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My Friend of 13 Years


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In 1999, I was at one of the lowest points of my life. I had been diagnosed with a potentially life threatening illness, was in the middle of a painful break up, and was living with my parents at the age of 32 because my job didn't pay enough to cover my debts and allow independent living. In the midst of a real depression a little black Labrador Retriever named Bailey entered my life. She gave me something to focus on and love. She pulled me out of a dark place with unconditional acceptance. In the years since, I have gotten on my feet and am a happy man. Today, I had to say goodbye to that sweet girl. When the decision was made to let go of Bailey, I was pretty broken up. Gracie (my CAG) had never seen me cry. She didn't like it one bit. She just kept chirping at me like she does when she wants out of her cage or some forbidden treat. She knew I was hurting and wanted it to stop. As I sat with Bailey at the vets office today, I told her what a good girl she was and how she had been a best friend over the years. She went peacefully and I look forward to seeing her again someday at the Rainbow Bridge. I just wanted to share my loss with my Grey Forums family. When we love we also have loss. it's part of the deal--but I would never trade that.


Blessings all.



Edited by JeffNOK
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Jeff, I am so sorry for your loss. Bailey will always be a part of your heart and your history. It sounds like Gracie was begging you to be okay. Your love for Bailey was deep and your loss is heavy on you right now. It will get better. I wish I had some comfort for you. I am glad though for the love you had with Bailey and how much she meant to you.

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One thing I am thankful for is that my mother is a writer and animal lover. Over the past couple of years she has been blogging about Bailey and Barkleah (the Toy Fox Terrier that Gracie imitates). I read some recent posts in her blog tonight that brought back a lot of happy memories. When I shed tears, one is a sad tear and one is a happy tear for a great friend and happy times.

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I cried with you tonight. It has been a few years since I have lost a pet, but they bring so much joy and love that it's never ever easy when we do lose them. I'm so glad that Bailey came into your life when you needed her the most, and thank you for being there for her.



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Jeff... I am SOOO sorry! You will always miss Bailey! I will always miss Max! Certain animals make such an impact on our lives. We remember them, and know how much they changed our lives. We learn to love again, as you do with Gracie, and I do with Sophie. Sophie knows how much I loved Max. She was honored to meet him, and be trained by him. He was 18, but loved Sophie, the minute he met her. I still talk about Max... Sophie always says " awww!". Her response, when she knows something is important to me. Nancy

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