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:( I can honestly say for one week I have stuck to my lifestyle modification exercise and not eat too much programme and STAYED THE SAME!!!! Bummer!


I'm not discouraged - I'll try for another week on the same "programme" and then if it is showing no effect then I'll change! Welcome Ashley - and well done for that weight loss!!


Well done Lyn!!!! Wish it were me!!! :laugh:

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Wow! How timely. I've put on almost 20 pounds since I quit smoking a year ago. I had lost 30lbs about three years ago and gained back 10 over the two years before I quit smoking but it had stabilized. Now I've reached my old all time high. It is soooo hard to get started on a diet. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one on this forum. I'm going to try again.

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Now it is the day after my post and - well, I really didn't get started very well. I went to visit my mother who is 99yo. She was blue and I invited her out to lunch to cheer her up. The rest is just another excuse. I'm going to work for the next three days and that will keep me busy and maybe it would be best to start in the morning. I'll let you know how it goes.

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Hey Jan - I hope I'm still fit enough to be out and about in my 100th year! Good on your mother!! That's a fab excuse for missing a day!!!


I've been thinking about this thread and laughing to myself - you lot are a bunch of people I've never met and I find more support for this than paying a fiver a week at Slimming World or Weight Watchers!!! Keep up the good work everyone xxx

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How proud am I!!!


Today is my colleague's 60th Birthday. I bought the present, I decorated the room and I BOUGHT THE CAKES!


I sat, drank my coffee - BUT HAD NO CAKE!!! I've just had a plum!!


As for the sun Janet - here in the UK I think we've forgotten what that is - could you catch a ray or two and post them over? :)

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I am so pleased everyone is still in the spirit nearly a two whole weeks since we really dug our heels in! Now - this is the testing time - the weekend. Luckily during the week at work food isn't readily available, but come Friday night and Saturday night it's usually my little "picnic" night - bottle of wine, nuts, crisps and M & Ms are the usual accompaniment to bad British TV! But no - I've had a late dinner (7pm) and I am now full and therefore I think this will banish the munchies (I still have enough "syns" for a bottle of wine too)!!


Keep going all of you (and keep warm Jan)!! I hope when I report back on Monday I may have some good news!! :laugh:

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Woohoo - another pound off!!:woohoo:


Janfromboone wrote:

Someone walk an extra mile for me. Ugh - I guess that wont work will it.


Lol Jan - I don't think it will, but if willingness counts for anything, you'll lose a pound or two!!


Jill, munching is my problem too! I've managed not to be too bad this week though, only slipped once with a glass of wine midweek! And what are the syns you keep mentioning?

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WOW! The pounds are starting to fall like the leaves on a tree!! WOO HOO! I'm so excited!!


It's Monday soon, let's all try to go one day being good, and then we'll reward ourselves with by haring our accomplishment Tuesday morning!!! Remember to keep drinking lots of water through out the day....:cheer:

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Well done all of you! I have been sitting here green with envy reading of your successes - and today's the day! I've weighed myself this morning and lost 2 pounds!!! I am now feeling like maybe this "modification" is working - and will keep it up!


Keep going everyone and thanks for the cheerleading Penny :kiss:

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