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Bonding my bird with a rescue...possible?


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Hi everyone.

Here's my situation. I have a 6 year-old brown headed parrot. His name is Ringo and he is nasty to anyone who is not me. I live alone, so it's hard for him to really socialize with other people. My visitors do not get to see his gentle side. He's a very gentle, loving bird otherwise.


I want to rescue a grey. Not buy one, but save one from a bad situation. I've always loved greys and would love to have one. Anyway, if the opportunity arises, will my current bird ever be able to tolerate another bird? Will it ever be the same between Ringo and me, or will he just become bitter?


I know you can't tell me for sure, but maybe you could tell me your experience. Thank you.

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I have two parrots, Susu is an Indian Ring Neck and he is 4 years old, had him since he was a baby. I wanted to add an African Grey to the family, so i got one and Susu never had any problem with him being around, unless! If DJ will come closer to Susu's cage, Susu will get really territorial and will attack DJ. I keep them separated until Susu accepts DJ one day "Hopefully" :)

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I have 3 birds 1 grey 2 tiels,1 tiel doesnt leave the cage unless he wants a quick fly so no problems there,the other tiel is `tolerated` ,as she is out of the cage all day, until it comes to trying to take/play with Archies cardboard boxes,but luckily she picks up on the signs to go away so not had any real problems there ,she is how ever allowed on and in hes cage , she is welcome to his food drink and toys in there,he will just sit there and watch her

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A lot of us have more than one bird and they may not get along with each other but they tolerate one another when they are out and that includes mine. I have a grey, a sun conure and a cockatiel and they are all out at the same time but as long as there is at least a little space between them they are fine. Who knows Ringo might enjoy having another parrot around, he may not get along with the new one but they can learn to share the same home.

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I have three parrots, a TAG that I have had since she was 4 months old. Ana Grey is now 4 years old. Then I got my ZON, Louie, who was 2 when I got him and is now 4 years old. And finally my CAG, Sterling Gris, who I have had since he was 5 months old and is now 1 year old. Ana Grey, the smallest of my parrots and the first is the aggressive one in the flock. She is fearless but is the very close to me so will do as I ask with a little coaching and lots of persistence. My three jockey for position all the time and do fight and get in scraps a lot. They are out all day long and are all flighted so even though they do not like each other, they can each stand their ground and "make a getaway" if need be. Will they ever be "good buddies"???? Probably not, but I am retired so can watch them very closely. Do they challenge each other, of course, that's the way of the grey and the zon.

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I cant help wondering if living on your own would make this harder or easier for you,harder as in both birds have to `fight` for the affection of one human, or it could be they both accept they have to get along as there is only one human to get affection from hmmm

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We have a red bellied parrot and she was the love of our life, although a bit ferocious too. Now that she is six, she has calmed a lot and I was really nervous about bringing home a rehomed older grey for fear of what it would do to our relationship. Java is a cuddler and wants to be held and scratched on the head and it took a long long time for her to acclimated to college aged daughters coming and going. But, when the right moment came, we brought Gilbert home. It has taken a year to be able to open both cages and not have her fly over and harrass him. He is not flighted due to damaged feathers which I am hoping will grow back some day. What I would say is that each bird has a different relationship with you. Gilbert does not want to be touched, he is our entertainer from afar. Now that Java has learned that I will get up and move her away from him, she barely pays him a second notice. They do have cages side by side and they pick up things from one another, like certain phrases, or behaviors. You are right though, we can tell you our story, but there is little prediction to whether any two birds will become tolerant. With a lot of patience and vigilance, we have had a modest measure of success, it has taken a year and we are happy with that.

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