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Hi! I'm A New Owner of 7 year old African Grey


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Hi! I am so happy to have found this forum!

My brother recently died leaving his 7 yr old African Grey, Buddy, homeless. My husband and I have adopted him as our own. We love Buddy and are looking forward to giving him a secure and loving home. My brother had Buddy since he was a baby. Buddy has known no other owner.

Buddy is making his adjustment well. I know it will take him sometime to get used to his new surroundings as well as trying to make a gradual increase in adding fresh vegetables to his diet. My brother lived with Buddy in an assisted living environment where it was not always convenient to give Buddy the proper diet. As you can see from Buddy's photo in my avatar, his feathers are not what they should be. Before bringing Buddy home with us, we had his usual vet check him out completely, give him a nail beak trim and also give us what instructions necessary for us to begin living with our new grey.

Buddy loves to talk! He has picked up all kinds of words and phrases, sounds and whistles. My brother's voice, the voices of the staff of his assisted living home and also conversations he has learned from watching and listening to the tv. Buddy has a wonderful sense of humor and keeps us entertained for hours! Buddy has not been routinely handled, but we would eventually like to make this change for him. He has been a caged bird for 7 years and I would like for him to have his freedom, eventually, when he is ready.

My husband and I have never owned a bird before, so we are all learning here together. Buddy is showing us the way :)

I look forward to learning from all of you! Thanks so much in advance!

~ Petiteone

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Hello Petite One,

Welcome to the wonderful world of Greys. I am so glad Buddy has you and you have him. Im sure your brother is at peace knowing Buddy is ok and in a good home. Lots of good stuff here, I learn alot everyday. I have a Grey Quinn 2yo, Cockatoo 3yo Chuckles, conure 3yo Mango. K-9s: Scooter poodle, Seanna doberman, Rufus yellow lab. Poke around, ask, ask, ask.


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Thank you all for your warm welcome!

We are discovering that Buddy is really warming up to my husband. I think that because Buddy lived with my brother in Assisted Living where all the staff were female, Buddy is finding a real connection to my husband. I have a feeling Buddy will be sitting on my husband's hand in no time.

We are also discovering everyday, phrases he already knows. Some really surprising phrases are parts of conversations between my brother and a staff worker that I know Buddy only heard once. For instance, (in my brother's voice:) "Yes, come over and meet Buddy!" (In a woman's voice:) "Doesn't Buddy have such beautiful feathers! What is Buddy saying, Wayne?"

Buddy is amazing us more everyday!

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I have never as yet left his cage open for him to come out as he has never been out of his cage expect to go to the vet's office. His wings are clipped. There is a perch on top of his cage. We do have a dog and they seem to get along very well. Should I simply leave the cage door open for him to try to venture out?

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I also leave Shadow's door open...as long as I am nearby and able to keep an eye on her. She is fully flighted as well and enjoys occasional flights around the house. When I need her to go back in, I just put her favorite treat in her bowl and in she goes. No stress for either of us!

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Hello Petiteone, I also have dogs and my birds and dogs seem to get along great. However it only takes one time from either dog or bird and it's over. I always put my dogs away when the birds are out. Ive seen to many pocket pets ,cats and birds killed from dogs that always got along with the said animal. Also you stated that Buddy is clipped and his perch is high. Greys are prone to breaking their breastbone from landing on it when they leap off their perch. Their landing gear dosent work right, lol No seriously alot of experienced members and your Avian Vet will explain that to you.


I had Quinn my CAG clipped untill he landed really hard one to many times. I would cringe and quickley check his breast bone. It's up to you entirely, thats just my opinion.

Im glad to hear from you!


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Hi! I am so happy to have found this forum!

My brother recently died leaving his 7 yr old African Grey, Buddy, homeless. My husband and I have adopted him as our own. We love Buddy and are looking forward to giving him a secure and loving home. My brother had Buddy since he was a baby. Buddy has known no other owner.

Buddy is making his adjustment well. I know it will take him sometime to get used to his new surroundings as well as trying to make a gradual increase in adding fresh vegetables to his diet. My brother lived with Buddy in an assisted living environment where it was not always convenient to give Buddy the proper diet. As you can see from Buddy's photo in my avatar, his feathers are not what they should be. Before bringing Buddy home with us, we had his usual vet check him out completely, give him a nail beak trim and also give us what instructions necessary for us to begin living with our new grey.

Buddy loves to talk! He has picked up all kinds of words and phrases, sounds and whistles. My brother's voice, the voices of the staff of his assisted living home and also conversations he has learned from watching and listening to the tv. Buddy has a wonderful sense of humor and keeps us entertained for hours! Buddy has not been routinely handled, but we would eventually like to make this change for him. He has been a caged bird for 7 years and I would like for him to have his freedom, eventually, when he is ready.

My husband and I have never owned a bird before, so we are all learning here together. Buddy is showing us the way :)

I look forward to learning from all of you! Thanks so much in advance!

~ Petiteone


Nice of you to take this Grey in , I'm sure Buddy will be very happy in his new home .

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I have gotten rid of all my cleansers and non-stick cookware (even though it was All-Clad - I have replaced it all). Buddy's life and health is more important than cookware. I have also written to the company of the warm mist humidifier I bought to help Buddy - to see if it contains Teflon. I have stopped using the humidifier until I hear from the company.

One question I do have regarding toxic odors or fumes for parrots - does anyone know if it is alright for me to use the self-cleaning feature on my oven? If I had known I was bringing Buddy home, I would have done this before he arrived. My oven is in desperate need.

Thanks in advance,

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If you look around the internet, you will see information about parrots dying if they are in the home when a self-cleaning oven is being used. So to be on the safe side I remove my parrots from the inside of my home. Therefore, I clean my oven in the spring or summer when it is warm enough for my parrots to be outside. I would rather be safe than sorry and thankfully my oven doesn't get very dirty very often.

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Thanks so much luvparrots, for your quick response. My oven will just have to wait until next Spring to be completely cleaned.


It's amazing what a little old fashioned elbow grease will do ~ we're in good shape ;) I am so glad I asked!!


Thanks again!!

Edited by petite0ne
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I know it is a lot of changes all at once for you and that it is challenging, but you will not regret the things you are doing and the effort you are making to give Buddy a safe and loving home. We have run the gamut of emotions from getting a baby and losing him, to rehoming an older TAG, Gilbert. I have to admit, bringing a little stranger in the house with a very sharp beak and his own set of expectations (not all of them good) has been a rewarding and delightful journey. I love that you have such reaffirming tokens of his life with your brother. Once you get past the learning curve, it is going to be a lot less worry and a lot more laughs for you. Thank you for being the kind of person to welcome Buddy home. Thanks for sharing with us. I love his picture. Our guy is "ragtag" and tattered. He wasn't clipped but hasn't flown in years, we are seeing signs of flight and it is going to be wonderful when he can choose to come to us on his terms. We have had eight months to make our adjustment. The dish detergent is not likely to be an issue, we use our dishwasher and I haven't read or heard of anyone having an issue with this. We don't use any candles or especially not Fabreeze but I am learning that a clean oven isn't one of my priorities lately. Who knew? It still cooks just fine, LOL. I love my stainless steel cookware and my steam mop and hand held steamer. Nothing is quite as uplifting as hearing Gilbert coaxing me to get up just a little earlier every day because I see that as a sign he enjoys my company even though he might take a bite out of me on occasion. Good luck on your journey with Buddy and thanks again for joining us.

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I know it is a lot of changes all at once for you and that it is challenging, but you will not regret the things you are doing and the effort you are making to give Buddy a safe and loving home. We have run the gamut of emotions from getting a baby and losing him, to rehoming an older TAG, Gilbert. I have to admit, bringing a little stranger in the house with a very sharp beak and his own set of expectations (not all of them good) has been a rewarding and delightful journey. I love that you have such reaffirming tokens of his life with your brother. Once you get past the learning curve, it is going to be a lot less worry and a lot more laughs for you. Thank you for being the kind of person to welcome Buddy home. Thanks for sharing with us. I love his picture. Our guy is "ragtag" and tattered. He wasn't clipped but hasn't flown in years, we are seeing signs of flight and it is going to be wonderful when he can choose to come to us on his terms. We have had eight months to make our adjustment. The dish detergent is not likely to be an issue, we use our dishwasher and I haven't read or heard of anyone having an issue with this. We don't use any candles or especially not Fabreeze but I am learning that a clean oven isn't one of my priorities lately. Who knew? It still cooks just fine, LOL. I love my stainless steel cookware and my steam mop and hand held steamer. Nothing is quite as uplifting as hearing Gilbert coaxing me to get up just a little earlier every day because I see that as a sign he enjoys my company even though he might take a bite out of me on occasion. Good luck on your journey with Buddy and thanks again for joining us.


Thank you so much for your quick response! With all the changes going on in my house, I am so glad to know I can still use my dishwasher, lol!! I actually left the kitchen window cracked open this morning when I used the dishwasher, just to be on the safe side :)

Having Buddy in our home, even for only these few weeks, has been quite an awarding experience. He is teaching us so much! The funny thing is, if you had asked either my husband or myself just a few months ago, if we would ever be bird owners - we would have said," no, we are not bird-people" :lol: How quickly our lives change when you are willing to open your hearts to new experiences!!

Thanks again! I just love this forum and the kind and informative people here. You all have helped me so much. I hope I don't get to be a nuisance :lol:

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We have had Buddy 4 weeks now and he is getting used to his new diet including fresh veggies and fruit daily. He simply dives into his vegetables everyday!! I think by this photo is it easy to see his feathers are taking the new diet well. He is no longer looking scruffy and stressed :D He does get a bit peeved at me when I remove his food bowl like the vet told me to after a couple hours. He guards his cage as though it were his castle. From what I have read, this is natural. I am the intruder. Should I give him a few more weeks and leave his food in his cage all day and add additional food in the evening? Or should I continue to remove it and feed him 2x day? I have tried simply returning the empty food bowl to his cage, but he's not buying it. I do want him to be happy, but healthy, too!

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