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New timneh- new name?


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Hi all,


After years of looking, I was able to adopt a 6 year old timneh. It seems as if the owners just got bored/sick of her. I've had her for two weeks. I was wondering if it's too late to change her name. She doesn't seem to respond much to her name, but then again, I think she's still checking things out. I was told she could say 50-100 words, but she hasn't spoken much yet.



Edited by 1ststatestereo
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She's very pretty.

I have heard that you can transition by combining her name with the new one & then gradually dropping the old one.

Good luck!

Thanks pikachu, this is true most of the time, but you need to watch for stress. With our rescue joe, we wanted to change his name to Jim [jim kirk] to go with our Spock, after quite a while Joe said one day "My names Joe, not Jim!" LOL

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we changed kallie's name. when we got her, her name was honey, and it just didn't seem to fit (at least to us). she was 2 1/2 at the time and the family felt that "honey" was more of an endearment than an actual name. we never heard her say her name. so we started saying "honey kallie" or "kallie honey" and over time slowly dropped of the word honey. she didn't seem bothered or to care at all. now she'll say "hi kallie", etc. if for some reason she'd have had stress over this, we would have kept "honey". kallie didn't come from a bad situation, her owner passed away and the family couldn't keep the birds. we have had rescue dogs in the past that did come from bad situations. i had read that sometimes a name change was a good idea to help the animal move past the bad memories associated with a name. so, if you think this is something you want or need to do, just go nice and slow and see how she reacts.

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She is so beautiful. You probably wouldn't be thinking about changing her name unless the one she has doesn't seem to fit. I am guessing it is all a matter of time. Once she gets acclimated and feels secure, she will help you make that decision. We didn't change Gilbert's name because he used it so much and knows it is him. It fits him and we kind of liked it too because of the way he gets scared then announces "Gilbert okay" in a quavering sing song voice. But as Kallie has learned, if you talk to her and tell her your name and tell her you are going to call her by a new name, then start calling her that, it probably won't take long before she lets you know if she accepts it or if you will have to work on it. I am thinking it is kind of like an endearing nickname, one of our human daughters loved to pretend to be a new character on a weekly basis. The other one would not even accept terms of endearment such as calling her sweetheart, she would insist on only being called by her first name, no deriviatives. It is all in the individual choice and your new friend will let you know, so if you want to change her name, give it a go!

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Everyone has great advice. I do believe some people can change the name. Especially a bird that has been abused. If they are attached to the name, and is " part of their identifying themselves", its probably not a good idea. Sophie came with her name, Kiki was a baby, so we gave it to her. Sunny didn't have a name, our rescue sunconure. His foster mom called him " icecream", for two weeks before we adopted him. Foster mom and I are great friends. NOWAY, was I going to call a bird icecream. As Ryan was his bonded friend, he got to pick the name. I believe Sunny loves his name. Nancy

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You'll have to see, as she settles in, if she uses her name alot in her chatter. With my guy there's no doubt what his name is, he says it all the time. If she's stuck on Ginger, think of her as Ginger from Gilligan's Island. She's a beauty, so that part fits.

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Parrots pick up on excitement and your tone of voice. If you talk to her and make a song or exaggerated use of whatever new name you are considering, maybe she will join in on the fun. Give her some time to settle in, she is probably still taking in all the changes and wondering what kind of alien you are and what she is going to name you. LOL. Have fun with your little one, your companionship is just beginning.

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