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Marcus Went to "Work"!


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Yes, so the question mark I posed in another recent thread was resolved when everything pulled through and we were able to drive Marcus to "work" today in the city, where my husband's workplace is located. So before we left, I put some food and water and foot toys together in a little bag and had Marcus enter his handy-dandy Adventure Pack Travel Cage... I just love that thing! (It's a backpack-style parrot carrier and I think Marcus enjoys it very much, too.) Anyway, so our dog was very jealous as we walked out the front door without her, but I buckled Marcus in his travel cage into the backseat, I settled myself beside him, and my husband acted as the chauffeur. Off we went!


Pictures of our journey were requested :) so here is a shot of Marcus buckled up beside me in the car:




The drive took about an hour, during which time Marcus tried chewing on the little bit of exposed zipper he discovered on his Adventure Pack. :( But he didn't do any damage to it. Once we arrived at our destination, my hubby left us to go do some preliminary stuff inside the building as I let Marcus out of his cage inside the car. He climbed to the top of his carrier and was a real cutie.




Once I got everything together, Marcus and I went inside, ourselves. My husband had to move his desk (rather, his stuff in his desk) from one side of the building to another cubicle/area located maybe halfway across the building. Marcus got a bird's-eye view (haha) of the process, first in the hallway...




...and then he and I took a little detour into the lunch room. My husband laughed when he saw this pic, apparently he didn't realize we had visited there.




After that, it was down to business. Marcus and I trekked across the building to my husband's new work area. He wanted us to stay and help him, but I thought it smelled kind of weird over there and was worried for Marcus, since I wasn't exactly sure what it was from... so we popped in and out of the building, taking frequent jaunts out into the sunshine to get some fresh air. And it was blustery today! But then we would pop back inside to see how things were going (although we never stayed long). Marcus said one or two things but I don't quite remember what they were except that once he said "Hello!" when he saw/heard his Daddy again, when we first walked back in:




But, like I said before, we didn't stay there long. I told my husband I wanted to give Marcus some food in the car so he and I went back outside. Once inside the car, I let him out and he didn't eat, but he had some water at my prompting. Then he kept prompting me for songs and head-tickles, so he was spoiled until his Daddy came back out to the car again.


I love this picture of Marcus, he looks so sweet in this shot! Mr. Saucer Eyes. :)




On the way home, I don't know how we got into this, I guess we started warning Marcus whenever we would have to stop for a light because sometimes he would be caught off-guard. I kind of got into the whole "See, it's red, now we're going to stop!" and "Now it's green, we can go!" thing, and Marcus apparently was paying close attention, because once he said, "Why?" And so I tried to explain to him about stoplights and such, and my hubby was like, Now you're trying to teach him how to drive? and we got into a little bit of an argument about the silly issue--which apparently upset Marcus. He started up suddenly with the insistent, "Ross? Ross! ROSS!" in an urgent voice, which I realized was him trying to tell my husband to be quiet (or at least stop arguing with me). Of course, me explaining that fact to my husband was not nearly as effective or convincing as if he had understood Marcus' intention, himself! ;)


But we really had a nice time together and we all got home, safe and sound, after a long drive. We thought Marcus would be tired after his big adventure today, but he was quite riled up until he went to bed a little while ago with the other birds. Funny boy. :)

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Aerial, petiteOne... we bought ours through Parrot and Conure World: http://www.parrot-and-conure-world.com/adventure-pack-cage.html


I created another thread here in the "Cages" section a number of months ago, inviting members who owned one to post the pros and cons of the Adventure Pack Travel Cage, as I had never seen it in any stores but only at one or two sites online. (So I didn't know much about it and wanted feedback before we made such a purchase.) In the end, seeing a video that was shared of Emma African Grey in her (pretty purple!) one--thank you!--helped make the decision for us, and we bought Marcus an Adventure Pack not too long ago. He loves it! And it's made of stainless steel so should last him quite a while.


None of the pictures really show the 'backpack' aspect of it too well, so here's another for reference:




It's very light, the 'window shades' can be rolled down as desired, and the top part of the pack snaps off to create a little tote to haul stuff around... but I'm afraid of wearing out the canvas by unsnapping it too much and so just have left it on for our little walks and trips. Hope all that helps!


And everyone else--thank you for all of your lovely comments! I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures and reading the story so much. :)

Edited by MarcusCAG
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I have that Adventure Pack carrier but it is a little small for a grey for any length of time. Josey went with us up to see our son and his family this weekend, a 4 hour trip one way and she travels nicely but in a larger travel cage that serves as her home for the duration of the visit. She enjoyed out of cage time but was happy to spend the rest of the time in her carrier as she was where we spent the most of the time and she had toys to play with. She did get to see some snow as they had about 3 to 4 inches but we had nothing at home.

Thanks for sharing Marcus's little adventure with us.

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Karen: Haven't been online too much lately but just found your thread and beautiful pics of Marcus's adventure!!! Way to go - Ross, Karen & Marcus WOW!!!


I still haven't "asked" Roscoe to get in his travel cage yet. He walks over the top & down the side, but won't go in... I put a small SS bowl w/ some peanuts in it but he still hasn't gone in, but he is curious. I just want his first time to be pleasant & not a trama :)

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I'm sorry, Dave. I just thought that since I had posted about the possibility of Marcus going to work here in the Lounge, it would be okay to follow-up with what actually happened, pictures and all. If you want to move this thread to the Photography Room instead, that's fine. (It might do just as well in the Cages/Homes room, too, since some of this thread revolves around the Adventure Pack carrier and where to get it.) Either way, I'm just glad to be able to share Marcus' little adventure here in the forums with everybody. :)


Although, are posts with even one photo in them not supposed to be posted to the Grey Lounge?


And Gwen: Don't worry, Roscoe will go in someday, when he's ready. Then it will all be 'perfect' for you both because it will be on his own terms. ;)

Edited by MarcusCAG
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I think the pictures you added were appropriate in this thread and there is no rule that photos have to be put in the photography room only. I think that if the pics are of the subject the thread is about they are ok in that thread but if you want to add lots of pictures then make a thread in the photography room for them, that is my opinion and if it differs from what admin thinks then I will stand corrected.

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I think there has been a misunderstanding. It is all right to post pictures in the Grey Lounge that are part of a post. If it is incorrect, then as the moderator of the Grey Lounge I have been committing a major faux pas every time I have started a new thread because I post pictures of my babies all the time!! So please feel free to post pictures in the Grey Lounge all you want!!!

Edited by luvparrots
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