room when it's done but right now it's a complete disaster with most stuff shifted to the middle of the room so the painter can finish the base boards.

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I have one! I got the one with the mess catcher. Then after a while I order the larger size mess catcher because the one that came with it didn't catch a lot of the poops because Babalu picked a spot to sit that his poops just passed the catcher lol. They are easy to wipe clean but on mine it seems some of the brown stain comes of on the wet paper towel... The mess catcher has a patern on it so it you really want to clean it, you have to take it off and lay it down and wipe it. Sometimes I just put paper on top so it would be a faster clean up. Babalu also sometimes chewed on the ends of the branches and it left little chew marks. The gym is very light and remindes me of hollow raw hide. Over all I am happy with it and I know he likes it too :)



Edited by KimKim
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Thanks for this link OP and thanks to KimKim for the first hand review. I've seen these before in various online pics but never had a source. I just placed an order so perhaps I can add my two cents when it arrives. Considering the cost of java wood stands, there are reasonable IMHO.

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It is really hard to get a full picture of the hanging stand we made, but this could give a good idea. We took 2 swings and 2 double swings and attached them together with long branches (perches) Hung a pvc poop catch device we made that spans the area and here it is. ( i hope it posted anyway, lol) Total cost was 85 and it fills the entire bay window.


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I have many hanging type gyms around my hOuse. I don't put anything on the floor as I have dogs and cats running around and they would never stay in place. I just make it a nightly chore to go thru my house and clean up all the bird potty that may have fallen around the house, then I start the next day out fresh and clean!

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There are many different types of hanging play gyms. We have a little difference hanging play gym than the one pictured. Our birds enjoy hanging out on it. Here's a photo of ours.No matter which type of hanging play gym you choose. I have no doubt your birds will enjoy them.



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It is really hard to get a full picture of the hanging stand we made, but this could give a good idea. We took 2 swings and 2 double swings and attached them together with long branches (perches) Hung a pvc poop catch device we made that spans the area and here it is. ( i hope it posted anyway, lol) Total cost was 85 and it fills the entire bay window.



Murfchck - the link leads me to a photobucket login but no pic. Can you send me the pic you were referring to? I haven't purchased the hanging gym I linked yet but would like to see your idea first. Thx! I like Dans option too.

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They love it, no doubt about it. The three greys use to share it but Cotay has officially run Gabby off and she now has a t-stand so she has a place for food and water, she usually is flying everywhere and getting into everything anyway so it wasn't a big deal. We got the swings at a bird show and they were supposed to go in their cages but to get them out of the way, hubby hung one and so the ideas started flowing. It will always be a stand in the making because we seem to keep adding to it, lol. It is nice though because we have the same swing over the sink for Bongo when we are prepping for dinner, he is my little chef in the making or more so my quality control tester. Hard part is keeping the Toos off of it, they see the wood and want to eat it!

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  • 1 month later...

I don't remember how long mine took to get, but I'm sure not this long... They didn't even give you an estimated date? I can't imagine they have that many orders. I do know of one other person (well, I don't personally know them) that is still waiting also, they ordered before Christmas I think.

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Though not the same as a hanging gym, I have an atom hanging from the air vent. I put a piece of plastic tarp underneath and I clean the tarp. The gym Dan has looks great! I didn't know those existed. My grey especially likes to hang upside down and twirl.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, it finally arrived. I paid for it on Jan 14th and today is 3/27. So 2.5 months once my order was placed it finally arrived. I'm pretty patient but this was really testing the limits. I got sick and tired of the constant apologies. Repeated apologies in my book are nothing more than someone's excuse to continue to do as they damn well please.


Basically here's timeline of how it went down:

1/14 - order placed

1/28 - I inquired about the hanging gym wanting to know a possible delivery date as I had intentions to order another if this one was of good quality etc..

2/1 - She can't offer a shipping date until the orders are completed and delivered to her. Ok, now I know she's just a damn middleman.. I'm told general wait time is 4-5 weeks.


....I wait another month....


2/26 - Same line " I normally cannot provide a shipping date until the orders have actually been completed and delivered to me." BUT!....my hanging gym is apparently in it's final stages of completion and set to be delivered to her on Saturday afternoon. Well, hot damn!


....I wait another half month....


3/12am - "I guess my hanging gym wasn't in the order you were supposed to get half month ago?" :(

3/12pm - "ARBF just delivered a large batch of orders about 20 minutes ago...your Parrot Play Tree included...." What a coincidence! I have excellent timing I guess.

3/13 - USPS signature confirmation received - finally.


....I wait 9 days expecting a delivery maybe!....


3/19 - "I see no tracking on USPS with the number provided?!?" - more worthless sorrys - and then some crap about her being in a remote location, parcels aren't picked up until they have enough to warrant shipping...


At this point I'm wondering if I've been had.


3/22 - Finally on March 22nd I see the package has actually been shipped - 9 F'ing days after being told it was shipped and receiving shipping confirmation number.


I figure I'll hold off on reviewing the actual item because right now I just want to saw it up into pieces and ship it back to her with some llama shit.


If you're in for a hanging gym - I DO NOT RECOMMEND ORDERING THROUGH PARROT PLAY WORLD. Supposedly they come from ARBF whatever that is. Maybe cut her useless middleman crap out and order direct?

Edited by SterlingSL
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