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Everything posted by petite0ne

  1. Buddy will be 8 yrs old tomorrow. We have had him since November 7, 2011
  2. What a little sweetie-pie!! So funny!! Such a little entertainer Thanks so much for sharing!
  3. What a great story!! It lets me know there is so much more to come in Buddy's future than I ever dreamed possible!! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story and your photos I also love your travel cage. Where did you find it?
  4. Through the past 7 years of his life, the only previous exposure Buddy has had to the outside of his cage has been toweled by a visiting vet to have his little nails, beak and wings clipped & to have his annual blood work done. These could not have been pleasant experiences for him. I am simply amazed at the progress Bud has made in these last 3 months! I think over this time, he has carefully sized us up and has decided we are trustworthy Here we thought we needed to give him time to adjust to his new surroundings. In actuality, he has been waiting on us!! LOL! Buddy is raring to go and is making more and more progress daily. He has been out now everyday since our first excursion. He is now exploring his toys on the floor and traveling back and forth on Dan's arm! I honestly did not think I would see any of this progress for months yet. He knows we are ready for him and ol' Bud is not wasting anytime making up for lost time! I think my brother is looking down from heaven with a huge smile on his face while whispering encouraging words in Buddy's "ear" - "Go For It, Buddy!!"
  5. To finally introduce ourselves to you, here is a photo taken of me and my husband last year on our 40th wedding anniversary Our dog, Mandy, our little shelter princess, 8yrs old and our newest member of the family, Buddy (7 yrs), who we adopted 11/07/11 after my bother's passing
  6. Last night was another Big Step for Buddy. When he was let out, he went straight to the top of the cage. Dan again used the side of the empty water bowl to transport Bud to the floor which I had lined with sofa pillows around the furniture to basically make a confined "playpen" for him just in case he decided to get too adventurous. We all just had so much fun! Buddy walked all around, discovering all the toys I have had to put out of his sight while he has been in his cage. There's a whole lot of bonding going on here during these evenings out My pictures are not great as we had the lights low, but I would like to share our experience with you all since you have seen us through ~ Here's a picture taken last night of Buddy with his newest Best Friend And.......(sound the trumpets!!).... Buddy went on Dan's arm and allow him to transport him back to his cage!! (again, not a great photo, but I did get the evidence) :lol: Thanks again, for all your wonderful support + guidance
  7. Last night after being on top of his cage he fell again to the floor and simply began exploring the room I put our dog, Mandy, in the bedroom so she wouldn't startle Bud on his adventure. His outing was a total hour this time. I clearly see that being away from his cage is going to open new opportunities to introduce new toys, ladders, knotted ropes, etc to his life. I think tonight when we let him out, we will simply put him directly onto the floor so we won't have to be concerned about his falling. Bud is so happy this morning! I think he knows his life is expanding
  8. Right now he refuses anything new. I have a ladder & a long comfy rope perch but he doesn't want them any where around him. He seems to recoil in fright when I bring them out. We would like to introduce a standing perch but see we need to progress slowly
  9. Last night was Buddy's third time out. With each venture out of his cage, he shows more and more excitement and confidence to be out and on his own. Last night after 30 minutes or so out, he didn't want to be transported back. He fell to the carpeted floor with clipped wings spread, so had a soft landing. Buddy has no experience with a view looking up into our family room, so was a bit shaken by the experience. He quickly climbed onto the side of his empty water bowl when offered and went back into the cage. If given the opportunity, I think Buddy won't hesitate coming out again tonight. We just need to find an easier way to coax him back inside. I do put his favorite fruit inside his food bowl, which he shows he want desperately, but he can't find the way to go back inside.
  10. Buddy (our CAG) does not Swing On A Swing, but he does Swing on SWING!! Bud loves Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, Gene Krupa and all the Big Band music
  11. Everyone in this wonderful forum has been so incredibly helpful to me in getting to know and what to expect from Bud!!! I thank you so much and will continue to update you on his progress!! I know one day Buddy will be traveling around our house sitting on a shoulder and will have the most spectacular feathers! This is all so exciting
  12. Buddy has learned to whistle the beginning stanza to Sleigh Ride
  13. I am so excited to announce that after 7 yrs in his cage Buddy took his freedom yesterday and finally came out of his cage!! He crawled up the side of his cage to the top and began dancing, bobbing, whistling and talking as though he were partying!! This is Bud waving a cheery "Hello" to you!! My husband and I were so excited to have Buddy out, we had not even considered how to get him back into his cage. Bud seemed hesitant to crawl back down the side to go inside. He still isn't hand trained yet (that is our next step), so my husband had a brilliant idea to take his food bowl which he stands on everyday to use to entice him back. Buddy stood on the side of the bowl and Dan lowered him back without issue A little history for those who do not know me. My husband and I adopted Buddy 11/07/11 after my brother passed away. Buddy, 7 yrs old, has always been a caged bird, but we want very much for him to be comfortable with more freedom. We've had him now less than 3 months and are so happy with his progress!! Buddy and we are learning together. My husband and I have had no prior experience raising a CAG or any other type of bird for that matter - I never thought in my wildest dreams this adventure could be so much fun!! As you can see from his feathers, Christmas decorations were a challenge for him. Because of this I did not decorate the room his cage is in, nor did I turn on the Christmas lights without covering his cage first, but it was still stressful for him. I am hoping he will stop picking his feather with the return to normalcy.
  14. Hi Mistyparrot, I think you are talking about me and Buddy. I adopted my brother's 7 yr old parrot when my brother died in October. The first couple weeks of hearing my brother's voice come from Buddy, I have to say, were quite eerie. However, Buddy is so charming I think he could charm the socks off the coldest heart. My brother died of COPD and other complications, so Buddy not only talks like my brother, he also coughs, hacks, moans & sneezes like my brother. When Buddy goes into a coughing/hacking loop, I have to admit it is difficult. But I know if I continue to ignore it, he will stop. Buddy not only sounds like my brother, he also occasionally has the voice of the female nursing staff who attended my brother in his assisted living home. Buddy is such a charmer. He jokes, sings, whistles with me and keeps me laughing all day!! All in all, when I think of how truly unique this experience is to have this precious little being in my care, that sounds exactly like my brother what a blessing it is!! God truly has a joyous sense of humor My brother did not leave any children behind, but did leave this precious Gift. What a shame it would have been for me to have missed this experience!!
  15. Ok, great! Thanks, Eileen! Yes, he is given pellets. He will be very happy to know I will be leaving his food in his cage. The av told me to remove his food bowl after a couple hours; not for any particular health reason. He said he has parrots and always removes the bowl. Buddy has always been used to having his food there in his cage all day, so this is where he is most comfortable.
  16. We have had Buddy 4 weeks now and he is getting used to his new diet including fresh veggies and fruit daily. He simply dives into his vegetables everyday!! I think by this photo is it easy to see his feathers are taking the new diet well. He is no longer looking scruffy and stressed He does get a bit peeved at me when I remove his food bowl like the vet told me to after a couple hours. He guards his cage as though it were his castle. From what I have read, this is natural. I am the intruder. Should I give him a few more weeks and leave his food in his cage all day and add additional food in the evening? Or should I continue to remove it and feed him 2x day? I have tried simply returning the empty food bowl to his cage, but he's not buying it. I do want him to be happy, but healthy, too!
  17. I am also a new owner and new to these forums! Welcome
  18. Thank you so much for your quick response! With all the changes going on in my house, I am so glad to know I can still use my dishwasher, lol!! I actually left the kitchen window cracked open this morning when I used the dishwasher, just to be on the safe side Having Buddy in our home, even for only these few weeks, has been quite an awarding experience. He is teaching us so much! The funny thing is, if you had asked either my husband or myself just a few months ago, if we would ever be bird owners - we would have said," no, we are not bird-people" :lol: How quickly our lives change when you are willing to open your hearts to new experiences!! Thanks again! I just love this forum and the kind and informative people here. You all have helped me so much. I hope I don't get to be a nuisance :lol:
  19. I'm now cleaning my oven by steam and scrub method - How about automatic dish detergent for the dishwasher? Is that a problem, too? I saw yesterday not even to use candles in the house
  20. Hi Ashley! So nice to meet you! I am new to this forum too and also new to owning a grey. Love the photos of your pets! Especially seeing your green cheek conure sitting on the leg of your dog
  21. Thanks so much luvparrots, for your quick response. My oven will just have to wait until next Spring to be completely cleaned. It's amazing what a little old fashioned elbow grease will do ~ we're in good shape I am so glad I asked!! Thanks again!!
  22. I have gotten rid of all my cleansers and non-stick cookware (even though it was All-Clad - I have replaced it all). Buddy's life and health is more important than cookware. I have also written to the company of the warm mist humidifier I bought to help Buddy - to see if it contains Teflon. I have stopped using the humidifier until I hear from the company. One question I do have regarding toxic odors or fumes for parrots - does anyone know if it is alright for me to use the self-cleaning feature on my oven? If I had known I was bringing Buddy home, I would have done this before he arrived. My oven is in desperate need. Thanks in advance,
  23. Being new to being a CAG owner, I really appreciate this list! Popsicle asked about raw green beans in the post above. I would also like to know if raw green beans are acceptable. I have been giving them to my grey and he eats the inside bean discarding the the outer shell. Is this ok or should I stop giving raw green beans to him?
  24. I have never as yet left his cage open for him to come out as he has never been out of his cage expect to go to the vet's office. His wings are clipped. There is a perch on top of his cage. We do have a dog and they seem to get along very well. Should I simply leave the cage door open for him to try to venture out?
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