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inventive chew toys!


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well, i've come to the conclusion that roxy is bored with the average. she doesn't find interest in her toys anymore. i buy her them from the local pet store at around 20 bucks a pop and for her not to like them gets to be a little pricey. so now i'm thinking she needs some new, creative toys to stimulate those neurons.


i'm at art school...so i have supplies galore at my finger tips and was wondering, besides the obvious (wood, leather, and that white chalky rawhide), what some objects/material would make for an interesting/ fun/ interactive toy.

hopefully you guys can help me out with some obscure stuff...example: toilet paper rolls!!

i'll add, also, as i rack my brain

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Guest briansmum

i find the best one is a plastic bottle cap... particularly if it's from a bottle they see you drinking from. brian loves it, if i have a bottle of juice or water he flies over, i give him the top and he flies off again to chew it to bits.


of if you ever have a pizza delivered and they come with the "box stabilizers" (look like a barbie sized table) he loves those too. i once poked holes in a bunch of plastic bottle lids thread it with an un used shoe lace and tied one of those pizza things to the bottom amd he was as happy as larry for aaaages!!

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I found out Alcazar loves register tape the rolls.He can go at it all day.He loves his movable toy that looks like our daycare one.I have a pic some where on here. I also went and bought craft shredded paper he goes through that on his cage bottom.I have the same problem though, I have all these interesting toys I bought him which werent cheap and here he prefers paper. Sheesh birds !! :S ...lol

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Yep, bottle caps & the whole bottle are always good. I also wash out used yogurt cups & margarine tubs. They make good toy holders as well as toys.

When Klaus is going for a pen, if it has a cap I let him have the cap as I'm taking the pen away.

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Guest briansmum

yeah, brian likes to have a bit of whatever i have LOL i was examining the new bird mister i bought and he was in there like a shot "beaking" it (if only he knew what it was for :P ) it had a detachable clip so you could hook it to the cage, well im never going to use that, so i gave it to him and off he flew to chew on it for ages!

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