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When to give KARMA


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When to give Karma, or take it away????????

That is the question.

What do you base it on?

For some one: when someone makes you laugh, starts a good thread, gives a good answer, post good advice, adds a knowledgeable article to the forum, in the welcome room for new poster that is exceptional, well, you have the idea.

When to pull Karma from someone???







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Joe there is a article in the FAQ section regarding Karma,i'm sure Talon wont mind if i copy it here ;)



Written by Penny



Karma is a wonderful way to let other members know that you liked their post. It is shown in the members profile, and appears under your avatar when you post a reply.


Karma is the same as giving a compliment. Under the avatar, you will see a thumb up, or a thumb down. If you like the post, you click on the thumb up, and their karma will increase by one, if you click on the thumb down, then it will decrease by one.

You are allowed to give one karma every six hours.


I certainly would like to see everyone take advantage of this and use your karma daily. We want all members here to feel good about their posts.


Thanks to all members,



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Tracy, I was trying to find out what members are using it for. I thought we might get some good feedback from the members that might add some insight.






SEE you did it already.<br><br>Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/10/15 19:04

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I give Karma for informative posts.


I take karma away when I just don't like how someone looks ;-)


Just kidding, your right though, everyone should use it.


Thanks fo reminding everyone and perhaps mnay new users just haven't notice it until now. :-)

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If you give someone Karma, I feel you should, not that you have to, let him or her know you gave it to him or her. I know when someone gives me a Karma I feel very good about what I did, as you should feel. Help is important here at the forum and it's nice to get a Thank You, by way of Karma.

When I owned my restaurants, I would always say thank to the employees, but when they did something good for other workers I would give them a gift. Maybe a bottle of wine or some cash, and even free dinner. That’s how I handle items, not saying you should.


I think I should give myself one. JUST KIDDIND.



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Its nice when someone wants to give you karma and tell you they did, but I give out a lot and I hardly ever tell the person I do it, I just do it and go on. But it is there for you to use and please do so, you can do it every six hours, so make someone happy and give them a hands up.:P

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Yes very well said Judy, Karma for you ;)


The only problem is, when I come on for the first time (in the morning), I want to give lots of Karma, because I read so many posts, but I can't... So to everyone I want to give karma to but can't, hugs to you all!!!!<br><br>Post edited by: Makena, at: 2007/10/17 22:30

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Guest briansmum

i dont give thumbs down either, but i have had a couple :( i don't mind but it would be nice if whoever took my karma told me why so i know what i had done wrong

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Good point Beccy. :-)


I don't ever take Karma either.


As you stated, ti would be nice if anyone taking would say why. If it's merely a difference of opinion, it is not a reason to do so.


Now if you just don't like how someone looks, thats completely understandable. ;-)

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I like the whole idea of being able to give karma, but sometimes I read a post and my 6 hours isn't up yet, so I have to try and remember to give it later. Could'nt we just have an allotted 4 per day instead, so we could use them whenever we want to? Just a thought.;)



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I try to give karma everytime I'm online. Either to great photos or great ideas. I don't take points away either, but I think if you do...you should have to say why! Not agreeing with someone elses point of view, is not a good enough reason.

Karma makes a person feel good.

Give a smile, GIVE KARMA!

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I have taken Karma from people who are tiresome in debates with whom I do not agree.:evil: If people do not let things go and keep hammering at some topic , I take karma and do not go back to that topic.

I have given Karma to positive comments, and people who have made a positive contribution to a post. I do not like negativity. I come on this site to pass time enjoyably and learn from all of you.:)

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  • 1 month later...

Well I don't know who gave me my Karma but I just recently got it. I thank you for whoever did. Made me feel really good and I'm glad this came up because I wanted to know how to get more.


Also I must not be loved!:whistle: No one at all has signed my guestbook! I look at everyone who has been there and then go to their page and see that they all have ppl who signed thier guestbook. What do you do for that? Do I have to give one of you CPR? lol Or maybe a {Love-000200C0} or a hug for all of you? Well I don't know will keep trying lol. What if I run away like this...




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