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Day at the beach


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I was a stay at home Dad yesterday and i took my daughter and DJ to have some fun at the beach, i thought to share it with you :)


















It was a beautiful sunny day, DJ was there for the first time. My daughter was really excited and had fun. DJ was wondering what was going on! He's never seen the beach or stepped on sand before. He was very excited too and we all had so much fun :)

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Your pictures are beautiful of your daughter, DJ, the wild birds and the beach. It was a flash of nostalgia to see the Burj in the background. We lived just northeast of where you enjoying your outing. At night from my window I could relax and watch the colors change. Thanks for giving your family such a fun day and for sharing that with us.

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Your pics are wonderful! How did you manage to have him out without a harness or anything? I'm still new to this parrot stuff. I would love to be able to take Buddy out like that...but would have to have a harness or something since he is fully flighted...but I can't tough him to put a harness on him. Oh well maybe one day.

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Beautiful photos!


A harness should always be used when outside with your parrot, whether they are clipped or not. A good gust of wind or something startling them can send them flying away with all that adrenalin pumping through their body. Believe me, you do not want to experience that.

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Beautiful photos!


A harness should always be used when outside with your parrot, whether they are clipped or not. A good gust of wind or something startling them can send them flying away with all that adrenalin pumping through their body. Believe me, you do not want to experience that.


I believe you, a harness is on my list and i will order one in the next few days. DJ's wings were clipped by the breeder, i never wanted that, but in Dubai we don't have many options as i told you before. Although i feel bad about the harness as i want DJ to be as happy as possible. You are the one with experience and i am still new to handling CAGs, i will take your advice.

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Something funny happened while we were there, a Raven came near DJ and he was trying to take over the small stand i made to snatch his food. DJ has never met one in his life before, but he knew somehow that a Raven is not a friend. So he got really angry and fluffed up and scared Raven away. Now i know that CAGs are not an easy bite and will defend their territory bravely :) That's when i took the picture before the last one.

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I know the beach you were on! I've been there before. Anyway, your daughter is adorable and so is your grey, although it did make me nervous that he had no harness or cage. Dan is right about that. i would hate for you to lose your sweet grey.

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