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Wanting to get another bird...


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I am wanting to get another bird in the next year. I'm wanting to buy a large cage and keep them in the same cage. What breeds of birds would go good with my CAG Ajax. Are smaller birds off limits?(Such as Caiques or Conures?)Likewise what about larger birds(Macaws or cockatoos?) His temperment seems rather docile and he doesn't have a problem with kids,dogs,or my cat. Any Advice?


I now think birds are like potato chips...you can't have just ONE!

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You cannot put another bird in the cage with Ajax, even though they are considered flock animals they do not like to share a cage even with another grey unless they have been raised together or are nest mates. Another bird whether it be a grey, a macaw, an amazon or any other species of bird has to have their own cage for they view it as their safe zone. Some birds do get along when out of the cage on playstands or in a bird room but usually they don't get along when they are in closer proximity to one another so however many birds you want to have you will have to have a separate cage for each.

Yes I agree that having just one bird is hard to do as most of us have more than one, I have 3 but I have 3 cages.

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I have three parrots, a 3-year old TAG I have had since she was 4 months old, a re-homed BF Amazon whom I have had since last September, who is almost 4 years old, and a 5 month old CAG that I have had since August 9th. Each has its own cage and as even the 5 month old CAG is a bruiser. They do not like each other and they only time they do not dive bomb or attack each other is in their bird room. They are all flighted and very independent and full of vinegar. They each have their own cage and their own travel cage, I would never place them on the same perch let alone the same cage as there would be a blood battle. Some members do have different kinds of parrots that "get along" I am not that fortunate but would not trade any of the three I have as they are all different and so full of personality.

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I agree with all of the above - I have 6 parrots and even though they do O.K. together, when they are all out, I have to watch them carefully. We have a screened in porch with one end fixed as a play area for them, if one gets in the way of another you can bet there will be heads bobbing and fluffed feathers. Best of luck in finding your new baby, but please get them their own cage.

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The closest I have come to it is having a "duplex". It is a cage with a divider down the middle. The divider can be removed to make it one bigger cage but I have the Senegal on one side and the Hahn's on the other. I have had both birds for 17 years. They used to be in two seperate cages but I needed to get something bigger that couldn't be knocked over by the 100# and 80# dogs. So they got the duplex. They still don't like each other and occassionally fight through the divider.

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The only two birds I have in the same cage is a pair of bonded cockatiels. Both birds are also very bonded to we me my wife and son. Are oldest tiel is over 21 years old and has been with us all his life.

My grey and my zon each have their own large cage and are supervised when they are out together.

Edited by Ray P
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