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Yes, a couple of liters a day. I keep the sodium low also. We've looked at all the usual things; heart has good ejection fraction, no pulmonary hypertension, last ultrasound of kidneys unremarkable. Protein level is normal. No diabetes.;) I've used Ace bandages and support hose. And I've done lymphatic drainage as well as leg elevation. Haven't used the machine for lymphedema. Any other ideas are most welcome!:ohmy::)

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OK, so I know it's cliche to start this in January, but I have an incredibly shallow motivation to get on track. A friend from college, where I studied Jazz performance, is doing a show in March to celebrate his 50th birthday. Although I've seen Dan once in the past year, there's a good chance that many people I haven't seen in over 20 years will be there. Sort of a compressed college reunion, as it will only be people I actually liked:P Problem is I was a size 9 last time they saw me, and now you can multiply that by a



Is there anybody out there that wants to join me and start the new year out on a healthier note?

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Ooh can I jump on this wagon?! My new years resolution was to lose wait and after two weeks of diet and excersise I've lost 2 lbs (that was yesterday just re-wieghed and it's saying 3 today!!) - yay!! Only another gzillion to go!!<br><br>Post edited by: pearllyn, at: 2010/01/17 14:28

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Bernie, I would be very happy if I was 10-4! Even if I was I wouldn't be skinny - but your right - it is a question of being happy about yourself, I'm just not at the minute! I put on a stone this past year - enough is enough!


Jill - that's basically what we've been doing - so sweeties or junk. Today we had a treat though!!

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Bernie is right about one thing, women do obsess about their weight and most of it is to blame on magazines and tv ads with women who are so slim they have to starve themselves to look that way. Some of us women will never look anything like them even if we lost lots of weight because it depends on our individual bone structure but many of us including men are overweight and have health problems that result from that.

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judygram wrote:

Bernie is right about one thing, women do obsess about their weight and most of it is to blame on magazines and tv ads with women who are so slim they have to starve themselves to look that way. Some of us women will never look anything like them even if we lost lots of weight because it depends on our individual bone structure but many of us including men are overweight and have health problems that result from that.
Thanks Judy, I like a woman to be a woman, not a model.

Most men think the same, but we have pressure to.

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Okay, Judy and Bernie......STOP DERAILING THOSE OF US IN THIS GROUP!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


First of all, NO ONE should ever diet....you should only modify your life style into a healthier one, and in doing so, you will lose any excess weight, build your immune system, and feel better and healthier than you could imagine.

Encouragement is why we have this group. :cheer:

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Penny, Penny, Penny, I am not trying to derail those who are trying to lose weight, you know as well as I do that I am one of those who need to lose some but a lot of women do think they have to be super skinny to be beautiful and most women look better with a little curve to the body.


The word "diet" should be banned from the english language for like Penny said it is a behavior modification and not a diet, diets only make you gain weight.

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Talon wrote:

Encouragement is why we have this group. :cheer:


Lol - it is called the WEIGHT & EXERCISE SUPPORT GROUP after all!!


Judy is right though, the word diet should be banned!


So from today, I am officially dropping my diet, and going on a new Lifestyle modification, weight dropping and immune system boosting Programme! (Diet is less of a mouthful though!!):laugh: :laugh:

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OOOPS sorry. :blush: I was just trying to make the Ladies feel better, when somebody says Dieit to me I think they are changing the colour of something,:blink:


Any way I am just a bloke.


Eat simple, drink water and good exercise, will do most of it for you.





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This is going to be like Big Brother - Day 1 in the Big Brother House - Jill can't stop thinking about food. She's drank five litres of water (don't worry, this is normal for me) and had her tea. She might have a whole apple for dessert!


Nah - I'm okay - only joking! Mind you - all I've talked about all day is food!!!


Addendum: I've dusted my treadmill - hey, one step at a time!!!! :laugh:

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Supernova wrote:

OOOPS sorry. :blush: I was just trying to make the Ladies feel better,


Ahhh Thanks Bernie - it's the thought that counts!


JillyBeanz wrote:

all I've talked about all day is food!!!


Snap Jill - I love love love my food! It's a good thing I chucked that diet for my new Lifestyle modification, weight dropping and immune system boosting Programme! It's so much more effective!! And the excersises are getting easier too!

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Okay members....let's get to work. Dust off the treadmill and get on it for 15 minutes, walk at a comfortable pace to start. Eat your carbs, drink water, eat 5-6 times through out the day.

I'll be checking this daily.....let's all check in. Even if you don't dust off the treadmill today.....but if your too lazy to dust it, just run on it, the dust will fly off!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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