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Another Grey? Maybe.


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I have two birds. A TAG and a brown headed parrot. I was thinking today that having two birds is a difficult task.


Not two hours later, a woman called me and said a couple wanted to give away their CAG. Apparently it bonded to the husband and it's nasty to the kids and wife.


I'm a dude and figure it would be okay with me, but I can't handle three.


But I want it!

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It does create a problem when life seems to offer us more than we think we can handle. Three birds can be a challenge, but only you can make this decision. Perhaps meeting the bird would help, if you are inclined to honestly consider it?

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3 isn't bad try haveing 4 :) actually 4 isn't bad because Rocky usually entertains his self but he does like his attention when he wants it , Opey is happy to play and eat on is cage he isn't clingy or demanding , Brandi loves loves loves all the attention she can get becuase she still loves to cuddle and DJ is very active but doesn't care to be cuddled be likes rideing on your shoulder while you walk around the house

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I will be the voice of dissension and say if your already having trouble managing with 2 maybe 3 isn't a good idea. Having my grandbirdie Isabelle here for a week cured me of catching MBS. They couldn't be out together and Ms Isabelle could only be out in another room cause she wouldn't leave Jake alone even if he was in his palace. It was stressful for a week. I can't imagine doing it day in and day out. I know many members have multiples, I use to have 5, but with the layout of my house now and no kids around to help it just isn't for me.

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I will have to agree with Wingy, but will say that only you know what you can handle. We have 4 and believe me when i say it takes us both to get everything done that is required by them. When we were offered our second bird, that was an easy decision. The third was about one month of really thinking about how we would divide our time with them all to be able to handle them like they deserve. The fourth, i was shocked over because this time it was my husband who fell in love and said, at this point, whats one more. Lol. Dealing with all the personalties is tuff, one grey likes things one way, the other likes things another way, heaven help if we get it backwards. It may also just be that 2 of ours are macaws that since we homed them have been sickly and vet visits have been constant, but it is really felt by us that there are just not enough hours in our days anymore. Please don't get me wrong, i am not saying don't do it, i wouldn't change a thing in our home if i were given the chance. I love all my kiddos. Just don't go into this thinking all another bird means is another mouth to feed and more love to give and receive. Its also more time, more money, less vacations, did i mention more money? Lol 3 stands, 3 cages mean less room in your home also, i almost had to rehome my living room furniture.

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It is a tough decision when an opportunity or offer comes along like that. My wife and I have been in the same position over the years. We have 2 parrots, a grey and a suspected wild caught peach front conure. Both want attention all the time and deserve it. Macaws, amazons, greys etc. have been offered many times, each thought about and discussed. We of course wanted to take each and everyone, but after considering it for a few days, always came to the decision it would take away from the two we already have in terms of the attention each want. We have taken in many as a foster home to work with them and find a permanent home for, but never to keep as our own. One other thing about us, is we are at an age that we know we will not be around for the entire lives of our parrots. Thus the other issue of when the time comes to rehome our dearly loved parrots, we do not want a flock of 5 having to all go to a rescue due to not being able to take time and find a proper home for each and everyone that would love, care for and provide for them at same level we do and also lots of out of cage time everyday.


As others have already stated, this is a personal decision only you can ultimately make.

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we are at an age that we know we will not be around for the entire lives of our parrots. Thus the other issue of when the time comes to rehome our dearly loved parrots, we do not want a flock of 5 having to all go to a rescue due to not being able to take time and find a proper home for each and everyone that would love, care for and provide for them at same level we do and also lots of out of cage time everyday.

As others have already stated, this is a personal decision only you can ultimately make.


Heed Dan's words......

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