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Harness and leash?


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How many of you have your greys trained to a harness and leash? I plan on getting a travel cage to take my baby places but I was thinking about harness/leash training him/her. This is something totally new to me and would need all the help I could get on how to do it.



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A number of members have their fids harness trained and it works for them. I do not have a harness for my birds, but I would like to.

My wife will not let our birds out of her sight let alone out side even with a harness.

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A number of members have their fids harness trained and it works for them. I do not have a harness for my birds, but I would like to.

My wife will not let our birds out of her sight let alone out side even with a harness.


Protective mom! LOL I'm divorced so It's just me and 16 yr old son, but my ex wouldn't have cared. He really only likes dogs.



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If you want to harness train your grey then start early introducing it as young greys take to it easier than older ones, I never tried the harness on my grey but many of the members do take their birds out for flights. I do take mine out in travel cages to get some sunshine. Also many swear by the Aviator harness as the best on the market.

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If you want to harness train your grey then start early introducing it as young greys take to it easier than older ones, I never tried the harness on my grey but many of the members do take their birds out for flights. I do take mine out in travel cages to get some sunshine. Also many swear by the Aviator harness as the best on the market.


What harness to get was going to be my next question, thanks!! :)



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There's 2 types of harnesses

1--As Judy mentioned, one is called Aviator Harness.----this allows a person to carry the bird around on the shouldser or arm or wrist plus it allows the person to teach the bird how to fly from one place back to the person. This type of harness has extensions that can be added to lengthen that distance.

2--The other type of harness comes with buckles that are clipped together around the bird in order for the harness to fit snuggly.

People use this harness to walk around with the bird on the shoulder, arm or wrist and people also use it to walk the bird in the street. The bad part of that is that a person has no idea about what the bird is stepping in. Everything is microscopic.

It comes with a 6 ft leash and there's no extensions.

The better harness is of course the Aviator Harness which is much more bird friendly.

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I have an aviator, Archimedes and I both love it! I will say, you HAVE TO GO SLOW with it. It's a completely different feeling for them. The nice thing is that the Aviator harness comes with a dvd, but basically what you wanna do is start getting your guy comfortable with being handled, especially wings and having something go over his head. next just take the ribbon and just lay it over him, it's ok if he bites. Eventually ,y6 b4346 (archimedes is helping me write) loop just the head part over the grey, nothing else. Then the next day loop one of the wings, then the other wing. And just do one body part at a time. Then work up to head and 1 wing, and then 2 wings.... Only after he's comfy doing all 3, tighten... That's the part that archimedes freaked out about.... it should take around 2 weeks before you even begin at tightening.


Also before taking him outside, make sure they know what it feels to fly with an aviator harness... the bounce was weird too for Archimedes, but now if he spooks and flies away he knows to fly right back to me

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