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Creative bath ideas???

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I was wondering what everyone does as far as bathing their African Greys? I saw a bird bath that would be perfect but it's only sold in the UK. Has anyone built or created a bath for a grey? We got a chinchilla dust bath house and were going to see if we could get that to work. Amy is a 7-year-old CAG. My fiancé can try and build something but I wouldn't know what exactly to tell him as far as materials or design. Too bad there are only baths for small birds in the U.S. Thanks!!!

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Why not look in the dog section of pet stores and look for crocks or heavy dishes that are large enough for a grey to get into and not turn over, they would be excellent to put in a cage or area for your bird to bathe in if so inclined.

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I have a spray bottle with nursery water (the kind with no chemicals added). Timber gets excited when he sees the bottle. The previous owner told me he loved being sprayed. The first time I sprayed him he immediately went to his water bowl and started throwing water over his shoulder. The next time I knew he wanted to be sprayed until he was dripping wet!

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Brutus hates water, so we get around the power struggle by rolling his whole cage outside and spraying him with the hose sprinkler. He doesn't like it but it works, and he doesn't hate me afterward. Otherwise he just sticks his breast in his water bowl which is not a satisfactory bath. We have "Shower Sunday" and every parrot goes outside in their cages for a bath. At that time I can also hose off any messes in the cage. Afterward they dry in the sun which everyone enjoys.

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My grey hates any type of misting, showering etc. unless it is on his terms which is any water bowl big enough for him to get in and bath himself when he wishes. Large pie pans, large dog water bowls. Sometimes he will fly over to their water bowls and jump in, which we must stop immediately so we can thoroughly wash it first to cleanse of all the nasty dog slobber in it. :)


I must mist him in his cage to keep him confined or in the warm/hot months we roll the cages outside and mist them with a nozzle attached to a water hose until the are drenched. Then a nice sun drenching and preening for a few hours and their good to go. :)

Edited by danmcq
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Sometimes my guys sit in the bottom of my garden tub and I will mist them while also having about 1/2" of water in the tub. Other days, they go on their shower perch in the shower with me. Amali seems to prefer the finer mist from the spray bottle, but takes all of it in stride.

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Buddy doesn't like being misted at all! He pouts afterward. He will bath on his own in his water dish...tends to happen when we vacuum. I don't know what it is about the vacuum, but that's when he has his bath. I tried the pan at the bottom, no go...even put his fav snacks in it...he just reached in and grabbed them and barely got his toes wet. I'm going to try to take him in our shower when we finish it...it'll be large and roomy with room for a shower perch. I guess we'll see. I don't know about the baby, but from what I understand they really like leaf surfing and enjoy water, so when she is more comfortable we will get to work.

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Sophie will act like the " wicked witch", from OZ! " I'm melting!" She is such a drama queen, and we all get " sucked" up into it. NO shower, no spray! This weekend, I am determined she get wet. Its almost 100 degrees! Nancy


LOL and Dayo is the Drama King. :P But, they must get wet regardless of all the drama, so go for it Nancy! :)

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I read about this idea somewhere and thought it was interesting. There are nozzles you can fit over your bathtub spigot that spray water. Poke some small pin holes in the hose and secure it using a string and suction cup to the other side of the shower. Set your temp, use a pinch clamp to stop most of the water from coming out the spray nozzle end, hang it up and let your bird play in the tub. It will produce a light fine mist without any scary noises or frightening looking spray bottles. If your bird doesn't like the feel of the tub on its feet you can put down a thin towel. You can alternate play time in the tub without water so that it isn't considered a bad place.

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