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Well done Jill!! And everyone who is working hard with their Lifestyle modification, weight dropping and immune system boosting Programme, and seeing the results!

Anyone not seeing results just yet, don't give up - sometimes you don't see anything for a couple of weeks!;)

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Congrats Jill, two pounds Hooray to you! I went for an early evening walk to the vet's office to pick up my pug's meds. It was a beautiful cool walk! I weighed myself, and no change :(. But at least I didn't gain any back and I feel great!!!! :silly: I hope everyone else is have successes too!

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IT does take your body 2-4 weeks to really see the effects of your hard, new life style modification on exercising. So, hang in there, it WILL happen!!

I took today off from running.....:ohmy:

Will get up at 4:30 am and go to the gym to run there since it's 7 degrees out here.....:(

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Well....bad news for me......I went to a sports doctor today for my shin splints that I have had since last June. I had cut back on my running and even taken a few weeks off, but it didn't help, so off to the Dr. I went finally. She took many xrays and after an exam told me to stop running for 4 weeks :ohmy: :ohmy: and I have to go to physical therapy twice a week for the next 4 weeks, then back to the doctor 2 weeks after that. The good news is, she believes I will recover 100% IF I do as she says....that's the hard part! :(


So I will need your hel in keeping me from running...I LOVE to and don't want to losr that cardio I have built up. SHe said I could bike instead if it doesn't hurt. I will do that I guess, but it's not the same...even tho I ran this am,I already miss running...:(

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Oh I am so sorry to hear about your injuries Penny. Now do what the doctor says so we can have our great coach back quickly in full form! I have never been a runner but I love to watch the different marathons and track events on TV and just envy these great athlethes. I was lazy today, but tomorrow is another day!

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Oh that's awful Penny - shin splints are so painful. I am sure that the help from the physio should ease you back into it - but I agree, when I was running I wouldn't have thanked you for bike work.


You'll just have to channel your thoughts to "there's light at the end of the tunnel" - four weeks isn't too long really. Don't be too sad ;)

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pearllyn wrote:

Ouch Penny! Sorry to hear of your injuries. Now you must do as the doctor says in order to make a full recovery - four weeks without running is waaaay better than a lifetime without running.


I agree 100% with Lyn, Biking is good for the butt and it is not hard to keep going, just get off and walk if it hurts.

You have my sympathy, with the splints. :pinch:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well done Jill!! You started way after me and I hadn't lost that much in that time!! It's so much easier when you're young!!!:laugh:

I've been full of the cold for a couple of weeks and so the excersises have kind of been put on hold. I'd lost a pound last week just by pure luck and cos I haven't felt like eating anyway. I haven't weighed this week because my appetite has been returning and I'm scared to weigh and see that I have put it back on! I'll be gutted!

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  • 8 months later...

Okay, so I haven't really been trying recently.......!


Until I found my new "hobby" ~ I've joined a "Boot Camp". It is absolutely hilarious and such good fun - but does consist of me getting up to go to training at 06.45am!! I love it though!! It also was kickstarted by a "detox" diet - I lost 6lbs in the first week and have certainly firmed up!


Sometimes it's outdoors, sometimes indoors - so I might be covered in muck one day and just sweaty the next! Oh, I am painting such a good picture of myself aren't I!


So, anyone else out there still trying to lose weight and keep fit???

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Hi Everyone! Thanks Jill for bringing life back into this thread. As you know, I'm a personal trainer specializing in all aspects of wellness.


I am glad to see 2 of you working on getting fit! It really is a lifestyle change when you make the decision to be healthier! Drinking more water is the best way to start, but you need to drink alkaline water.....not the bottled water that you buy in stores. I have a machine that hooks up to my faucet and sits on my counter top. I use it for drinking, cooking, cleaning, disinfecting, you name it. Studies have shown that all disease lives in an acid environment, all that we drink is acidic in nature. So it's important to drink alkaline water to combat the acidic foods we eat and drink.


Keep exercising and eating healthy. It will so be worth it in the long run! After all, WE ARE WHAT WE EAT!!

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  • 9 months later...
Guest Netty

Well i am in here now to! lol


I'm 5'1" and weight 180 lbs >_< I want to loose 50-60 lbs.

My Dr has me on a special diet

i can only do exercise that doesn't involve allot of footwork (i can walk for a while but no jogging/running) due to my feet themselves (trying to avoid needing corrective surgery for as long as humanly possible!)


My diet consists mainly of:

VEGGIES!!!!! and fruits :D limited meats and hardly any processed foods and certainly NO fast foods what so ever!


My body has a hard time processing most meats (fish and chicken/poutry/water fowl i can d o but NO red meat or pork etc... which sucks i love me some bacon LOL)


Some background info, I was pregnant and put on best rest for 2 months, Miscarried put on bed rest for another 2 weeks. with my hormones going "WOOO PARTY UP AND DOWN GUYS GET ONT THE TRAMPOLINE!!" I gained 50 lbs >_<


SOO now i have been given a clean bill of health and the OK from the dr. Time to start shedding the pounds!


I am currently the BIGGEST I have EVER been in my life. and really NOT enjoying it.


I currently have these measurements (all in inches):


Bust: 42

Waist: 35

Hips: 44.5

thigh: 29

calf: 17

upper arm: 13 (they are actually 2 inches smaller then when i was skinny!!! mind you then i was like upper arm muscle beast from being a farm girl LMAO)

lower arm: 10.5

wrist: 6.5

neck: 14.25


Height: 5' 1.75"

Weight: 179 lbs




Waist: 20" or less.

Weight: 115-130 lbs. (loss of a minimum 50 lbs)


Sunday I officially start on my new workout stuff. Hopefully I can shed some of this stuff off!

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I found a website that is helpful to me and it might be to others as well. It is http://www.fatsecret.com (I know, not a very flattering name.) You have to register with an account but then you can track your foods, your exercises and your weight. You can join in on challenges with other people. There are recipes that you can try and other helpful information. If you have a smart phone there is an app called "calorie counter" (free in the android market). You can do all of the same things using this app but you also have the ability to scan the barcode of any food you eat and it will determine the nutritional values and you can add that to the food diary. This program helps me because I find myself not giving into snacking temptations if I know I have to add that to the daily log. Anyway I just started so I don't know how effective it's going to be yet. I'll let you know in a week. :)

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Guest Netty

*fingers crossed* my diet is generally good i just need to get my but on the treadmill and bike more often LOL

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Guest Netty
After 1 week I have lost 1 pound. That doesn't seem like much but it is the healthy way to lose for me. And it's better than being up a pound!


Same here! lol and so true I would rather see a number go down then up!

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Guest Netty
I don't have a grey yet, but I'm wondering if I can participate? I am starting my new exercise/diet regime tomorrow! I want to lose around 60 pounds so I can be around 130


I don't have a grey either and yea you can join! lol


We both want to hit around the same weight! (I wanna be 115-130 lbs - 115 maximum ( i could go to 105-110 because of my height but i like SOME meat on my bones! lol) 130 minimum)


It could be like a race! what kind of diet/exerciser program are you doing?? have you set a goal date yet??

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Well, I'm a vegetarian so I'm thinking of a low carb, high fiber diet where I eat around 1200 calories a day, and exercise 3-5 times a week...which will be hard since I am working two jobs and taking 18 credits this semester!


I'd like to be at 130 by August of next year!

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Guest Netty
Well, I'm a vegetarian so I'm thinking of a low carb, high fiber diet where I eat around 1200 calories a day, and exercise 3-5 times a week...which will be hard since I am working two jobs and taking 18 credits this semester!


I'd like to be at 130 by August of next year!


That's VERY similar to my diet/exercise plan, once i am down 20lbs i am adding strength training/target exercise to my plans!

I am on a pretty much veg diet right now I eat meat 2 times per week and only fish or chicken and red meat I will only eat once a month.


It's times like these I miss having a pool! cardio was easy then.. i would swim 2 hours a day :/ now i am not even near a river/lake/stream/water LOL

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