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Harrisons Bird Food?


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Hello Friends,

I was told to only feed Harrisons Bird Food by many Bird Vet's and Breeders. My Male CAG was weaned on Harrisons and only ate Harrisons, Fruits and Veggie's that I gave him. I was wondering if other Members here also feed their cag's Harrisons Bird Food?



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If your Grey was weaned on Harrisons and eating it, it woul dbe a safe bet to go with. Toni has good advice on starting with a sample pack just to make sure.


Harrisons seems to be liked by some of the members here. It is a good compressed food like the many other brands. :-)

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I just started Calvin on Harrison's like a month ago. He has been on Hagen since he was a baby. He seams to like it. He really loves the Harrison's palm oil treats. They are the best. I took Calvin to the vet the other day to get his nails done, and I had told the Doctor I switched him to Harrison's, and it was like she was happy that I switched him over. I am thinking it's the best you could give to your bird.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Romo wouldn't touch the Harrisons. He tasted it each time, but spit it out and wouldn't go back. I tried it dry, mixed it with fruit juice and even let him see me eating them. He still didn't think it was worth eating. I mixed them with his other food, with other pellets and put them in foraging toys. Still no go.


I've discovered that Romo is a really good eater, and will try anything, but he is pretty stubborn about what he likes and doesn't like. And he just doesn't like Harrisons. :huh:

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I am having the issue with Dayo and Harrisons High Potency and also thier Palm Oil treats. He just has no interest in them at all. He will eat a few of the Zupreem fruity mix pellets and thats it.


Dayo, will eat just about anything thats not pelletized, so I am thankful for that. :-)

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Guest briansmum

brian tucked straight into his harrisons the first time, but i recently tried some cheaper pellets (zumpreem and pretty bird) and he didnt wanna know. bird with expensive taste.. so i just shelled out £125 on a 25lb bag of harrisons :pinch: he doesn't like nutri-berries either, i was more excited about them than him :P


what palm oil treats do you feed dan. i have a jar of the stuff and he wouldnt touch anything it was on, but last week i put a blob in his baby food and it melted when i heated it.. brian was none the wiser!! his feathers shine so much more already.


i've started finely grating a couple of almonds in there too, and the baby food is mixed veg. it's like a parrot nutrient cocktail! i finally got one over on him :lol:

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The Harrison Palm Oil Treats I ordered are at this link: http://www.google.com/products?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLR,GGLR:2005-47,GGLR:en&q=harrisons+palm+oil+treats&um=1


I give Dayo Palm Oil mixed in with his scrambled eggs in the morning. :-) he does not know it's in there.


I tried microwaving the oil and dripping some on his pellets and seed....... That was a big "No Way Jose" on that one from Dayo. He wouldn't touch anything I had dripped it on.

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Guest briansmum

oooh! i've never seen those before. thanks for the link, i'll try and track them down over here.


....... something else to spend money on :silly:

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briansmum a 25 lb bag of harrisons? how do you store that without it going off?


i bought the 5-lb bag for $27.99 and i'm worried about other merlin getting through that.


i did talk to a knowledgeable friend who assured me i could freeze it with no ill effects. i have some of those glass storage jars that i have half of it in and the other half i have in the bag and i portion that out daily.


and that is the only kibble other merlin likes even though i give him some other stuff that his foster mum brought with but he generally uses that for foot exercise ha ha ha rooking it out of the dish and hurling it to the floor.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mini Me was mostly weaned onto Pretty Bird by the pet shop, but the fact that it looks like human kiddie cereal really scared me. I was really unsure on how to handle this since I had just got her to start gaining weight steadily. She was having a hard time weaning completely. I brought her home and she was still on 2 formula feedings. I didn't know any better then and relied on the advice of the pet shop owners.


when I took her to her first vet visit (around 5 mos), he quizzed me on what food I had been feeding her. He found her a bit thin, but overall in good health. I was honest and told him that I had switched her to Harrison's. He was 100% on board with this change.


Luckily, Mini Me has never been a finicky eater. She basically eats anything she sees us eating. I attribute this to this early diet change and lots of continual variety eversince.

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My Grey eats Harrisons (adult course) but I also occasionally give her Zupreem. I prefer to give her variety so she doesn't get too attached to a single pellet. And I really don't want her getting addicted to the most expensive pellet on the market (Harrisons) :)

One tip that I've used before (with other new foods) is to use a special "treat bowl". You use a specific bowl for nothing but treats. Every day or other day just drop a single treat into the "treat bowl". Once your Grey gets used to a variety of treats in their "treat bowl" then you drop in a pellet. Very sneaky :whistle: but it works.... sometimes. :)

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  • 1 year later...

Everyone recommends Harrison's because it's completely organic bird food...that is why it's so expensive.


To save money, we feed Roudybush African Grey pellets and buy Harrison's treats like their bird bread. We did the math for Harrison's pellets and for the price of one container of Harrison's, we get double the amount of Roudybush pellets for the same price. So with the saved money, we can buy more toys for her.


Both brands are good, though.

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I had my TAG on Zupreem Fruitblend for the first two years of her life. That is what the breeder fed and thats what she was weened on. When she was two years old during her yearly checkup we found that she had Candida. The vet says that the Zupreem fruitblend has a too high content of sugar and recommended I change to Harrisons.


I feed her the High Potency Coarse type. She dove right in and loved it. Since we switched to Harrisons and started putting Apple Cider Vinegar with the 'Mother' in every other water bowl she has been perfect. Not a single problem.

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Thats what I was told to get. Apple Cider vinegar and it will say: (With the 'Mother') on the label.


Supposed to help keep yeast infections away. People take it too and supposed to be one of those wonder drugs.


I can say that when I have a sore throat I do a small shot of the same stuff and it does take the sore throat away for a couple hours.

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I have, and periodically use (for cooking primarily), apple cider vinegar ...but mine doesn't say Mother anywhere on it. It's Heinz brand though (the only one I found at my store). Maybe that is a specific brand. Or maybe it has something to do with being organic or not. Hmmm...something to investigate! :-)

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