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New toy is a hit!


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I'll try to get a pic of him actually using it. Every time I approach with the camera though Timber goes into "frozen bird" status so we'll see! I didn't really know if he would like it or not. I have a lot of toys I bought in the "no go" box already. I was really surprised at the way he took to it. Different strokes indeed! Kave, several reviewers had the same reaction as Sam.

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Glad the toy is a hit and not viewed as a "potential parrot killing device". Here's a tip for getting a fid used to a camera. Buy a cheap tripod and leave it up all the time. Move it around from time to time, turn it on & off, until the sight and the sound of it becomes background noise. Then we can get to see what you're seeing!

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Many greys are camera shy especially if we are holding and pointing it at them. Thus when I record dayo, I place the camera on the counter and zoom in on him, then hit the record button and walk away.


I keep having to remind myself to see if day would like one of those toys. I look forward to seeing a photo or link to it. :)

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