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Your weekly dose of Ellie


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Some more pictures of Ellie...



Kel was cleaning out the superfund site that was Keira's old bedroom (we've shuffled bedrooms since Kel's mom has moved into a home). While going through eight years of accumulated garbage, she found this little rattle.


After cleaning it off, I showed it to Ellie and she ran up to me, grabbed the toy and ran off. Each time I would come near, she'd back off. "My toy, Doug! Stay away!" Even though I was the one picking it up off the floor and giving it back to her...


Newest favorite toy by shyzaboy, on Flickr



This foraging toy is just a cardboard tube with newspaper taped over each end. Inside I put some walnuts and raisins. She had to figure out how to hold it so she could rip the newspaper.


Kept her occupied for about thirty minutes...


Foraging toy by shyzaboy, on Flickr



Ellie ripped a big enough hole in the paper and dumped out the treats. Here she's enjoying the nuts of her labors - a walnut...


Finally! The reward! by shyzaboy, on Flickr



I purchased and installed a "boing" for Ellie, in my office, right next to her playstand.


Her first order of business was to attack the bell at the lower end. Second order of business was to check out the installation. Make sure that I did it right...


Making sure the hardware is secure by shyzaboy, on Flickr



The rest of the pictures were already posted on various threads, but I thought I'd include them here since I have the typical anal-retentive characteristics of an engineer...



Every day around 10 a.m., Ellie wants to snuggle up for a nap.


Kinda tough to type one-handed...


Ellie's nap time! by shyzaboy, on Flickr



One of Ellie's favorite treats. I don't give her a lot of corn since it isn't as nutritious as some veggies, but she has a lot of fun with it...


Corn on the cob by shyzaboy, on Flickr



When she's not in her cage, or in my office, or on her window perch, or on her sunroom play-stand, or on me......she's on the play-top on her cage.


I kept the original perch, but it didn't provide much activity for her, so I added a few branches. Unfortunately, the branches extend far enough that she can, with the right aim and trajectory, poop on the floor...


I need to add a few more toys...


Ellie's play-top by shyzaboy, on Flickr


This is the toy that terrified her on Friday. Two days later she's tearing it up like there's no tomorrow...


Not scared any longer! by shyzaboy, on Flickr



Ellie loves corn on the cob. I only give her a little slice (about half an inch - one cm) since corn isn't bad but it isn't terribly nutritious either...


A bit of corn on the cob by shyzaboy, on Flickr



I prepare TINY sandwiches for Ellie - I cut a piece of sandwich bread into sixteen pieces and use two of them to make a peanut butter sandwich for Ellie. Something to play with while I chop up her veggies and make my breakfast...


She doesn't manage to eat much (if any) but she seems to have fun with it!


Messy peanut butter by shyzaboy, on Flickr



I carried a new toy past her cage (I had to get the scissors out of my office) and she was intently curious. When I returned, I showed it to her. None of the typical Grey fear of the new - she wanted it. Especially the bell. Once I held up the bell for her to see, she snatched it from me and wouldn't let it go...


I had to attach the other end to one of the branches on the play-top so once she DID let go, it wouldn't go crashing to the floor. (Where the dogs would probably chew it up...)


It is now in her cage so she can ring the bell for service...


I may have to rethink the location of this toy...


The other toy that I bought yesterday was a "kabob" (made with sections of yucca stalk). Ellie loved her previous kabob - she completely destroyed it. I showed her the new one and she growled and pulled away. I still can't get her within three or four feet of it without her freaking out.


Weird critters...


Ellie DEMANDED that I give her the new toy! by shyzaboy, on Flickr



I wanted to make a play-stand entirely from natural wood. This one is more of a jungle gym than a play-stand...


I like sycamore branches because of their twists and turns. But those twists and turns are typically on a fairly large scale.


I found a huge sycamore growing next to the road and cut up some of the dead branchs and hauled them home.


This is the mash-up that I made (with a couple old towels underneath).


It is very bulky.


Ellie likes to climb all over it and chew up the bark. Kelleigh, on the other hand, is not fond of it AT ALL...


One problem is that once Ellie picks off the papery bark, the wood is very smooth. That makes the vertical sections too hard to climb.


I think I'll go back to hibiscus...


Not the most successful design by shyzaboy, on Flickr

Edited by Doug
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Okay Doug, I don't know where to start! Your pics are beautiful ! But Ellie is stunningly gorgeous!!! I have a tag, and I find them so dainty and beautiful, Ellie reminds me of Taln, just a younger version. I LOVE how you added the branch to the top of her cage, can I ask what kind of wood you used? I would like to start adding outside branches, but am afraid of bringing in something toxic or diseased. Do you tie them with sissel rope?



Again, she is absolutely beautiful! :)

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I LOVE how you added the branch to the top of her cage, can I ask what kind of wood you used? I would like to start adding outside branches, but am afraid of bringing in something toxic or diseased. Do you tie them with sissel rope?




I have three different types of branches on the top of the cage: hibiscus (farthest), magnolia (closest) and sycamore (connecting the other two).


I bake the branches in the oven at 250°F (120°C) for about an hour.


I use tie-wraps to hold them in place/together. Ellie doesn't chew through tie-wraps, so I use them for just about everything...

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It IS really sweet when she sleeps on my big ol' belly, but it is also really a pain in the butt since I am supposed to be working... Especially since she wants to do it EVERY day...


I REALLY love it when she is almost ready for bed and wants me to hold her on my chest/belly and scratch her head. Tonight it only went on for about twenty minutes, but she was ready to go to bed. She tried to fly back to her cage, but wasn't sure of the route and she only made it part of the way. (We were in the basement - see the last picture above.)

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Never seen a TAG that close before! Ellie is so beautiful indeed. Excellent photography skills Doug, photos are very sharp. What camera are you using?


Thanks! I have a Canon Rebel T1i with a Canon 15-85 mm lens. (The picture with her on my stomach is with my pocket camera, though...)


I see you've added DJ to your sig. Let's see some more pix...

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I didn't know I could get addicted to cuteness. My favorite is also of her cupped in your hand. You can still type with one hand, great job. I can see why your wife is objecting to the tall playstand, she knows you have a tendency to keep adding and building it bigger. LOL. Elllie is just gorgeous on that stand though. She is a natural subject for your photography. I love the little red highlights on her legs. She is just precious. I keep trying to picture Gilbert as a little tyke and your pictures of Ellie help give me that vision of him.

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She's very cooperative to the photo sessions - I take a LOT of pictures before I pick one to post. (Probably a 10:1 factor...) So Ellie is very tolerant of the flash...


Although... in the last picture, on the jungle gym pile-of-sticks, she got bored with my picture-taking and flew over and landed on my head. I had just put her back when I took this picture...


My sister and husband (live in San Antonio, TX, but moving to Charlottesville, VA in the summer) came to visit today. Kelleigh told them that the couldn't go to the basement because of my huge pile of sticks. (It was really because the basement is a mess EVERYWHERE...)

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