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Hey, all!

Glad to see this little thread is still alive.

I am still going to Curves faithfully, plus I've added weight training to my routine. Bought some 7# and 8# dumb bells and I do a routine I got from a book. So I haven't lost weight over all, but I have lost 8% of my body fat. Another cool thing I've been doing is Wii Fit. One of the perks of having a 12 year old around the house - I get to play with his toys! LOL

Also I have a book I'd like to strongly recommend: "Younger Next Year" by Crowley & Lodge. Awesome, awesome stuff. Goes in depth as to what happens to your body when you exercise (AND when you don't). Great, great motivation!

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Hi Laurie, Thanks for checking in. It sounds like you are doing great! I'm so proud of you!! I'm going to look at for that book, it sounds good. :)


Update on me:


I am almost halfway thru my studying to become a certified fitness trainer. I have finished my certification in CPR/AED, and I have a 2 day seminar coming up in March I have to attend.

Oh ya, and I am still going to the gym and running.


Anyone else...............:dry:

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  • 1 month later...

WELL.........where did everyone go.......:huh: :huh:


I am in the middle of my certification test, still going to the gym, biking there, running outside and weightlifting.



HELLO????? Anyone here? :huh: :blink: ;) :side:

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My rowing machine and eliptical cross trainer sure look good sitting there! I've had those for several months now, but I've not managed to lose any weight. What I didn't realise when I bought them was that you are supposed to use them, as in, get on and do STUFF.


Just looking at the equipment is enough to make me feel tired.

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Awwww Penny, my head says move but the body says no and while the two are in conflict I am just too tired to argue; honestly, they EXHAUST me. Sorry!!!!! But I'm so glad you are doing so well in your certification as a fitness trainer. My good wishes are with you even if my body is in limbo!!!! As Judy said, YOU GO GIRL!!!!

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Well, even though I seem to be all ALONE in this thread.........I am happy to announce I finally submitted my exam, and received a 92.5 on it!


I AM NOW A CERTIFIED FITNESS TRAINER WITH THE INTERNATIONAL SPORTS SCIENCE ASSOCIATION!!!!:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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Penny thats brilliant.You are never alone. I just wish I could get my mind round eating healthier.I was a five day a week gym junkie untill last summer and loved doing 5-10 k runs. At my best I could do 5k in 28 mins.Ok not Paula Radcliff but I loved it.Now I am eating like a pig and could not run to the end of the road.I had a fantastic instructor and he really got me motivated. Iworked at the gym on the weekend as a motivator and loved it.I could do with you over hear to get me back in shape.I am only 4ft10 so every pound looks like a stone.my bmi was 15 at one time now its 25 I am in serious self distruct mode.I guess when my mum is a bit better I can go back to the gym and try again.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/05/14 07:48

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For those of you that have an excuse for why you don't take the time to exercise, or for those of who feel sorry for yourself because of money problems, family problems, or just plain feeling sorry for yourself.....watch this:



It's 9 minutes, but it's worth taking nine minutes out of your life to rethink your life and be grateful for all you have. :huh:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/07/17 16:33

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