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Good lass! I've stuck to my lifestyle modification food lessening effort now for three whole days! I have not strayed! Haven't done any exercise today - other than walk a million miles round work (it's a big place!!). Do you think this counts?


Keep up the good work - come on Janet - show us a picture in your lycra! ;)

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Yes, Kitty has a great idea! You would be shocked if you realy new how many steps you walk in a day. What a great way to exercise without even knowing it.


Good work everyone, let' keep going!!


Jill, I'm proud of you watching the food you eat. I decide in the am what I will eat for the day and then stick with it. Fill in those hungry bout with nuts as a snack. B)

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I know I haven't been checking in but I've been working on getting more healthy food into the house,and then actually eating it:ohmy: Exercise is tougher for me because of my fibromyalgia, but I've gone back to my stretching routine, which I totally wish I'd never stopped because I've lost lots of flexibility. Seeing everyone else here working on their health is helping me stay on track.


I went out looking for a Nintendo Wii but everywhere except e-bay is sold out. Guess all the other resolutioners got out shopping before I did:(

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Hey all! The pedometer is a good idea - I might just surprise myself!!


Howardine - you have new lifestyle modification buddies - we'll try and keep each other on track!


Marguerite - keep up with the stretches - they'll do you good - so through this club we're helping with other health problems too!


Even Bernie's in on the routine - even if he hasn't ridden to work since September (bad weather :laugh:


Well, tomorrow is looming, but I have saved enough "syns" for some wine - I'll just have to stay away from those crisps and nuts!!!


Keep up the good work everyone - and thanks for the encouragement Penny :)

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Well I did it, weighed myself and started my quest to get into shape and my old jeans! Rode my stationary bike for 15 minutes, while watching my favorite game show. Slow but good start. My problem has always been being too gung ho and burning out too quickly. I'm hoping this awesome group of grey family members will help keep me on track. So here goes!!! :)

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Great Job everyone!! I'm so proud of you!!!!! :woohoo:


Keep up on the biking! It's great exercise and doing it in front of the tv is even better! You will find that in 2 weeks, you will start to feel more energy than you ever dreamed of. Don't give up......I'll be watching.......:cheer: :lol: :angry: :angry:

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Well done Janet!!


That's always been my biggest problem with excersise - most of it's BORING!!! Starting slow's the way to go though! Keep up the good work!


JillyBeanz wrote

I've decided the longer I sit here on an evening, the less likely I am to make that trip to the kitchen!! Just by sheer attendance here at GF I am losing weight


:laugh: I never thought about that Jill!

Three cheers for the Forum!!

Hip hip !!

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Just saw this thread! I need to jump in here too! In 07 I lost 62 lbs. I still needed to lose more- but was absolutly amazed at the difference in the way I felt. I managed to keep it off for over a year, but almost all has slowly creeped its way back on. I am ready to be serious again. I have lost 7 lbs. in the past couple of weeks. I'd love to check in here in additon to my other accountability partner.

I don't follow a program or structured diet plan. What worked for me was simply eating less, and excercising more and limiting my breads and sweets, not cutting them out completly..but very limited. It worked once, it will work again! I love to walk- but am stubborn and must walk outside. Soon it will not be dark when I get off work and I will be walking again.

I work as an assistant to MY drs. nurse. Last time I had her weigh me once a week and record it in my chart no matter what the result. Somehow, when I did that my pride jumped up and cheered me on! I am going to start doing that again.

Looking forward to losing with ya'll!:) :)

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