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Sam is going to be a big brother


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We've been wanting to add another Fid, but waited until Sam seemed more comfortable around us. He's doing well, making great strides. We brought him with us to our favorite bird store, who happened to have a baby Rose Breasted Cockatoo. Of course I fell in love, because that is one breed I've always loved.

My heart wanted it immediately, but we took a few days to consider it and make sure the head matched the heart. This morning I put a deposit down on the little thing.


It's 6 weeks old tomorrow, so it'll be a bit before it comes home, but Sam is coming with us again on Saturday to spend time with the little one. I'm quite excited!


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I know it's only been a few days since we went to the store, but what a HUGE difference in my relationship with Sam. He sat with me (a rarity till now) the entire time I held the baby and fed it. He was curious, and calm. Since we've come home and I had some lessons in better interaction with Sam, he's been making funny baby noises- the way they were all crying to be fed. I've learned to towel Sam and spend some quiet time every evening, to better our bond and I kissed his beak for the first time.

He LOVES my husband, but has always avoided me. I'm loving our changes and look forward to bringing him back to see the baby this weekend.

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