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to say your life REALLY changes having them home is pretty much an understatement lol Im running round behind her cleaning up things, making her yummy foods and course wiping up poops LMAO I am totally changing her name to Ms. Poopfire (i.e. Ms. Doubtfire) sheesh! :rolleyes: BUT ... even with ALL of that .. she's been so much fun ... shes even getting better with the family

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I've noticed that I don't get pooped on quite as often as I used to...


Ellie holds her poop at night until I take her out of her cage (and then it is a MASSIVE dump) but she's never given me the same respect as she's given her cage. But she's getting better. Sometimes when she's on my shoulder when I'm in my office, she'll hop to the back of my chair, aim over the edge, poop, and hop back on my shoulder. At least then the poop is on the floor and not on me!


I wonder how difficult it is to get them to hold it for a bit longer when their not in their cage...


Whenever I take her out of the cage, I hold her over a specific area and tell her to go potty. Typically she'll go but sometimes it isn't too quick. Of course, she doesn't always cooperate - I can wait a minute or two with no results, start carrying her across the room and BOMBS AWAY! Ugh...

Edited by Doug
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Yay! Congrats! She is beautiful.


I've noticed that I don't get pooped on quite as often as I used to...


Ellie holds her poop at night until I take her out of her cage (and then it is a MASSIVE dump) but she's never given me the same respect as she's given her cage. But she's getting better. Sometimes when she's on my shoulder when I'm in my office, she'll hope to the back of my chair, aim over the edge, poop, and hop back on my shoulder. At least then the poop is on the floor and not on me!


I wonder how difficult it is to get them to hold it for a bit longer when their not in their cage...


Whenever I take her out of the cage, I hold her over a specific area and tell her to go potty. Typically she'll go but sometimes it isn't too quick. Of course, she doesn't always cooperate - I can wait a minute or two with no results, start carrying her across the room and BOMBS AWAY! Ugh...

LOL at bombsaway!!!!! I know that Marco nailed my leg today and it ran down from my knee :rolleyes: my kids think its funny cuz she wiggles like she does as a pre-warning LOL


Buttttttttt shes been fun. We just got her NEW swing installed and I hope to have her tree stand finished tomorrow sometime and OMG its So cute and totally homemade by my neighbor! :D

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I've noticed that I don't get pooped on quite as often as I used to...


Ellie holds her poop at night until I take her out of her cage (and then it is a MASSIVE dump) but she's never given me the same respect as she's given her cage. But she's getting better. Sometimes when she's on my shoulder when I'm in my office, she'll hope to the back of my chair, aim over the edge, poop, and hop back on my shoulder. At least then the poop is on the floor and not on me!


I wonder how difficult it is to get them to hold it for a bit longer when their not in their cage...


Whenever I take her out of the cage, I hold her over a specific area and tell her to go potty. Typically she'll go but sometimes it isn't too quick. Of course, she doesn't always cooperate - I can wait a minute or two with no results, start carrying her across the room and BOMBS AWAY! Ugh...



Hey Doug, after our Easter festivities settle down, I will start a new thread about this. I will post pictures of how I handle Talons morning bomb that she holds in all night. I think you might lime it, or at least your wife will. :) My other birds think nothing of pooping whenever they want in their cages,but Talon being the prissy little neat and tidy girl she is will hold it all day or night if she has to so not to poop in her cages.

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100_0478.jpg Those are Marco's intials :D I didnt even know he did that till I was taking the pictures :eek:


Hes still working on the tree stand. We finalized the "plans" for it last nite where all the branches and things will go. He has made these out of a pecan tree from his yard, cut it down, widdled it, soaked it, baked it ... and then fashioned it into the stand and swing. He's worked really hard on them. The stand will be able to be moved back n forth on rollers.



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That is nice. I wish I had someone to help me with that kind of stuff. I have to buy everything for my baby. Which is not easy either, being a single mom of three(and one is in college), I am lucky to be able to get the bird and cage. So if anyone knows of any easy and I do mean easy do it yourself things I could try to make let me know please. Aerial I am sure Marco is going to enjoy the swing, can't wait too see the play stand.

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That is nice. I wish I had someone to help me with that kind of stuff. I have to buy everything for my baby. Which is not easy either, being a single mom of three(and one is in college), I am lucky to be able to get the bird and cage. So if anyone knows of any easy and I do mean easy do it yourself things I could try to make let me know please. Aerial I am sure Marco is going to enjoy the swing, can't wait too see the play stand.


Awesome!! I too wish I knew someone to build things for my birds. :)




oh gosh theres lots of easy things to do "at home" with lots of house hold things like ... lids to milk jugs, caps to soda bottles, heck even soda bottles with some stuff in it to make them rattle tie it and hang it from the cage ... you can youtube home made bird toys there is a TON out there. I bought some cotton clothes line and some wooden cooking spoons, some clothes pins, popsicle sticks and thread bobbins from someone from work and threaded them up to make tons of toys! :D find your creative bone :D I find now how much MORE i recycle thinking of ............ "what can I make for marco" out of this lol ... :o even stuff like my creamer bottle now that its empty Im going to make a toy for Marco out of it! stuff that she can destroy that wont cost me much of anything!

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She is a beauty to behold and you are totally smitten with her, this thread has been like bringing a new one home for everyone who has followed along with it, can't wait to hear more about this playstand and share all the pics you want as we can't get enough of Marco.

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Id like to share something that happend to me last march, I was holding Miss hannah on my hand Taking her into the Kitchen where we had a playstand for her, She had to poop and it fell on the linolium floor in front of me I sliped and fell and broke my leg , Hannah flew off and was fine, I had to have a plate and pins put in my leg, I was down for 8 weeks. So be very carefull about where you let them poop whene you are carrying them from place to place.

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Id like to share something that happend to me last march, I was holding Miss hannah on my hand Taking her into the Kitchen where we had a playstand for her, She had to poop and it fell on the linolium floor in front of me I sliped and fell and broke my leg , Hannah flew off and was fine, I had to have a plate and pins put in my leg, I was down for 8 weeks. So be very carefull about where you let them poop whene you are carrying them from place to place.


Oh my! Thats terrible. My birds have potty baskets, they usually go in them, or else I keep an eye on their body language, that lets me know,when they are going to go.

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