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I work during the day but I manage to get on for brief moments to post to various threads. I didn't get my count no other way, I do most of my posts at night. I usually do post when I am on but sometimes I am pming someone to chat privately, perhaps we could chat that way also if you want to talk about something we can't discuss on a public forum.:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2007/09/27 03:22

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I work during the day in a School, although i have access to computers I'm not allowed to log on as we have restrictions !!

I'm also in the UK so sometimes I'm on at different times to other members :(

so i work, I'm a mum, have to cook, clean, do washing, clean my aviary's, see to my three greys,drive my kids from A to B,And i find time to post on here :P

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Amen sister! I work in appliance sales...I'm in the warehouse and handle damages, repairs, and delivery problems. It's been sooooo slow that I get all my work done in 30 min or less...then it's 7 1/2 hours of goofing off.


I got egg on my face for sure posting this topic...as soon as I do everyone signs on and gets me for it. :silly: :laugh:

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When i'm online but not posting odds are the following is going on:

#1 if its during the day I'm at work and therefor am trying to hide the site while trying to type a few words into a post so it only seems i'm not posting.

#2 I'm at the barracks and the TV has distracted me

#3 I'm watching the people talk (or particpating) in the IM

#4 I'm looking around trying to find something where I know enough about it to post



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I am at work during the Day when posting. Sometimes I forget to log out though and still show online even though I may be programming or in meetings for hours....Sorry to all you who wonder WHY I'm online, but not posting.


I keep trying to remember to log off after lunch..like now for example. :-)

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My story is similar to Dan's. Most of the time I log on at work and usually leave the site up most of the day. However, I am really only checking in from time to time when there is time...I try to stay on top of most of the traffic and note the posts that I want to directly contribute to if I feel I have something valuable to add. ;)

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I only come on after work & on weekends. I work for a fairly big corporation so I'm a little worried someone will see what I've been up to and I'll get in trouble. I know, I'm a wimp!

Also, sometimes I come on & read stuff, but don't feel I have anything valuable to add...

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