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Cussing Bird


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These stories are so funny! Keep me coming!



My mother doesn't like my birds, so she rarely visits.....:) :) My sisters latest boyfriend, none of us can stand, and apparently he's AFRAID of birds.....they came over one time, and he sent my youngest son in the house telling me to put my birds in their cages so he could come in....... I laughed and said "I don't think so"....... Instead I went outside.

Now they NEVER come over and I don't have to invite them here for the holiday dinners because he's scared of them, what a good excuse for me!......

hee hee PHEW! Makes us all very happy!!!!!

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I am happy that Sophie has a pretty clean mouth, as we have sooo many teenage boys that come to our house. Both my kids, make sure that all friends, talk clean in front of Sophie. Kids are pretty strict! BUT... they are all into music. Ryan tries to expose Sophie to " clean RAP songs". He does a good job, but still Sophie prefers " rap". I would prefer she like other music, as she is exposed to all types of music. She dances perfectly, to rap, and prefers this music. YUCK! Nancy

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I'll get my CAG next month, but I'm already dreading some of the words and phrases that I just KNOW will be picked up. I'm trying to decide what I can tell people Philly really said..."He said 'something amiss', not 'son of a bitch'!! hahahaha

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  judygram said:
Jim, he can't pick them words up if he doesn't hear them spoken, sounds like a good time to clean up the language if you get my drift! No offense intended.


Thanks for the suggestion, Judy!!


Easier said, than done, though.... ;)

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  Jimmydreams said:
Thanks for the suggestion, Judy!!


Easier said, than done, though.... ;)


Like when you stub your toe, smash your finger, drop a full glass, or........ and it just comes out without even thinking. :o)



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Got to learn to think first-easier said than done. I was fortunate to grow up in a home where swearing just was never used and when I asked about a misspelled shirt on the sidewalk I was told that only people lacking in intelligence and imagination swore due to being unable to use more of their brains for vocabulary expansion. Hence none of us wanted to be lacking in IQ there was no swearing.

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Our local nursing home had a parrot in residence for almost 25 years (he just passed away last month) widely known as 'Tony the swearing parrot'. He'd been the companion of a patient with Alzeimers and when the man was admitted to the nursing home, so was Tony. The patient died almost 20 years ago, but Tony stayed on entertaining/offending residents and visitors. They're missing him so much they asked me for the contact info for a local parrot rescue so they can fill his empty cage. The next resident probably won't have a potty mouth though.

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If I can go in the garage and curse, everyone else can too! LOL! I believe it is very important to make sure birds have a clean mouth. Kids know how serious I take this. They can curse in the garage too! Birds are beautiful... and should never be tarnished by learning bad words. I'm sure, Sophie wonders what goes on in the garage! Nancy

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If Stewart ever talks again, his first words may just be, " Oh you poo poo head" followed by a giggle. He has the giggle down so when he hears that he giggles right along! My husband has started making up words to use instead of swearing... Heaven forbid anything ever happen to us and he moves to a new home, they would think he was a weirdo! Lol But i agree with all my heart, there are no bad words used in my home any more! We have been married going on 25 years with no children so cussing free flowed, it was a challange to stop it cold turkey but it is not impossible!

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There will be no convincing anyone that a parrot isn't cussing when you hear it, there is no doubt about the accuracy of their repetition. We have heard a lot less of the naughty word around here, but with company coming and bringing a small impressionable child, my stomach is a little clenched thinking about our little feathered angel giving us a surprise after we have worked so hard not to encourage his outburts.

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I am already convinced that my CAG's first word will be "JAYJAY!" (which is my dogs name). It gets said a LOT in every form...whispers, calls, yells, anger, you name it. My CAG's first phrase will probable be "who peed here?" (we have 3 dogs)



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Maggie loves to taunt the dog, "Guinness.... Guinness! Come here! Go! Go lay down! Go away! Goooooooo!"


She also calls the dog over, tosses food out of her cage so the dog will eat it, she'll climb down and hang off of her door and bite the dog. She's definitely a resourceful one.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 7 months later...

This thread was hilarious ... an oldie but a goodie!


I'm a bit of a "hermit" in that I don't like having people over at my house. It's "my" place - I am surrounded by people all day, and I so enjoy just coming home and being with my small zoo.


Echo knows one swear word - the S bomb. And I'm surprised she doesn't know more. I do all my crafts (mainly quilting) in the same room as Echo and yes, I have dropped pretty much every swear word that exists and made up others in her presence.


Echo is with me until one of us dies, so I don't really care if she picks them up or not (honestly, I think it's hilarious, and sometimes wish she would pick up more of them but no such luck for me!)


I was cleaning her cage and dropped her ceramic bowl and it shattered. I yelled SH** pretty loudly and then cleaned it all up, and went on with the rest of cleaning.


Next day when I was cleaning her cage she pushed her ceramic bowl OFF the top of her cage, it dropped to the ground and shattered ... she then yelled SH** at the top of those birdie air sacs ... I admit it ... I cracked up laughing.


Usually when I let out a string of curse words she just starts laughing and laughing and laughing ... The irony! A grey is living in a household where cuss words would be fully permitted and found highly amusing, and I can't get her to do it!!!!

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