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Marcus Attacked the Spray Bottle


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To shower the boys in their room, I employ this one particular spray bottle that I store underneath Beaker's cage, empty until use. It is slightly differently shaped than the one I fill with vinegar water for household cleaning. Apparently Marcus is very attuned to the difference because he is fine with the vinegar bottle, but if I reach for the spray bottle for their showers, he fluffs up and makes an angry *CLACK!* sound.


Anyway, last night he was on his cage top and walking around the floor and everything. At one point I heard all these funny noises, and I looked up from my paperwork and found Marcus hanging off the side of his cage, lunging at the empty spray bottle. He was all fluffed up and his eyes were pinning, I think he said "Step up!" or "Stop it!" at some point (occasionally they seem interchangeable to him), and he kept hitting at it with his beak. I asked him, What are you doing to the bottle? But the thing was, when he finally got it to topple over--it's an inch or two taller than he is--he totally went crazy! I don't generally think of Greys as particularly violent or vindictive but perhaps I should rethink things, he kept repeatedly attacking that poor dead spray bottle on the floor like he wanted to rip its figurative lungs out! I had to take it from him a few moments later because I was afraid he would puncture the plastic and render it totally useless...


I guess he was getting back at it for all those evil showers I make him take!! ;)

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We have a dachshund named Bacon who is a very sweet dog and he loves to sleep in a comfi chare and we are always telling him to get down off the furniture.

Well about a month ago Bacon jumped up onto the counch and Corky our african saw him and flew over to the counch sereaming at the top of her voice at Bacon and the poor dog

jumped down off the counch walked over to the recliner and jumped on to the recliner Croky than flew to the recliner again screaming at him and the poor dog jumped down to the floor again and went to his floor blanket behind the recliner and looked around the corner of the recliner to see where Corky was at.

With Bacon on his blanket on the floor Corky went back to her cage and started playing with toys. She has now done this a number of times.

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Ahhh yes some parrots love the spray bottle some don't! Ana Grey will run to the top of her cage playstand when she sees the spray bottle. When I start spraying she will open her wings and turn. There is a video somewhere here of her doing this. She loves the fine mist the bottle has. I got it from a beauty shop and both she and Louie, The Zon, enjoy the fine mist. Louie will fluff open his feathers and spread his wings so he can get totally soaked very quickly. Videos of that around here also. Now my old ekkie, he just tolerates the "necessary evil"!

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Oh Marcus you smart silly bird lol trying to kill the evil water bottle


My god they are so smart I lol'd at Corky keeping Bacon off the furniture. I guess he can never catch a break now with that pesky bird yelling at him haha


Rorschach is starting to dislike the spray bottle he has always seemed to have fun when we spray him but now he runs away *sigh* I try to make it fun allowing him to beak the nozzle which he loves to do but he doesn't like getting too wet.

We had some plumbing issues with our tub backing up so I refused to take him in the shower because it wasn't safe but now that it's all fixed up I am going to pick up a shower perch the next time Im at the pet store then maybe we can get him to have a better shower.

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Kazoo (my Amazon) loves loves LOVES getting sprayed by the spray bottle. However, one of his favourite games is to attack the spray bottle while it's spraying him. He especially likes to do this when he's on top of his cage. In fact, the only time he ever bit me was when my finger was on the trigger, which was surprisingly close to the nozzle. He mistook my finger for the bottle and bit HARD - it drew blood and I have a scar and everything. But he loves that spray bottle with all his heart. As soon as he sees it, he starts laughing out loud and spreading his wings.

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These stories are all so cute. Marcus is something else now. Prince hates the spray bottle, tolerates the shower if he goes in by himself, but if I get in with him, he loves to throw water on me.

Roy, doesn't like or dislike either one. I think he prefers the spray if he had a say so in that matter. He likes to open his beak and get the water sprayed in his mouth.

You all are killing me with these Grey stories and making it harder to wait on mine. I am going to visit him/her this weekend.

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