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He's finally home!!!


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So Buddy is home. We had to drive all the way to San Antonio, but it was well worth the three hour drive there. His parronts socialized him very well. He was talking and making his noises in no time. He stepped up for the both of us, but he was absolutely fascinated by my hubby. Just loved him, but then all animals do! :rolleyes: :D I got a nip. :o Touched his toe while he was perched on my hand. I didn't yelp or make a big fuss...didn't really hurt at all. My fault.


It was so sad, his parronts cried when we were leaving, they love Buddy very much. We've promised to keep them updated with pics and everything. They've even asked that if it ever becomes too much and we cannot handle or keep Buddy for any reason that we let them know so they can take him back. I don't think that will ever happen, but we never know what is going to come. But I'm glad for it.


The drive home was interesting. He drank water out of a straw for me. When we stopped for potty breaks I used the water cap, but he took that away, then he took away the straw. I was pretty much holding the water bottle for him to drink, but drink he did. He talked and made noises all the way home. My kids were so excited to see him. My daughter especially...she wouldn't leave his cage. We got his "mansion" set up. Seriously big cage...had to take it apart to transport it and the smaller cage home. But got it set up, and then Buddy refused to step up from his travel cage. I hate to say it, but I bribed him with a potato chip. He is on the worst diet. No pellets. I did buy some Roudybush on the way home, and will get started on that. But he is in his mansion...I set it up almost exactly like at his old home. I did add some more toys for him. But he's got his ice water and some pellets and some seeds. He was on a mostly seed diet supplemented with fresh fruits and veggies and pasta and other stuff.


We are so happy to have him here. I'm just so in love with him....too bad he's in love with the hubby! LOL But maybe he will love us both since I'm the one feeding him. LOL;)


I will post some pics tomorrow. We are going to bed...it's been a long day!



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Congrats on bringing Buddy home and he does sound like he is well socialized, glad to hear he is adjusting well, travels easily and has taken a shine to your hubby, the one who was hesitant about getting him, isn't that the way it always is. Now you will have to gradually get him on a more nutritious diet. I look forward to seeing some pictures when you get around to sharing some with us.

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Thanks everyone! We are all doing well today. Buddy had some banana, carrots, yams and snap peas. He doesn't like broccoli. He also ate some granola. I tried not to give him any of his junk food today, but I did give him a bowl of his seed mix and added the pellets...he's going around the pellets. I am going to try soaking them in apple juice I think and also mix it into his yams...I'll just mush them up. But he will eat from my hand and let me pet his beak today. I think he wanted scritches, but I wasn't really sure and didn't want a nip again. We are leaving him in his cage today and maybe tomorrow. I have to bird proof my office before letting him in here since my office has the door to outside that I let Shylo out and in...I'm thinking one of those magnetic screens as seen on tv...don't know yet. I do know that I haven't done my homework that I have due today as I can't leave Buddy alone! LOL He was dancing with me to "Do a Little Dance"...hehe he stomps his feet.


He does have two bare spots on his belly that he plucked...have not seen any plucking since getting him home. I have sprayed him...he loves it. Thinking I need to do the aloe..his skin looks really dry. He has downy feathers all on his belly. They said that he's still growing in from his molt? I don't know, but will take him to the vet for a check up.


Well, without further ado....Heeerrrreeee'sssss Buddddddy!!!



In the last three you can see his feathers maybe?


I have more pics on my phone, but can't transfer them here for some reason...I'll try again though.





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Don't be too upset if he does pluck a little bit. I'm sure his little grey head is trying to figure out whats going on, and that might cause some anxiety plucking. Just don't react. If he truly loves getting wet you're lucky. Most greys act as though water will melt them! Take advantage and get those pin feathers good and wet to make them growing in more comfortable. Congrats on your new family member. <3

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I wouldn't care if he was bald to tell the truth! I'd love him anyway. I'm just glad he's doing well right now.


He enjoyed it and drank out of the spray bottle.


Though, it doesn't seem as if he's drank any of his water. How much do they drink?

Edited by DawnMM
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