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Do your friends share your passion ?


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I am very lucky, I have a friend who has a Galah cockatoo, and a friend who has 2 greys. So mostly my other friends are used to big birds. One of my neighbours loves to call over to me for tea so she can hear Oisin and Liath talking, especially when Liath is in a grouchy humour. She thinks it is the funniest thing in the world to hear Liath giving out to Oisin. Quite a few of my neighbours have budgies since their kids met our Greys.... I think I have started a trend.

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My parents do, my mom was so happy for me when the opprotunity came up to adopt Greyce she gave me money toward the cause. My friends already think I'm nuts with two dogs, a cat, two fish....there response was "Another animal?". However, while they don't get the fact that I am so thrilled to have her (I was bouncing off the walls when I got her). They do all ask about her when we talk, even my best friend who I talk to several times a week. And the two friends that have met her so far have thought she was beautiful, one is terrified of birds but wanted to hold her. So while they don't share my passion and none of them are bird people, most are happy for me.

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  • 5 months later...

when people impose their childrens' photos (or grandchildrens') and anecdotes on me, i then have the opportunity to regale them with photos and stories of MY 4-yr-old (merlin) and MY eight year old (inga).


people at work are very indulgent of the kraazy pet lady in their midst.


merlin is a joy and a wonder to not only me but to non-bird people as well.

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Some of my new friends dont understand.. All they say is so much money put into something that makes a mess and alot of noise. Alcazar isnt the messy one.Its the Zons.I have to vacuum every day in their area at least twice.morning & night

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My co-workers like to hear my stories. One of them decided he might like to get a grey because he thought it might be a good addition to his new family room. I stopped him right there and explained to him how much time and effort it takes to have a happy healthy bird. He changed his mind. What he wanted was a conversation piece and not another member of the family.


Now my girlfriend thinks I am nuts when it comes to my birds and thinks I spend way to much money on them. At one time she was hinting on giving me a choice between her or them (only had tiels at the time)I stopped her before she went any further with it and told her the birds have been with me longer than she has and reminded her I was looking for a girlfriend when I found her! she tries harder now to be more accepting of them.

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I suspect many of us feel the same way - no one quite understands our love, obsession and interests in our birds. Like many, outside of my immediate family, whenever I talk about birds everyone dismisses my comments. Outside of this forum, there aren't many I talk to about aviculture. I am looking for local birds groups to join.

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I have one friend who is also into birds, but noone else really understands. My boyfriend just barely tolerates them, he can't stand it because Lyric will call for me whenever I leave the room and if he is trying to watch tv it becomes a contest between them to see who can be louder. I wish he could learn to respect my grey like I do and love him, he looks at it like a dog that should follow the "Pack Leader", him. I guess if you aren't a bird person you just aren't a bird person- but I've always loved them. I wish I had more people in my life that felt the same way I do. It would make socializing my birds easier that's for sure!

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I think having a bird is infectious to those who do not have them in their lives. My parents, now retired, were together with me when Bobot first came to me at about 6 weeks. They saw the joy and also the commitment I made towards him/her. My father, used to come and take Bobot out on his own and place him in his lap while watching some TV at the end of the day. They recently told me, they contacted the breeder and bought a 5 month old female eclectus. This was the bird my mother was fascinated with when I went to the breeder's home to pick up my grey. The breeder told me that when my father picked up the eclectus, he instantly knew my father was in love with the bird. In fact, my folks are regularly attending local bird shows with the breeder who has now become a family friend. About 3000 miles separates me from my parents but we talk regularly. Now when I talk to them, a good majority of the discussion is on 'Ellie' - the female eclectus.

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tarnold wrote:

Now my girlfriend thinks I am nuts when it comes to my birds and thinks I spend way to much money on them. At one time she was hinting on giving me a choice between her or them (only had tiels at the time)I stopped her before she went any further with it and told her the birds have been with me longer than she has and reminded her I was looking for a girlfriend when I found her! she tries harder now to be more accepting of them.


LOL - You got that right.....See ya, been nice knowing you. ;-)

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cdelatorrejr wrote:

About 3000 miles separates me from my parents but we talk regularly. Now when I talk to them, a good majority of the discussion is on 'Ellie' - the female eclectus.


My parents are also nuts about my birds. Whenever they phone me they spend more time talking to Liath than they do to me. Most people just ignore her chattering in the background, but my dad will ask me to put her on speaker:blink:

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"""My parents are also nuts about my birds. Whenever they phone me they spend more time talking to Liath than they do to me. Most people just ignore her chattering in the background, but my dad will ask me to put her on speaker"""


Now that is what I like to hear Siobhan!!!


My daughter usually comes in and goes right to Sunny's cage and gets her out if she isn't already. She likes her a lot but won't really admit it.:whistle:

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My mom was on the phone w/me and heard the Alcazar have a fit.My mom asked who that was I told her Alcazar. She asked in a shocking voice why he was acting like that? I told her because I was talking to Delilah & Dakota. Shes like well hes jealous, you need to get those other birds down the basement.SHe said dont get my granfid upset.I said wait, the others are Ur granfids she said not when they are getting Alcazar jealous and she said by the way they are supppose to be in the basement.She said Alcazar is a good boy and I shouldnt get him upset. She like screaming on the phone, NANA's GOOD BOY. LOL...

I think she is changing her mind. SHe loves ALcazar now that he talks and does silly stuff. Especially climbing around his cage upside down.

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