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what foraging activities do you give your greys?


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I just went to bird paradise (and spent a small fortune as always) on a whole bunch of foraging toys. I got drawer box, a couple of circle spinny things, and this tube spinny thing... I'm excited that Archimedes is figuring out the box... slowly but surely... and I'm just curious as to what you guys use for foraging and what you fill it with

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We've spent a small fortune on toys as well. Jocko's favorite - empty toilet paper roll, wrapped with a sheet of paper, twist the ends (like a piece of candy). doesn't take her long tear into it but she will spend a lot of time shredding and it's virtually free! Reminds me of a kid - $200.00 toy and they're more interested in playing with the box!

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Noodle loves foraging! We have a playtop on his cage that he hangs out on most of the time. We use corncob bedding and mix in brightly colored foraging confetti and bury treats for him to find; he will spend hours just playing with the corncob and confetti! He also likes a couple of the homemade toys we've made him, such as a thick cardboard tube (its big enough around he can fit through it) and a coconut treat toy-thingy. Sometimes simpler is better! Here's the link for the confetti if anybody would like it: http://www.amazon.com/Foraging-Confetti-Shred-Material-Caged/dp/B002IUHO1I and here's what we used to make the coconut toy, as well as some colored tassels, rope, and beads: http://www.windycityparrot.com/Coconut-Shell-Half-Hairy-for-Parrot-Toy-Parts_p_2426.html


Happy foraging!

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We've spent a small fortune on toys as well. Jocko's favorite - empty toilet paper roll, wrapped with a sheet of paper, twist the ends (like a piece of candy). doesn't take her long tear into it but she will spend a lot of time shredding and it's virtually free! Reminds me of a kid - $200.00 toy and they're more interested in playing with the box!


I tried your toilet paper roll wrapped in paper idea last night except I put two peanuts in it as a treat. Papito threw the peanuts to the side and kept going on the paper and paper roll. Thank you for the idea. He seamed to really enjoy it.

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I have tried various puzzle toys and he has figured out all but one. The problem is, once he figures them out he gets bored. I like to come up with stuff on the fly, like vegetable parts or cardboard tubes with walnuts wrapped in newspaper. Puzzle toys are too expensive to have them ignored so soon. I also like the birdie pinatas, he has fun with those. Pens without ink are fun with the little clicker button. he seems to be interested in whatever i am doing, so I usually have a "sacrificial lamb" to keep him occupied while i am working. Boxes, pasta, and other stuff work for that purpose.

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Chez that last part sounds pretty familiar... for every area of the house we hang out with is a bin of stuff to keep him entertained, usually for 5 minutes before he goes for the keyboard, remote, phone, cell phone.... anything with buttons does it for Archimedes.... now he has his own "phone" that he stands on and presses buttons while trying to destroy

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Sam is still afraid of most toys, but I found this one pyramid shaped foraging toy that after months of avoiding, he LOVES. I put all sorts of treats, and blocks, and papers, straws... whatever is on hand. He will practically hang on it, swinging. Most of the other toys he avoids, but we're not giving in.... they are staying till he isn't afraid of them too :-)

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Molly who is 11 months old and she started feather chewing so the vet told me to get her some foraging toys and the most resonible place is pet mountain I have your the natures instinct rings of fortune and Molly doesn't like it she loves pineda kind she can tear up and I put a phone book turned upside and she has stopped chewing her feathers she loves her phone book good luck.

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I hardly spend any $$$ on foraging equipment and setups for my birdies.


I created most of that myself from branches and cheap inexpensive stuff.


Foraging for birdies add so much more to their richness of life. This will make them more content and much happier. And a happy birdie will be that much friendlier and bond that much better with you.


Have a look at the foraging points I did for Riamfada. Also for all other birdies including Oberon, but it was better documented and photoed with Riamfada.

It is too complicated to write here, as without the backing photos, words are not easily understood.


Photos speak better than words.

And you will realised it is a lot easier to do then to talk about.


All these done even for my softbills as well if you have followed accounts of Libai and others.

Shanlung foraging for birdies //Jackie and clicker training // climate change



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