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How Did You Name Your Grey


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Just like the thought that goes into naming a new baby, we all had the task of naming our baby greys. I think it would be lots of fun to hear how everyone came up with the name for their birds!


Our Heminway was named after Ernest Hemingway for several reasons. He was maybe the greatest master of WORDS. He was a brilliant writer, thus he had a brilliant mind. His true love for Africa (Hemingway is a CAG),as well as his love for the outdoors. And well, he is one of my favorite authors, so maybe somewhat of a tribute too.


I think we'd all get a kick out of hearing about how we've named our birds! :)



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Since Makena is from Hawaii we wanted to give him a name that was Hawaiian and African. We came across the name Makena and thought it suited him perfectly!


In Hawaiian is means "abundance".


In Kikuyu (a tribe of Kenya) it means "happy one".


We figure we will give each other an abundance of happiness! Plus the town of Makena is about 20 minutes away from us and has what I think are some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Plus it is Andrew's favorite place to go diving.


In Hawaii Makena is a female's name and in Africa it is a male's name, so we have our bases covered!

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How funny that its a male and females name, that makes it convenient eh? LOL


I named Red her name not because of her tail, but because when I rescued her, her name was Ted. Well I had her sexed and she came back female, and I couldn't in my right mind call a female Ted. I also didn't want her associating the name Ted with her new home as there wouldn't be any of the abuse, and horrible living conditions like there was at the other place, so I changed it to something that sounded easy for her sake.


Zsa Zsa-well my mom didn't want me getting any more birds. For some reason even though I've lived on my own for almost 7 years she still thinks she can dictate me LOL She wanted to name Red, Zsa Zsa, but I wanted something that rhymed. So when I got Zsa Zsa, my mom said I won't accept this bird unless I can name it. So her full name is Zsa Zsa Gabird


:laugh: :laugh: My mom thinks she's a comical genious...at least I know where I got it from LOL

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Beckett got her name before she laid eggs, because I thought with all her grey and very dignified maroon she looked a bit like a parson/priest. Thomas a Beckett just sprung to mind - so , Beckett - now Beckette with a silent "e". :P


Of course , not all her behaviour is particularly dignified!:lol:

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I named Alcazar after a castle in Segovia, Spain. I like medieval era and adore castles.Plus the Alcazar is Walt Disney's model design for their Cinderella castle. Also Alcazar sounded like a strong name. So I figured w/ beak and talons are strong on a bird why not.






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My baby's not here yet, but I have a few names picked out. If it's a female (which I am hoping for) her name will be Lolovivi, which means love lives on forever in some African language, and if it's a boy either Rafiki (friend) or Juji (joy of my heart)


All of our animals have unique names, mostly Hebrew and Greek. :)

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I named my greys on a hockey theme. We are big hockey(ice) fans here! Jiggy, my female, was named after Jean Sebastian Gigeure, the goalie of the Anaheim Ducks.His team members nicknamed him"Jiggy". Quinn, my male, was named by my grandson after Pat Quinn, the then manager of The Toronto Maple Leafs, the team that we cheer for. He thought that was appropriate as we have several hockey names for our other birds too and that they needed a manager;):laugh:

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well... jacko wasn't mine to name, and though i sometimes get weird looks and 'why the heck did you call him that?' i can't imagine him as anything else.


sully the 'tiel got his name after the singer of a hard rock band i like, and with his easy-going attitude and kooky mohawk i thought it suited him just fine lol!

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This subject comes up so often, I should copy it to a notepad and c&p to all the "why did you name him" threads (or maybe it could be a sticky). I posted the same thread, Nevval. LOL! But, no one complains because we all like talking about our birds (as do I) and enjoy posting things like this over and over.


Anyway, I named Richard after my father. I wanted to name my second son after him (my first son being named after his father (still my hubby)) But, my second child was a girl and I gave her after a name I always wanted for a girl (besides, Richard would be a funny name for a girl).


My father is the reason I even have Richard, so I thought it fit perfectly. Funny, it wasn't until a few weeks ago that I realized his name rhymes with "bird".

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We actually decided in calling our new baby Newton because like Isaac Newton he seems to have "issues with gravity" LOL.. We decided in this name because he gets really excited with some of his toys and forgets to maintain balance and then has to work hard at finding that balance again.:)

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I talked to a friend of mine who lived in Congo Brazzaville for many years and he is helping me with proper Lingala names. The species name for CAGs in Lingala is Chachu (sp?), I thought that would be kind of cool. I am having him research a bunch of meanings for me and I am hoping to find the perfect name. :) If now, Lolovivi is still cool with me.

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Hi everyone this is interesting. Bailey our CAG was named after the alcohol yum yum, Shelby S/C was named after the car that I'd never be able to afford, Simon TAG well he was a rescue, Jersey(cockatiel) was named after the movie coyote ugly, Samantha was named after mt wifes nick name Sam, I figured that I would not forget that, starting to have to many birds. Sony/Cher african ringneck parraketts, Kelly (cockatiel) named after the young lady from the pet store, Pickles/kiwi (green Quackers) that suited them. Lucy (cockatiel) from I love Lucy, Beaker (cockatiel) no idea but my wife picked the name. I know I'm missing one here half asleep. :laugh:



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