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Citron Crested Cockatoo


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Cackatoos need plenty of attention. I have a goffin cocaktoo, the smallest of the cockatoos. Frabitzio plucks herself, because, so say, I gave it too much attention and now seems to have developed a separation anxiety complex. She wakes me up at 5:30 AM and insist that we go to bed between 7:45 and 8:15 pm. She wakes up the household: me and the other 4 birds. I love her dearly, but it is as though she is my mate, or else. There are definitely two sides to this coin and both of them being at the extremes.

Edited by CHaydel
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Jayd that palm cockatoo is stunning. My dream is the Salmon Crested Cockatoo http://www.avianweb.com/moluccancockatoos.html . With so many in rescues I hope to someday have the resources, skill and time necessary to care for one.


Moluccan, what beautiful birds....Story: About 3 years ago, a Asian lady and her husband came in to board their to Moluccan's [large bird] they had for years, her husband was sick. We never charge for helping some one, She brought the huge cage and toy and food, a couple times a week she would bring in fresh veggies for them and spend a hour os so with them. One day her husband got pretty sick and she said she wanted to have the euthanize[?] This was their belief, She was guaranteed a good home would be found for them, with some hesitance she agreed. They were re-homed together but she wouldn't accept the money. She donated it.

Here's a photo of a Leadbeater [Major Mitchel] we had the honor of knowing for a while. A real tough raise.


15 day Macaw [raise 3 at once]










To many to post, enjoy Jay






Edited by Jayd
  • Haha 1
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I'm very excited to go meet the Galahs - I've done a bunch of reading and I think this may be one that will fit our family :) Know that Galah actually means "idiot or "fool" because of the pests these birds are in Australia has my 8 year old daughter referring to her soon to be brother in law as a "galah" in jest. Hehe!


I really appreciate this community and the willingness to help with information. Sharing stories and experiences is exactly what it's all about ... what better way to learn and be able to 1) make more informed decisions and 2) enrich the lives of our fids.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a cute little galah, I have never seen one. I chuckled at the determination to stop at two. LOL. I stopped at two but the more I look, the more I wonder why not, I have the room and each one offers something just a little different. Keep me strong, two is enough, right? I am interested in watching the way your two interact and how your family does with your new addition. Thanks for thinking it through with us.

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As much as I would LOVE a house full of birds, a yard full of dogs, and a pasture full of horses and cows, my husband keeps me grounded in reality. LOL We are in the middle of my oldest daughter's wedding planning (wedding in August), I work full time, I am the church treasurer, and I have an 8 year old as well ... I can't say that I blame him when he says I have enough going on. HA! :D


I will definitely keep you posted on bringing Tucker home and how he integrates in with the family. I can only imagine how Amali will take it ... she gets jealous of the dachshund sitting on my lap! But maybe, just maybe, she will surprise me and she will enjoy Tucker as much as the rest of us. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The Citron-crested Cockatoo, Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata is a medium-sized cockatoo with an orange crest, dark grey beak, pale orange ear patches, and strong feet and claws. The underside of the larger wing and tail feathers have a pale yellow colour. The eye colour ranges from brown through very dark brown to black. Both sexes are similar.


The smallest of the Yellow-crested Cockatoo subspecies, it is endemic to Sumba in the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia. The diet consists mainly of seeds, buds, fruits, nuts and herbaceous plants.

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Hi and welcome mariahcarey384

Thank you for your post. We have a "Cockatoo Room there " If you would like you could re-post this thread there than delete this one or we could move it for you.. Looking forward to more posts from you....Thank you Jayd

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