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New Grey Owner


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Hello. My wife and I just brought home a new family member yesterday. Charlie is a 15 year old Grey that we got from a local rescue. His owner was an elderly woman who had passed away. He is an incredibly sweet bird. He took to my wife, my kids and I instantly. We watched him interact with others while we were discussing it and he seemed much more at ease with us. Especially my wife. I have been reading up on here since we brought him home and have found some great information. I look forward to being an active member on here and picking up some great tips.


Also, having a new bird in the house has really brought out the personality in our White fronted amazon. His name is Rocky and he has been showing off for his new friend and for us if we are giving Charlie attention.


On a side note. I read about pumpkin fun with the Grey's and I can't wait to try that. We planned to carve pumpkins in the next couple of days, so it's perfect timing.


Here are pics.









Edited by jangell
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Thanks for joining us and welcome to you and your flock as well as to your family. You are really lucky to have found such a sweet guy as Charlie as he is also blessed to have come home with you. I don't think I have ever seen a white front Amazon, Rocky is beautiful. I love that our forum added a room for Amazon's, I keep looking and looking and living vicariously through the stories of all of you with these beautiful parrots with the big personality. Well done at introducing Charlie to your home.

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Hello Jared and welcome to our family, so glad you could take Charlie in and give him a new forever home.

Sometimes they take to you very quickly, he might have known a good thing when he sees it but keep in mind he is on his best behavior right now and it could change when he fully settles into his new home and more of his true personality shines thru but at least you are off to a good start, better than most get when rehoming an adult grey.

He is a real sweetheart from the picture you shared and so is your amazon even if he is camera shy, Rocky does have vibrant coloring and is a real looker. I bet the combination of Charlie and Rocky is going to be wonderful for both birds, even if they don't get along they will be company for each other.

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