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Met our new boys today!


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Hubby and I went to meet our 2 boys that we are going to adopt. I must admit I was a little intimidated, they are a bit bigger than our sun conure and senegal. LOL! But, my heart went out to them, they need some love and attention. The current owners have had them a month. Prior to that they were in a home for 13/14 years. The owner could no longer care for them. Current owner said when they got them, their cages had not been cleaned for a very long time. I was surprised to see that they are being fed cockatiel food! Also learned that they have not been out of thier cages for several years. Current owners have let them out and been able to scratch their heads, but not hold them. Both have playtops. We will probably get them next weekend. I see lots of fresh fruits and veggies in their future. They look pretty healthy, one is a plucker, but not too bad. We will be visiting our vet right away. This is going to be an exciting journey for all of us! Thinking about contacting original owners to see if they would like to visit once we are all settled. Don't know if that would be too traumatic for the boys.

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How wonderful! I am so happy for you. Personally, I would not contact the previous owners, greys never forget, and it may be too traumatic, and or confusing to them, it would bring back a lot of memories, maybe not such a good idea as they are now starting a new chapter of their forever home with you. It could slow down the process of adjustment in your new home as they wont know its its forever, or temporay cause they were reminded of their first home. Just happy, moving forward memories for them now.

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This will be an interesting transfer with two at a time. I am really looking forward to hearing how they do coming in a pair. Perhaps having a familiar buddy along it will give them confidence. They will probably talk about you behind your back. LOL, just kidding there. It was intimidating to me to bring home our first grey at twenty weeks, but after a day or two he was just fine. We have a little red bellied parrot about the size of your senegal and she has quite the can opener for a beak, in fact, I have seen her do more damage than any of the African greys. Good that you have some experience, this is going to be a wonderful match. You are as ready for them as they are for you. Some things are just meant to be.

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