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Parrot Lady

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It just has been awhile , I use to post under Codys Mom , since we lost our baby Cody due to bone cancer about 4 months ago I did not feel right useing that name and we sadly miss him , but Hi to everyone sorry it has been awhile , well we still have Rocky our amazon he will be a year old tomorrow , Opey our little green boy quaker and we have a new baby girl we have named her Brandi she is 8 weeks old and a real sweety and yes I know how to hand feed and take care of a baby , we handfed Cody and raised him from a baby , glad to be back now I have alot of catching up to do

heres some pics of the fids and our new baby







this is hubby with Brandi



This is Rocky on his Java Tree





and heres Opey



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So very sorry to hear about Cody. But welcome back and Brandi looks like a sweetie.

The forum has grown and there has been some changes. There are new sub rooms in the other birds room so each species of parrots has a place of there own to share info. and a story or two.

Also the the rescue room is for rescue and rehomed fids and we have a new Lost and found room.

Glad to see you back,


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I am also very sorry for your loss. Your pictures are wonderful. Of course that sleeping baby with her beak open is precious. The one of her in the big cage makes her look like a minature or a photoshop of a tiny bird. I love that cage with the grid pattern. Rocky is beautiful and your little quaker is a cutie too. Good to have you back and to see your home graced with the energy of three lovely parrots.

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I have 2 bottlebrush playstands and one huge Java Tree , I bought the bottlevrush playstands from The Golden Cockatoo In Florida, I ordered them online and paid for them and they shipped them tome , look them uponline ok they have alot of nice playstands

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Parrot Lady...I am so sorry for your loss. We will always remember Cody. He was an Amazing bird, and I truly believe he is in heaven, and looks down on you and your family, with appreciation and love. I'm sure he is also amused with Brandi. She has GOT to have the biggest feet I have ever seen! LOL Nancy

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I have 2 bottlebrush playstands and one huge Java Tree , I bought the bottlevrush playstands from The Golden Cockatoo In Florida, I ordered them online and paid for them and they shipped them tome , look them uponline ok they have alot of nice playstands


I will look them up. The one I bought, pictured below, is from a woman in Ohio. She had a tree house one that was almost 6ft tall and 3ft wide and wouldn't fit in my car. I'm contacting her now to see if she has another one and can deliver it when she attends the next bird show here. She has to darn near pass my house on the way to the venue so maybe she will.




Anyone in the NE Ohio/ W PA and WNY areas, I highly recommend her play gyms. http://naturesbirdperchantoys.com/Home_Page.php

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