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Talon wrote:

Well.........I haven't heard from anyone!!!




I have been a bad girl these last 2 days, I HAVE to get to the gym tomorrow, first thing! :unsure:


And................. I will add "Where are the Photos"?? ;-)

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Ok, no photo. Those of you who know me know that I am hopeless - I do not own a digital camera. At least in part b/c I know myself too well. I'll get the darn thing and then never learn how to use it.

Any-hoo sorry for the lack of attention. Summer is winding down and I'm spending every spare moment outside - not much computer time.

I have been working out religiously (Curves at least 3 times a week - walking, running, and/or biking on days that I don't go to Curves.) And yet my weight stays the same. It doesn't really bother me, though. I feel healthy. I figure if I gain muscle before I lose fat, so be it. As long as something is improving right? LOL

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Kitty: That is wonderful! Thanks for the check in, and 2 karma for 2 days!! :cheer: :cheer: Keep up the good work!! :cheer:


Laurie: You have been doing very well! And you are right, you are gaining muscle which weighs more than fat! So, you go girl! :cheer:

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  • 2 weeks later...

How's everybody doing?

I had to change my Curves location since I changed jobs. This week has been a little off because of the holiday, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things...If I make it to Curves tomorrow I will have just squeaked in the requisite 3x.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see your problem. A 2x2 floor spot can be very small. However, there are exercises that you can do in this spot. First, you can concentrate on flexibility by doing various stretches. You can use an exercise ball for balance and practice bouncing up and down in one spot, using your core to support you. You can also do pushups and other exercises against a wall. You will see the same results after some length of time. I used to teach Pilates and I can give you some exercises to try if you would like.


As far as diet, I understand your pain. I just found out a few weeks ago that I have type 2 diabetes. My eating habits have had to change a lot. You can create a well balanced meal for your family, but then try to limit yourself on the portion sizes. For me, that has been the difficult thing to do. However, I will say that since I can't have a lot of sugar any more, the desire to have it has subsided greatly. I would love to help you out.


Now about me -- the reason I said I used to teach Pilates is because I had a series of surgeries that left me incapacitated for a couple of years. During that time, I ate my way into a few new sizes. So, yes, I understand the difficulty you are talking about. I'm working on my weight also.

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LOL Patsy, this thread was started in October of last year but it has been ongoing since then, you are welcome to junp in at any time and post, some of us are trying to lose some weight and we come here and update it from time to time.


I am sorry to hear you have diabetes but then it is even more important for you to be on a sensible eating plan and exercise routine.

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Wow, I haven't posted since 09/05? Tsk, tsk! Well here I am! Things have been waaaay busy. I started a new job and my son started middle school. Plus it's still nice outside so I've been trying to be out there as much as possible before the cold Michigan winter rolls in here...Anyway here is my news: My Curves got the new electronic "Smart" Curves this past week and I absolutely love it! It is coaching me to work out harder and though I haven't weighed myself I swear I feel a bit thinner.

Also, I got weighed at my new Curves facility (had to move facilities since I changed jobs) and apparently I lost 3 lbs. Now I realize this could be due to going to a different scale, but I'm takin' it! LOL

As far as eating ... comme ce comme ca. I would say at least once or twice a week I flop on the couch in the evening for some TV time and maybe snack a little more than I should. But overall I think I'm doing pretty well with what I'm eating.

Hope you all are doing well!

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I completely fell by the wayside earlier in the year. I got back into it eating wise a while back and managed to lose 10lbs. This past week I went back to the walking and swam twice. I have to say my aching bones know all about it... I hurt ALL OVER :( I really should have kept it up, now I feel I am starting all over again!

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I feel your pain. My body has been aching as well since I decided it was time to get going. Congratulations on losing 10 lbs!!!!


Here's a funny story for you. When I first started taking Pilates, I hurt all over. Soon I was doing 3 mat classes a week and 2 private sessions on the reformer per week. My body hurt all the time. Eventually, I would be sore but not too bad [note this was few years ago!].


One day, a new client came into the studio, and was asking if she would be in a lot of pain later after the class. Dan, the owner, said - "oh no, we do a lot of stretching to relax the muscles afterwards which should minimize the pain. This is Pat. She's been taking lessons for 5 years and you [meaning me] didn't hurt when you started out did you?" I don't know who was more surprised - me at hearing him say that or Dan at hearing my reply "Who are you kidding. Of course it hurt. I soaked in the tub every night, took ibuprofen and used icy hot. I just didn't whine to you about it!" :lol: I knew if I whined to Dan, he would make it harder.

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:laugh: :laugh: I swear thats my Pilates instructor... only he changed his name to Derek! I drew the line at wrapping my ankles round my head... told him that I hadnt done that since I was 3!! Of course that was the wrong thing to say because he grabbed my ankles and yes you guessed it... wrapped them round my head:ohmy:

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Sorry I haven't kept up. Patsy, so sorry about the DMII. It sounds as if you are doing the right things to keep it in control. Congrats to those of you who are doing Curves and Pilates. I'm back with physical therapy, this time for the fibro. And to you who exercise on your own, stay on a diet or get back on the good eating track, you all deserve karma times three! :lol: :silly:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, everyone!

I got weighed and measured at Curves yesterday: I lost one pound and my body fat percentage is down 2%.

We have the electronic Curves now which is helping a lot. Do any of the other Curves ladies have the electronics yet? If so, how do you like it?

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We have the smart curves which is the same thing, you have a little card you have to put in the slot each time you go to another machine but I don't do that, I didn't want to spend the extra money. Glad to hear you are having success with it, keep up the good work Laurie.:lol: :cheer:

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Whether or not Pilates hurt depends on what kind of class the instructor is teaching. For mat, it could be a breathing class, a reminder of the basics, or a kick a** class! With only one class, you probably didn't get a chance to work out for your potential. My private classes pushed me to do more every class. Of course if you are in top physical condition, you may be exhausted after a class, but not too sore.

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