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Joey seems to be happy here in his new home


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Joey seems to be happy in his new home:) Joey is making all sorts of whistles and can say hello to grad attention too. He goes crazy in his cage shaking the bars and making noise when he wants out. He is not sure about food other than just plain pellets so we will work on that. Joey has sad looking feathers, no tail and looks messy but we love him just the same. I am not sure how long it will take or if he'll even grow all the feathers back. I do notice he keeps grooming and has even looked like his balance is off. Joey still thinks he should be able to fly and has ended up learning he can't. Lucky for him I am always close and caught him on my arm. I watch for signs he gives to let me know he wants to go some where and then I move him. I will probably never know the real reason he looks like this but I do know I am going to do my best to make him feel safe and loved.





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Looks like he has flight feathers (a feather?) on one wing and not the other. That will put his balance off. Our cockatiel actually moulted like that once and drove himself nuts trying to fly, only to crash every time. Sounds like you are giving Joey lots of love. He has a very intelligent look in his eyes. Best of luck with him!

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As long as an Avian Vet has ruled out any specific cause, he should eventually molt his bad feathers away. Once he is eating better, things will improve. It's a struggle, but, with your love, attention, and care, he'll be better each day. Keep offering different things, and try them over & over. He'll not like things one day, and might the next. And vice versa. Good luck with him. You're both blessed to have found each other.

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I wish that Joey would let me spread out his wing so I could take a picture. He has some more feathers on one side. Some of his feathers look stripped as in no feathers on but still have the quill, some look bent or broken and some are just gone on both wings. His tail is almost completely gone but has 2 quills with about a cm of feather and some new fluffy down ones coming. Joey's back is almost all new down feathers too. Joey is always busy grooming and making noise. The vet said he looks bad but is other wise healthy. He did give him 1 dose of something for stress but said he shouldn't need more and will be fine. He loves the attention and is showing us all the different whistles he knows. Today he took an interest in a string so my hubby played with him. Joey seems to be happy with all around him and enjoys trying to be louder than the kids. At supper we offered him corn but he wouldn't even taste it so we'll try again. One question I do have is can he have nuts, like the mixed ones we buy around Christmas in a shell or can he not open them?

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Yes, some nuts are good for them. Almonds, filberts, walnuts, etc. I crack the nuts that I give my Grey. He'll finish breaking the shell open. And likes to chew on the broken shells. In the wild, that beak opens nuts all the time. We often refer to it as "a can opener on their face". Joey keeps preening himself because he knows what condition his feathers are in, and wants to improve them. If he'll tolerate (or possibly enjoy) a shower, or bath, or spray misting, that will also help with feather & skin condition. But, don't force him, if not. When they're ready, his bad feathers will come out. Like our hair, they grow and replace themselves. Often when in poor condition, that can take longer than usual.

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Hello and welcome chickabee. Your Joey looks just a little more ragged than Misty did when I adopted him aged about two years old around ten years ago. He was scruffy and badly asymmetrically clipped. It took more than six months for his flights to come back and he went through a series of snow showers and moults for about three years until he settled down . I also had to move home several times which unsettled him a bit. After one move he dropped all his tail feathers and it took nearly a year for those to come back. Nuts are an important part of his diet. I get cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans and brazils all out of their shells. I am mistrustful of nuts in shells because every once in a while I have found some with rotted insides. I always crack them first to make sure. He also gets plenty of green leaf veggies and fruit. I have a local baker who makes organic multi cereal bread to die for that Misty adores and so do I. Do not give ordinary white bread to any bird. Multi cereal breads are better but most commercial non organic breads have to much salt.

Through all this time Misty has been a wonderful companion. Smart, chatty and affectionate. His feather condition is now excellent as is his flying ability. The only legacy he has from his former wing clip is that like your Joey he very much dislikes having his wings touched. If I so much as accidentally brush against his wing unexpectedly my ears will ring for quite a while after! The thing to remember with Greys is you need patience . It takes a while for a clip to regrow. Normally a bird will lose the odd flight from one wing and then one from the other to maintain balance. In the wild they would never lose enough flights to compromise flying ability as that would be life threatening. They can just about get by OK without tail feathers.

I am sure Joey and you will get on just fine. Please keep us all posted with your progress.

Happy Christmas and New Year.


Steve n Misty.

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I found out that if Joey refuses to try the food and I then give it to my Quakers, Joey then wants to try. I might have to take advantage of this till Joey eats it when offered. I must say that since Joey has arrived my Rexley and Molly (quakers) have been quieter which is not such a bad thing as they do get carried away. Rexley, Molly and Joey still are not sure about each other but they do watch what the other is doing. I think once my house is back on more of a routine and all the company is gone I think Joey will be more relaxed.

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I believe Joey will only get better and flourish in your loving home. Your certainly on to something with Joey wanting to try food items he observes your other parrots eating. he does look happy and relaxed in the photos. Thanks for sharing this. :)

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What a sweet, sweet one your Joey is!! Love that face, almost looks like a little smile -- no doubt from being so happy to now be in such loving hands. As others have said, he will certainly flourish in your care, and looks as if he has settled in marvelously! Loved the photos. He's certainly had a mysterious event with the "snow episode," and there is likely more to that story for sure. So glad that you have found one another and it's going to be so great to watch Joey continue to thrive.

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