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Not the best way to delurk


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Obi, a Tinmeh hatched 4-30-2007 and who I picked up from the breeder two weeks ago tomorrow, died today in an oxygen cage at the vet after being rushed there for a sudden decline in health this afternoon (lethargy, wobbly on perch, sitting on the floor of the cage).


Up until today she was healthy. Last night we cuddled together watching Smallville. She tore into breakfast this morning. We were going to start working on potty training this week, but I was having trouble identifying that moment right before she went.


The vet went over diet (fruit and veggies in the morning, Mazuri pellets in the afternoon), environment, cooking (no cooking with nonstick pans here), and said it sounded like I knew what I was doing.


Since Texas A&M is in the city, we're sending her to the vet school for a necropsy to find out what happened.


Right now I'm trying to get a handle on things and cope with the loss.



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I'm so sorry Keith for your loss of Obi, you only had her a short time but an attachment is formed quickly as you know.


You did everything you could to prevent this but it was just something that could not have been prevented, and my heart goes out to you at this time.


At least you got to cuddle with her one last time and I know she died knowing that you loved her unconditionally.


Thanks for sending her to the vet school for a necropsy to find out what happened, it may help others to prevent something similar to what happened to Obi.


I know your heart is heavy right now, but she is in Rainbow Bridge now with others that went before her and she is in no pain. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and may you derive some comfort from knowing that we all care for you here on this forum.


Do you have any other birds? Are you planning on getting another grey? You are welcome to introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about yourself when you are up to it.

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Keith, I am so sorry that this had to be your first post. And I am very, very sorry for your loss. It is heartbreaking to think that after such a wonderful evening and morning, you would be without her tonight. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.


We would love to have you stay here posting as a member, with or with out your bird. Please keep us posted on the results of Obi, and on how you are doing. :(

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Guest briansmum

keith i am devasted for you, what a terrible thing to happen. you were doing everything right try not to blame yourself. i can't imagine how you are feeling. my sincere condolences. hopefully you will get some answers to put your mind at rest.

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So sad to hear of your loss. Please keep up posted on the findings from the necropsy. Hopefully details on Obi's death can serve as an opportunity for everyone to learn.


My condolences. Somtimes things happen in life beyond our control and w/o much apparent justification.

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Thank you to everybody for the comments and support. Right now I'm going over and over what went so terribly wrong, anything that I could have done differently, whether taking her straight to the vet school clinic would have helped get her care just a bit sooner such that she'd have pulled through. I should have the necropsy results within a week.


The breeder offered this, which helps and hurts: " I know she loved you from the first moment it was love on first sight."





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Sorry to hear about Obi. Even though you had a short time w/ him.Our babies are like our kids once we have them the love starts. My prayers are with you. Update us of what happened so many other friends can be careful w/ their babies. Again. Really sorry. < HUGS >

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that is just heartbreaking. what a blessing you and obi knew each other and she went to the bridge knowing love from a human. not all our little ones do.


thank you for your good and conscientious care and i too am wanting to hear the results of the necropsy.

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With respect to the breeder, she does have Obi's sister/clutchmate still, but there's nothing at this point to indicate Obi had any health issues when I'd picked her up. Unless something comes up in the necropsy pointing to a pre-existing condition, I don't think the breeder really has an obligation to me in that respect, especially after almost two healthy weeks.


I should have the necropsy results in about a week.

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Terrible news. Please know how sorry & sad I am for you. Obi sounds like a great little guy that was loved bunches. Both of you were lucky to have had each other if only for such a short time. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. Debbie<br><br>Post edited by: radar, at: 2007/10/23 13:35

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Gosh how disheartening!!!! I have to say though less than two weeks, there's something up there... The first thing on my list to do once you have grieved would be to contact that breeder and find out exactly what's going on. I would see if they can either reimburse you or give you another bird. Any reputable breeder would have a health guarantee of AT LEAST 2 weeks, if not a month! Event some local pet stores give you 2 weeks! Just because a bird acts fine doesn't mean that it is. Birds can be sick for a while and only show signs the last couple days they are ok. And with it only being with you for a couple weeks, it might not even have been comfortable to show signs of sickness being that you were still more or less in an adjustment stage. Only the necropsy will tell!<br><br>Post edited by: loviechick, at: 2007/10/22 19:50

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Ohmy, that is such a horrible shock. My sympathy goes to you :( I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong. "Afterwards" is always easy talk, looking back and knowing what happened, but In Real Time I am sure you have done exactly what was necessary.

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Wow, so sad.


But, thanks for posting the results. It again underscores the seriousness and end results of a breeder that needs to take the necessary steps to eradicate that from their Hatcheries and get the vaccinations for their birds before having anymore clutches born.


Are you notifying your Breeder of the results?

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Boy OH Boy. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. I can't believe what happened to you. It is awful and I don't know how you are dealing with it.

On the other hand I would have that breeder for my lunch. I hope you are taking some action about that bum. I'm sorry for getting so made but when I feel hurt like you must be, I react. If your bird got it, it was his birds that carried it. Please let us know what the breeder says.



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Joe is right, I would be mad also, and I would not want any of the other birds that breeder has for they have been exposed to that virus.


I don't know much about that virus but you can google it and find out about it. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

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