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Hey everyone...my name is Jim (HI, Jim!)...my partner and I are thinking about getting a bird and since I've always wanted an African Grey, I am here doing my homework!!


We live in Oceanside, Ca., just north of San Diego. We have 3 dogs (a German Shepherd Dog (GSD) and 2 toy poddles). Between the two of us, we can smother our pets with love and attention, so I'm not too concerned that adding a bird to the equation would present much of a problem. I will have to keep a close watch on the GSD, however, as he's very inquisive. I'm fairly certain the first word our bird will learn will be NO! from hearing me say that to the GSD. :rolleyes: We have about 6 hummingbird feeders that we keep stocked, and go through an enormous amount of sugar keeping them fed. At peak times, we'll have upwards of 15-20 hummers buzzing about. If I get my way on primary cage placement for our parrot, the Grey will have a nice view of a couple of these feeders so while we're away, it'll have some birdy friends to watch. My biggest concern with getting a Grey is getting bitten....I've never BEEN bitten by a parrot, but I know those beaks are strong, so I have visions of losing a finger!!! (someone please lie to me and say that the bites don't hurt!) ;)


We also have a very good avian vet/hospital only a few miles away. They do rescues, so I'm waiting for a callback from the director there to give me some advice on getting either a rescue bird or recommendations for a good breeder. I'd take a rescue in a second, but because they may have behavior issues, etc., that might not be the best move for a noobie bird owner. We shall see.


Anyhoo...I look forward to visiting the forums often as I learn about these wonderful birds....this seems to be a good, vibrant, active place to get my info. :cool:


Adios from sunny SoCal!



Edited by Jimmydreams
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Hi Jim, welcome to the Grey family! Yes greys do bite but then so do dogs and cats!! It all depends on how they are treated. All my parrots have bitten me at least once, but never have they broken skin or caused any bleeding. They give what I call warning nibbles. If you respect your grey or any parrot and take their word that "they just are not interested right now" you will be alright. So read away and ask any questions you may have, we are all grey lovers here.

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Hi Jimmy and welcome!! I'm new to greys also, but this forum is awesome and the people here are a wealh of info. I read all the threads I could find here in the time that I was waiting for my little Chickie to come home. I can tell you that I just brought my little one home and was very worried, like you might be, about one of my dogs being too interested in her...but so far he is just in love with her and likes to sit and stare :). She isn't scared of him, 75lbs, at all. Best of luck on your bird picking you and, again, welcome :)

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Hi Jim, welcome to the grey family. There is so much knowledge here on this site, better than most books. Remember the birds dont read the books, lol. Your bird will pick you, somehow they just do. Just as Luvparrots posted listen to what your grey is saying, figure out his/her body language it can save you from those bites that don't hurt. he he he. lol. Seriously though I have gotten nipped a few times but it was because I didn't listen to Quinn (CAG), I listen now. They are special birds, a world of their own. I just love my Quinn to death! Now my U2 has drawn blood and stitches, another story.


Now I also have dogs and I am a firm beleaver and very dilligent about putting the dogs away when birds are out! I have seen even the most mild mannored dog destroy birds or pocket pets that they had ALWAYS gotten along with. I am a dog lover my self, I have three Doberman, Lab, poodle. The dobie and Lab are the sweetest but away they go, no chances for me. The bird could actually be the one to provoke the dog. A baby Grey will not have developed a sence of fear of the dog which make it curious, bad idea IMHO.

We are all here for you through it all, please keep us posted. Im sure your CAG will find you soon!

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Welcome Jimmydreams & about the biting? A grey just won't trust you when you don't trust them. Just like w/the dogs, the more you fear them, the more likely you are to get bitten.


It doesn't hurt as much as you'd think, most times. And you aren't going to lose a finger to a grey. The better you can communicate w/each other, the more likely you are to avoid getting bitten. So, aside from confidence, body language is one of the most important things to learn before you bring home your baby.


Congratulations on your plan to get your dream fid. Now that you've found GF there's plenty to read & lots of people to answer questions. Look forward to seeing more posts from you in the future. :)

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It can be painful but I think the fact that your beloved birdy companion hurt you is more painful to your psyche than you actual injury. If you learn your birds body language you should be able to avoid most bites, don't get them too wound up, try to avoid invading their perceived space and just work on trust building-both ways.

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Thanks for the replies, everyone! About the biting: the reason I was fearful is because A) I was uneducated and B) my only experience was with a B&G Macaw that had me spooked a bit because of A). :)


I've learned so much in the past few days that I'm confident (and very excited) to get my CAG when the time is right! The learning curve will be fun for both of us...it'll be a few more weeks before I'm ready to start actually hunting for a bird. I have more learnin' to do as well as pick the right cage, prepare the house (by ditching the Teflon pans) etc. etc.


Lot's to do!! Sadly, the avian hospital called me back and doesn't have any rescued greys...a rescue would have been more work, but saving a bird instead of going with a breeder is worth it. Perhaps one will show up in the next few weeks....who knows? But I agree with the sentiment that "the bird will pick you". Strange how that kind of thing happens, eh? :)

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Hello JimmyD and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you want to take in a rescue or rehomed grey, many of these birds have gone on to become some of the best companions and you are doing the right thing to learn all you can before the day comes when one is available.

Yes bites do hurt but you can minimize how many you get by learning to read your bird's body language especially so with greys.

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Jim, welcome to the site. Of course, we all fear being bit in the beginning.... but that is why we are here to help you! Can you imagine getting a two year old grey, with no knowledge? I had 24 hours of learning about a two year old. She came home.... sat on the computer.... she was already insisting on being with me! I didn't even have a chance. I decided to rely on my parenting experience, and treat her like I treated my kids. It worked! We had already bonded at the interview, to adopt her. I just never thought it would go so well! Of course, several months later, she went into the terrible twos! LOL... the one thing about a grey, is they " clamp" down. OWWW! a cockatoo " shreds". Serious OWWW! Nancy

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Hello Jimmy! Welcome to the Forum! We are all so glad to have you here! I have rehomed an 8 year old CAG which I have had some questions and issues with (Thankfully I have been able to get wonderful advice from far more educated grey owners) Thay have taught me SO much and any questions I have had, they were more than happy to help. From introducing to my Mini Macaw, to getting into a Philidendrum...I look forward to hearing about your expierences once your grey finds you!

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Thanks everyone. I'm still reading and learning....I'm not going to jump the gun and grab the first bird I see because that's not fair to the bird nor myself!!


As for the biting thing, I had this thought last night as my German Shepherd nipped me on the chin because he was trying to assert his dominance: occasionally he'll nip me, and yes, sometimes it hurts a bit, but usually I see it coming and/or did something to warrant it. But I'm not afraid of my dog at all....others, on the other hand, see the big guy and are immediately fearful because they simply don't "know" my dog, his mannerisms, etc. I'm the same way with CAGs. Once I get my bird and begin to learn his/her body language, mannerisms, etc., I'm sure I'll get nipped but like my dog, it'll be annoying and almost expected: I see my dog nip to get his point across, others see a blood-thirsty monster ready to rip them limb-from-limb. Same animal, two different viewpoints!! :)


Thanks again, everyone!!

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