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danmcq wrote:

Oh, your right Judy, that was before I let my Hair grow out ;-)


Here Ya go B)





You're Tarzan's grandchild? :laugh:

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Dan, your pictures so inspired me that I signed up for a "10-lb Challenge" at my gym.

I am supposed to get personalized support and analysis from the owner of the gym until I lose 10# - and she's also supposed to make sure I keep it off.

Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead I say!

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Okay, back to the topic here, or I'll have to go digging down deep for the Off-Topic Police!! :laugh: :laugh:


Well, I met with a trainer this week at the gym, who among other things made me do 5 sets of 10 push-ups....:S I didn't think I could even do one, so I surprised both him and me by doing all 50. Boy am I sore today!! :blink: But I did them again tonight, hopefully I won't be sore for long. :S :pinch:

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Wow, thats great Penny!! Push up are not a normal thing for women to really concentrate on, since they don't need to build up their "Pecks" like guys do. :P


Laura - I'm glad I inspired you.


I am going to start doing an hours worth of swimming laps in my pool now that the weather is warm and the pool water has warmed also.


I spring time folks, time to get in shape for all those swim suite photos we'll all be posting here in the next few weeks ;-)

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LOL Penny - Well.............. Ok........


- - - - - - - MEMO from the Moderator - - - - - - - -


On July 1st a swimsuit photo of each member of the Weight and Exercise Support Group will be required to post a swimsuit photo of "Themselves" and all MUST be posted prior to midnight of that day.


If your photo is not posted, we will call your trainer, fitness club etc and notify them of your violation of this directive.


------------------- End Memo -------------------


Ok, now it's official B)

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Well, I guess it's official everyone........after all, you all saw the memo......:( :ohmy:


Does anyone here know how to stop time?? It needs to happen on June 30, 2008...............



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I still seem to be a bit stuck. I know that stopping smoking is a huge trigger for weight gain, but I swear I can't put my finger on what it is that I'm eating that's so bad! Yes, I eat. I have to. But I'm not eating donuts & Big Macs, I swear! LOL I'm still doing the gym 3-4x per week and on non-gym days I walk, run, or bike ride. Yesterday I purchased a jump rope to add something different to the mix. My calves are NOT happy about that...LOL

Anyway, tomorrow is mid-month weigh in at the gym - I will know if anything has budged then!

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Aw, I wouldn't kick you, Judy!

I was reading in my Curves magazine though, that if you are working out and eating properly and STILL not losing weight, then you need to challenge yourself more. Hence, the jump rope for me.

I'm not sure if it's possible for you to intensify your workout any, or shake up your routine somehow to present more of a challenge to your muscles. That might help!

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I skipped the gym today (it's Friday! c'mon!) but later I plan to go "extreme biking." My son loves to bike, too and we ride our butts off.

Just gotta wait for it to cool off a little out there - my goodness it was around 90 degrees today! :ohmy:

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Hi,y'all! Is it too late to join this group??? I really need the encouragement! I think you know I am older and have some challenges. (Don't want to bore you with them.)

I attended Curves for some time (two years?) and found a major difference when the management changed. I'm sure each frachise is different.

My issues are to continue with my post-op routine REGULARLY, portion controle and walking. That one is the most difficult but I know it is vry important. Yeah, it's 98-103 outside, depending on which thermometer! kittykittykitty:whistle: :huh: :dry: :ohmy:

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It's never too late Kitty and I think you are probably around my age and we have it harder than the younger ones, the older you get the harder to get that extra weight off and keep it off.


I am fortunate that the management at the Curves I go to are a friendly bunch and very helpful so it is a pleasure to keep going.


So jump right on in here Kitty, I will give you some encouragement if you will give me some back, ok;) :P

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Hey - welcome to the thread, Kitty!

You know, I have read that walking is just about as effective as any exercise. I think I just like psyching myself up that I'm doing more what with the gym and the jump rope and all that...

With the crazy temps, I just wait until dusk or a little after - that seems to help. Just make sure to wear white or something reflective (for safety).

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