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Calling all birds??


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So, i have had a pond in my back yard for years, 5+. I have had a pool in my back yard for 15+ years. I have 2 fids since January this year. For the last few months we have lost 5 koi fish to either a Egret or bird hawk as we have recently been seeing both. This morning i went outside and there were ducks inthe pool! We have never had these birds in our yard before, roadrunner yes, Egret no! Are my new fids advertising free room and board or what??! (Needless to say, our birds are not going out back anymore no matter how loud they scream!) I had a talk with the boys this morning and asked them to stop inviting their feathered friends over without asking us first!






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Better go searching for a nest! LOL Or they won't be going anywhere. Hopefully they are just passing through. I love seeing the ducks and egrets on our tank. Since I've moved out into the country I've seen so many wild animals! We've even had geese visit our tank. Beautiful!

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I think Gracie sends off a "get away" vibe to other birds rather than a welcoming one. Last week there were two doves on my balcony and Gracie kept flying menacingly at the sliding door windows outside the balcony until they flew off. Once they were gone she went back to her perch and fluffed herself up with a very satisfied look as if she was thinking "well I showed them who was boss!"

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I looked for a nest, have not seen one but who knows! Lol The ducks are the lesser of the evils!

My koi fish are pretty big, the ones missing were about 6-7". Or lets say one meal and i charged the Egret $90.00 and he ate 5 times!

The dogs can not go out unattended either as they are 4lb chihuahua give and take a lb and a blind minpin. I could picture the minpin running up to the hawk, wanna play???

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They must have come back sometime today. Pool filter was off cuz i didn't want them to get sucked up and boy is the top of the water full of feathers! Lol I need to check my garden better!

My neighbor said she is, without a doubt, charging her friends entrance fees when they visit.

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Well we had our last outting today. As i said, no more back yard so we went out front, covered porch, losts of trees. 3 of our neighbors came over and my niece wanted to hold

Stewart, which she regularly does, so we walked out to the yard not far from the porch. I put Stewart on her arm and i stood on one side of her and Trisha stood on the other,

kinda like a u shape. Oliver was on his perch right off the porch and my husband picked him up to get him out of the sun, his 5 minutes were up. Just as he sat down with him a

hawk flew mere inches away from Trishas shoulder, then up over the stand where Oliver had been moments before. We high taled the kids inside and will be looking for an aviary

tomorrow. Once inside though the hawk tried again, this time trying to land in our back yard. I miss my ducks, my harmless cute ducks!

This was Oliver on his last outting for a while! Look at that smile, it is going to break my heart telling him no, but i would rather it break because of a simple no than because he was carried off!


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Oliver is beautiful and vibrant basking in the sun. He does look blissfully happy. Your pictures are serene and you have a pleasant scene to look upon. The hawks are another story. No sooner than I typed that sentence I heard the call of a hawk and it is still dark outside.

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